COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Hold down your fire button and it awkwardly rotates as you move the mouse (it goes off the moment you release the button its not like MW2 where you can rotate it then click again to launch).
I'll try that next time - doesn't sound very intuitive, why didn't they just copy the MW2 way of doing it.

I think where you put those things is pretty random anyway because by the time it arrives, the enemy has often moved or been killed and respawned elsewhere.
More tweaks @

Here are some nice config tweaks for black ops.
Black Ops Config Tweaks

go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops\players
open config_mp.cfg with wordpad not notepad
make these changes. Helps with lag and nice tweaks for gameplay
this is order which they are found

seta cg_blood "0"-Sets blood to off
seta cg_brass "0" -Sets Bullets to off

seta cg_drawBreathHint "0" -No longer will show breath hint
seta cg_drawMantleHint "0" -No longer will tell you to jump over things

seta cg_fov_default "80" -Field of vision

seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "150"
seta cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0"
seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "10" - This is the red circle that displays when you get hit. Makes it more of an arrow.
seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "3000" "Best Tweak that no one really knows." Also works in Mw2
seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "50"

seta cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "1" -Shows nearby by flashes/or stuns with an arrow
seta cg_youInKillCamSize "2" - when you are in the killcam, there is a circle above your head. Just makes it smaller.

seta cl_maxpackets "100" - improves latency

seta cl_maxPing "110" -Max Ping when searching for random ranked game. (You change to a bit higher if you like)"

seta com_maxfps "125" - this will matter if you have vsync set to "0"

seta r_aaSamples "1"

seta r_blur_allowed "0"- Off to improve performance

seta r_distortion "0" - Off to improve performance

seta r_dof_enable "0" - Off to improve performance

seta r_glow_allowed "0" - Off to improve performance

seta r_motionblur_enable "0" - Off to improve performance

seta r_multithreaded_device "1" -enable mutlicore processing

seta r_specular "0" -Off to improve performance

seta ragdoll_enable "0" - I have mine set to off.

seta ragdoll_max_simulating "8" - just a small tweaks. Less bodies ragdolling lower the better for performance

seta snaps "30"
Its a bit sad that this bloody game actually needs config tweaks, graphically its arguably worse than mw2 yet seems to suck up resources like mad and give shoddy performance. Mw2 in mp for me virtually always stayed at 90fps and never moved...
Well Ive completed the Sp then Level 50 on MP (cba to do the rest) any-one else thinking everytime they play this MW2 maps where better? This
so boring an enclosed, yes theres no camping, but people running around knifeing is far worse than the lack of DS, had it 2 weeks and bored already, / of game for me tbh.
Its a bit sad that this bloody game actually needs config tweaks, graphically its arguably worse than mw2 yet seems to suck up resources like mad and give shoddy performance. Mw2 in mp for me virtually always stayed at 90fps and never moved...
Did some mw2 earlier... always around 80 fps on max graphics. I'm lucky to get 60 on BO and I'm on 'mid graphics' =/

Do these tweeks even help? EDIT: I do feel some difference,
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Nothing helps much, not sure the specifics on the ATI/AMD side but drilling down the stack it seems that the threaded calls to QueryOGLResource (nvd3dum.dll) are spending an abnormal amount of time waiting for something whenever the game starts stuttering - possibly disc io, unfortunatly there doesn't seem to be much documentation on that function so I can only guess at whats going on.
Nothing helps much, not sure the specifics on the ATI/AMD side but drilling down the stack it seems that the threaded calls to QueryOGLResource (nvd3dum.dll) are spending an abnormal amount of time waiting for something whenever the game starts stuttering - possibly disc io, unfortunatly there doesn't seem to be much documentation on that function so I can only guess at whats going on.

Its a total joke, ive actually set it to run on a single gpu, with quad or 3 gpu's it seems to start the round at 0fps stuttering badly and work its way up to the 90 mark, but it will still drop down to 40 odds for random reasons. :mad: And this is using the drivers that people wre saying worked so well for quad sli. :rolleyes:
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I've cloned the COD4 profile in nHancer and set dynamictiling to 2, forced multicore support, d3d9 compat to general and flag 11 on SLI support (seems slightly smoother but not sure if it really does anything) and use com_maxfps 60 ingame (no vsync) its not great but its more playable than any other settings I've tried. Still get insane stutters if someone uses a high rate of fire weapon tho :(
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