COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I just uploaded a video to show the difference between COD4 and Black Ops server browser - the COD4 one is faster by an order of magnitude. Also the Black Ops one regularly stalls and only lists a small number of servers, many not located in the UK. Is it this slow for everyone else?

TFU - what about swearing on your server? I swear regularly in real life and I transfer this in to games, generally referring to people that flame me for owning them. Do you allow swearing?

Never mind saw post from goon above :) Swearing is allowed, wicked :D
Whoever complains about the Nazi symbol being used are all idiots.
Nazis have been in multiple video games before with their flags and symbols everywhere, including the call of duty series.

I think whoever's complaining about it are just people who got killed by someone with that emblem and are butthurt by it.
TFU - what about swearing on your server? I swear regularly in real life and I transfer this in to games, generally referring to people that flame me for owning them. Do you allow swearing?

Never mind saw post from goon above :) Swearing is allowed, wicked :D

Mate you clearly haven’t seen what I type when sum1 steals my care package……. As I said anything goes bar hackers and Racist references.
Whoever complains about the Nazi symbol being used are all idiots.
Nazis have been in multiple video games before with their flags and symbols everywhere, including the call of duty series.

I think whoever's complaining about it are just people who got killed by someone with that emblem and are butthurt by it.

Yes your right, all your great insight in to us being more concerned about getting “Butthurt” over what is seen by most of the intelligent world as a racist symbol which represents the murder of 1million innocent people.

Not to mention that your retarded reply couldn’t be more flawed…. COD has always had you fighting the nazi’s… in this COD they’ve given you the chance to show your support to the nazi’s by having it as your emblem…. Its joke and luckily for our clan we get to take matters in to our own hands!
If people wanna argue about Nazism and the Holocaust any chance they could do it in another thread and leave this for Black Ops talk....
ive banned two people from our server today sporting that filth and will continue to ban anyone else I see.

Fair enough, Move along people, nothing to see here :D.

I had some insane kills the other day, managed a 13 killstreak on HaX server, yet it isn't recorded in my theatre @:S
Ok then let me ask this…..

Are you saying you actually support what the Nazi’s stood for? I cant think of why else any1 would want to design that for their tag? Either that or your just a little child who has no idea what the true meaning of the symbol is?

It was ment to say Millions not 1.

Nice. No mention of my post whatsoever.
Your argument is flawed as clearly you should be clammering on about not just the people who play COD but the people who have made multiple series of video games that FORCE you to play as a Nazi and kill American soldiers in multiplayer.

No, it's just the setting for a game. If your'e troubled by this I suggest you don't click this link.

Seriously it has the Nazi flag and symbols and pictures of real life Nazis all over the page. How can they be so openly advocating the Nazis?

Also remember: There's an 18 sticker on the front of the Black Ops box for a reason. It contains content unsuitable for minors or people who are offended easily.
May i suggest you stick to playing PG - 13 games? You'll find no discomfort there whatsoever :D
It's what the image represents Swity, you must realise that some people will take offense at it.

I tell you what, put it on your back and walk round South London with it and see if people take offense :)
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