COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Who was it? I'll be on the HaX/TFU server this weekend?

Also to the admins out there (thegoon etc) can anyone share with me the methods you use for catching hackers? I thought someone was suspect in a game last night but as there is no in-game admin tools and I could spectate them as they were on the other team.

What would be nice if they made a mode for admins which allowed them to detect hackers while spectating others. There must be some heuristics that the COD engine can use to understand if someone is using a wallhack/aimbot. So perhaps game markers are looking at it the wrong way, i.e., if you build in hacker detection into the game then perhaps we could catch more cheaters?

I think the COD servers are just VAC secured, its always impossible to tell if their hacking.... a good hacker will show no signs. Just look on youtube for characteristics of a hack, i.e flick shooting, tracing etc etc.

If you want to spectate, just leave the server and rejoin straightaway this will put you in to spectate. The admin control panel doesn't work correctly at the moment so we'll only turn it on when needed otherwise it will crash the server.
FAL is awesome on normal, yes :D

DG, I played against Mugs a lot on and off, nice people and really good aswell. Whenever Is aw the tag I always knew to keep my head down. My name changed all the time. The only one I can remember was MyNameIsInBlack (in black, of course).

Always used a Kar/Mosin/SMLE or BAR

Wow I used to be in Mugs in Call of Duty 2!
Right guys, first things first.

1. I loved COD4, my favourite shooter of all time.

2. MW2 I thought was absolutly terrible. Completly broken with crap multiplayer. Hated the small players per tem in mp.

Has black ops improved the multiplayer? Bigger teams?

Closer to Cod4 or MW2?

What about map design? Good maps? varied?

If the teams are bigger than the crap 6vs6, then I would be tempted to get it.

All Im seeing at the moment is complants from people, and from the outside, it looks like this game is one of the worst console ports on the pc.

It's pretty much MW2 with dedicated servers. 18 players per server, and admins available to ban people who hack :)

Jesus COD 2 was a long long time ago.

cHk4 - had other names listed but just found the e-mail :D

I can't really remember lol. I did one clan match that is all I can really remember :D

Looking through e-mails just found

You have been added to the "Mugs Regulars" group on The Mugs Clan.
This action was done by the group moderator or the site administrator, contact them for more information.
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Aedus said:
It doesn't take half a clip to get a kill in normal mode if you can aim

See this simply isn't true. If you are putting virtually a whole mag into someone and getting the hitmarker and hit sounds while you're doing it, you are on target. It isn't that your aim is off, it's that the guns are weak. And we aren't just talking at 'super long range' either.

I suppose it is possible lag is playing a role? If I get the hit marker and sounds, does the server necessarily register the hits too? I would have assumed that the server must do, or I wouldn't get the marker and sound at my end.

I’m getting this too. The hit marker sounds are interesting because while I can definitely hear them on my end, sometimes when I watch the killcam of the guy I emptied half a clip at, and clearly hear the hit markers land - but on the Killcam, from his POV, when he’s shooting me he does not appear to be getting hit (no shake or red screen). Can anyone confirm if the killcam shows the red screen effects when hit?

There have been some bad lag spikes on some of the servers I’ve played, with several players complaining about them, so I wonder if when we think we are hitting an opponent – even when we hear the hit markers at our end – if they are not registering as hits? It would certainly explain some of the curious anomalies I’ve seen, several times over the last three nights.

Certainly there are some significant bugs, such as me getting demoted back down ranks at least three times and screens saying I needed a negative number of XP to get to the next level.

Not to give the impression that I dislike the game, these are just one or two issues, I’m enjoying the game otherwise, actually prefer it to MW2 online, and think it looks great. Even small maps like Summit, I really like and Jungle looks good, even though I don’t know my way around it yet.
Sorry guys, but here's a properly skilled tomahawk kill by yours truly. Most epic tomahawk kills are pure luck, but this one was genuine skill. :p :D

I think the COD servers are just VAC secured, its always impossible to tell if their hacking.... a good hacker will show no signs. Just look on youtube for characteristics of a hack, i.e flick shooting, tracing etc etc.

If you want to spectate, just leave the server and rejoin straightaway this will put you in to spectate. The admin control panel doesn't work correctly at the moment so we'll only turn it on when needed otherwise it will crash the server.

Thanks. I guess what I was trying to say is that it would be nice if we had better tools for investigation.

It's a shame you have to leave to spectate both sides - i.e., that you can't log into rcon and execute a command that allows you to spectate.
@opethdisciple: Maps are better than MW2 IMO. There are some issues around performance but it seems to be intermittent.

Performance issues are fine, thats something that will get fixed.

My main issue was the small team sizes... in mp, MW2...

6vs6 as I'v said before, felt to me like i was playing a game, that noby was interested in playing, hencethe pathetically small players per team.
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Performance issues are fine, thats something that will get fixed.

My main issue was the small team sizes... in mp.

6vs6 as I'v said before, felt to me like i was playing a game, that noby was interested in playing, hencethe pathetically small players per team.

Sometimes it does feel like that, however if your after 15v15 matches like in COD4 you will be disappointed. To me, the more people you add to the server, the more it lags and the more grenade spam you get. 8v8 on Nuke Town is bad enough lol.
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