COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Back to the game, mine still runs like crap.

It's not the fact that my slightly out of date rig can't cope with it either as the other night I had a good half an hour on the servers with it running sweet.

Not changed anything but it's still unplayable whenI fire it up now :/
Right ok then i wont go into much...

I watched a documentary the other day on the war etc and it made me feel slick to my stomach that it happened not so long ago. Amongst other terrible things the Nazi's did, the programme spoke to a living woman who said she remembers laughing and joking with her parents who later ended up in Nazi lab where they eventually died after suffering the worse pain imaginable .... she then went on to say (tearfully) how much hatred she feels that she didn't have more time with them...

So again your pig ignorant and as i said a little child who has no clue!! Still think its "cool and looks nice"?


You still haven't addressed either of the posts I made above.
I'm assuming this is because your argument has been rendered invalid and you're now clutching at straws.
black ops thread plssssssssssssssssss :p take nazi talk over to general or something. last thing we want is next twenty pgs debating about swazstikas or whatever.
It's what the image represents Swity, you must realise that some people will take offense at it.

I tell you what, put it on your back and walk round South London with it and see if people take offense :)

Don't be silly; keyboard heroes don't have real life guts.
Butters says please lets talk about the game lol

Back on thread: more playercards please! Also, has anyone noticed less MW2 hackers now?

I need to buy some of those 40s pinup backgrounds!
You do realise the symbol has other meanings as well.

To be honest its no worse than when you see nazi flags in the game or in films for that matter.
Do it then big man, walk through somewhere with it on your back and then explain to the people stamping on you that it is an old Hindu symbol.

I can see where you were coming from originally but you are continuing it because you know it is winding people up :/

I've stopped! ;)

Online is so much different to real life, of course I'm not going to run around parading a Nazi flag, would be the utmost stupid thing to do. :p

Do I support the Nazis?

Hell no, as I said, the symbol is nothing more than a symbol to me, might offend others fair enough, but that's life.

Do I have respect/empathy for families affected by the Nazis?

Sure, but I'm not going to let it affect my life.

I also apologize for trolling. :(
Take it no one else currently has this problem:

Every time I try to play on Steam I get 'game is currently unavailable at this time..' Have tried restarting Steam, my pc and changing the dowload location to various countries (all fixes for this before for me) and nothing has worked?

Also other games play fine..
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