COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

:D sounds epic.. im a wee bit busy after 8pm till about 12, but after that im frrreeeeeeee!

anyone thats seen me on the TFU server knows i cant shoot people for toffee! (i like to crossbow and knife :D)
people who dont revive you are becoming very annoying. I must admit to slotting a few of them. Am I a bad person?

How do you revive fallen teamates? I've run up to numerous teamates when i've spotted a revive indicator but haven't received on an on screen prompt to revive them,do I need a particular perk enabled?
Wrong again. Aedus, you're just making stuff up now. Please stick to the truth. I said that Hardcore mode was great because it did not take half a clip to kill someone. So you said I can't aim. That just makes you sound petty. Saying that anyone said it takes a full clip to kill someone on normal mode is just making stuff up.

And as for "aiming", as if moving the cursor over a target is difficult? I think we can all use a mouse.

I’ve been playing these type of games for well over ten years and there have been times in Black Ops when I have emptied up to half a clip at someone before they died. Doesn’t happen in most other games. Saying I can’t aim is just childish, Aedus. It was the same again last night, I’ve only been playing the game three days so I don’t have the best weapons, but that’s the game, we’re not making stuff up.

Also, watching killcams, apart from snipers and shotguns, the overwhelming majority of people are spraying well over ten rounds, or usually just holding down fire to get kills. It’s just a comment based on a statement of fact, there’s no need to start insulting people.

Wrong? I wasn't even talking to you, I've not even quoted you once in this thread, why the **** are you assuming I'm even talking about you?

I know what you are saying, in non HC mode the damage model is ridiculous, I have many times been killed after having the element of surprise and emptying almost a full clip (AK47U) also...into someone only for them to just stand there and return fire and kill is Sooooooooo annoying.:mad:

That's where I was taking the quote from someone claiming it takes a clip to kill someone, so I'll disregard the rest of your butthurt post because you're clearly off your rocker.
I was playing last night on the snow map where there is a tower and all the snipers go there. Sure I had the AK74U or the AK anyway... 3 shots from long distance downed the target. Lined up shot, tap, tap, tap... Target dead.

Sometimes it takes me a whole clip to kill people too. But I would say about 80%+ of the bullets hits the wall, ceiling and ground.
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Playing on [666] clan server last night and bumped in to some [HaX] boys. Was good fun tbh. My clan were ribbing me because I was coming top every game until one of the HaX kept beating me :(

Who was it? I'll be on the HaX/TFU server this weekend?

Also to the admins out there (thegoon etc) can anyone share with me the methods you use for catching hackers? I thought someone was suspect in a game last night but as there is no in-game admin tools and I could spectate them as they were on the other team.

What would be nice if they made a mode for admins which allowed them to detect hackers while spectating others. There must be some heuristics that the COD engine can use to understand if someone is using a wallhack/aimbot. So perhaps game markers are looking at it the wrong way, i.e., if you build in hacker detection into the game then perhaps we could catch more cheaters?
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I freaking LOVED COD:UO MP. I must have got over two thousand hours on that easily. The arty at 40 kills was awesome, especially as you had one each life. Arty on the spawn point :D :D :D

Shame I have nothing to show for my efforts. Not even a screenie.

For those asking about the HC server no respawn timer. I'm pretty sure it was ranked, but no idea of the name (I usually just enter according to numbers and what ping/map/game type they're playing). If I hit it again I'll pay more attention for yuo folks.
I freaking LOVED COD:UO MP. I must have got over two thousand hours on that easily. The arty at 40 kills was awesome, especially as you had one each life. Arty on the spawn point :D :D :D

Shame I have nothing to show for my efforts. Not even a screenie.

For those asking about the HC server no respawn timer. I'm pretty sure it was ranked, but no idea of the name (I usually just enter according to numbers and what ping/map/game type they're playing). If I hit it again I'll pay more attention for yuo folks.

ah arty on spawn on brecourt i was a master :D what was your in game name on uo? mine used to be >Mugs< DgMug :) . would still play the game if the servers were busy.
You can get instant respawn HC servers. HC is all I play. Normal is trash.

As a side note, the FN FAL + silencer + reflex site is possibly one of the most satisfying gun combinations, ever.
FAL is awesome on normal, yes :D

DG, I played against Mugs a lot on and off, nice people and really good aswell. Whenever Is aw the tag I always knew to keep my head down. My name changed all the time. The only one I can remember was MyNameIsInBlack (in black, of course).

Always used a Kar/Mosin/SMLE or BAR
FAL is awesome on normal, yes :D

DG, I played against Mugs a lot on and off, nice people and really good aswell. Whenever Is aw the tag I always knew to keep my head down. My name changed all the time. The only one I can remember was MyNameIsInBlack (in black, of course).

Always used a Kar/Mosin/SMLE or BAR

I've only played one game of normal recently, and actually didn't find it that great - But then, that might be because I'm not used to the mode, at all. In hardcore however, its amazing.
Killstreaks were what ruined CoD4, never mind the ridiculous number of them on MW2. 1 team has a slight advantage? Oh no now that team has a Chopper flying around that automatically focus' on the top 3 players so there goes your best chance at a come back. So you shot that Chopper down? Never fear, there are 6 other people on there team currently spamming the 'call support' button in the hope its there chopper up next. So you're getting pushed back into a small area? Never fear, they can call in an Airstrike to kill half your team instantly then rush in and force the respawn to shift to the other side of the map (after a few spawn kills) where it begins again.

That's a pretty good description of how COD games are now.

I'm finding the spawns in this game quite annoying, especially in HC. The team seems to spawn together a lot less than MW2, and it's all just a bit spread out, meaning you think you're facing the "front line" if that makes sense, then some randomer will spawn behind you and kill you.
Right guys, first things first.

1. I loved COD4, my favourite shooter of all time.

2. MW2 I thought was absolutly terrible. Completly broken with crap multiplayer. Hated the small players per tem in mp.

Has black ops improved the multiplayer? Bigger teams?

Closer to Cod4 or MW2?

What about map design? Good maps? varied?

If the teams are bigger than the crap 6vs6, then I would be tempted to get it.

All Im seeing at the moment is complants from people, and from the outside, it looks like this game is one of the worst console ports on the pc.
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