COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Server 'rules' dont really matter. Not been on a server since the first month of release thats had people on there actually sticking to them. No admins doing anything about it. Pretty much all the servers have been the usual 'no camping or tubing', yet 50-60% of people are doing exactly that. I really hate joining a match thats part way in (lets use nuketown as an example) and run through the house to find all of my team prone camping in all the doorways/stairs/bedroom randomly tubing through windows occasionally (but mostly just waiting till someone walks in their crosshair and then fire a grenade in the general direction for an easy kill then back to camptown)... Then proceed to the other side to find the other team doing the exact same, with maybe 3 people overall actually moving about the map.
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If they're paying for the server they have the right not to play with muppets who are constantly slamming the space bar as/before they do anything.

Likewise with the Muppets who moan about stuff thats in the game. its jumping not a gun. they want to have stupid rules put NO jumping cos were tards in your server name save me wasting my time joining a tard server.
Had someone moan at me for bunny hopping earlier. I replied that you can't bunny hop in this game and asked them if they actually know what bunny hopping is. They didn't reply.

So many whingers in the game... don't bunny hop, don't jump, don't dive, don't prone, lame sniper, ak47u is op use a fair gun, no tubing, knife n00b, copter lamer, camp more etc etc. These all in the game just live with it or play something different!

I don't do half of the above but do have a tendancy to jump... it's amazing people can't aim anymore after I have jumped considering I pretty much rooted to the spot for 2 seconds.

I will admit divers annoy me because I am more likely to die if someone dives, but it's part of the game I accept it.

Oddest server rule i have seen is no claymores.... seriously it's in the game if you have been butt hurt because u keep running into them use the perk to see them.
You just described what its like to play on nearly every server. It is a sad state of affairs. Sure dolphin diving is lame but meh if it works for them let them do it. All I do is say going down some stairs I jump at the end. the whingers are so sad its funny
I've mentioned this a few times before, find a handful of servers that suit your style of play and stick to them, even add a few regulars to your friends list and you'll know they're online.

My regular servers consist of those without rules where the player is free to choose all the keys available on the keyboard/mouse and all weapons and perks. This makes it an absolute level playing field for all (except those of a lower rank who don't have all available but this has to be earned).

It is of course up to the server owner to make and enforce the ruleset to his/her liking. If this means they don't like you jumping as a means of shot avoidance or because you know there is a persistent camper around the next corner because they shot you from there before, then you have the choice of abiding by their rules or leaving.

Calling jumping bunny hopping is annoying ... this is bunny hopping:

You CANNOT do this in any COD game. It is only mentioned by those who usually camp or are slow players. Their whining is laughable and they are usually the same person that cries hax when you get your first killstreak.

I've been playing shooters for a long long time now and this is a fantastic example of a shooter. I however did not follow the development of the game, nor did I play it when it was released so haven't noticed any teething problems as obviously it's been patched.

It's not my favourite shooter of them all but i'm certainly enjoying it.

(Battlefield 2 is still king!)

Ohh and as per the thread title. I played it on a PS3 on a 50" Plasma and the jaggies were horrid. Also i didn't like playing with a pad, hence why I went for the PC version and it looks a lot better! Even on my crap system! (X2 6000+, 4GB RAM, 5770 HD)

I played the game on release and it was bad to begin with, the first and the 2nd patch was no better for me. My pc was not state of the art but it did run BFBC and MOH very well. Upgraded my pc and things were much better however I do feel that it should have ran just fine without uprgrading.

I have a had a few months break from playing cod and I think the game runs smooth which it should have done out of the box.

For MP FPS shooters they really should work out of the box COD and BFBC both were buggy peices of crap from launch and whoever decided to release them should be ashamed.
You know what really grinds my gears with this game that actually makes the p2p system of mw2 seem desireable. The amount of stupid servers and admins making totally retarded rules.


I mean seriously get a damn grip its cod not ravenshield you cant bunny hop. But if I jump round a corner and own you get over it. More and more these stupid rules.

It's their server they make up the rules if you dont like it get your own server or find somewhere else. Simple really.
if your in a server that has rules like that you follow them or leave, i dont see the hardship, you want a no rules server pay for one, its that simple.

thing is the rules may be petty and there because the gamer/clan are outlawing a tactic, that be it a dirty one or just something they don't like because they cant play well against it only frustrates people who use said tactic and cant play well without it, be dynamic and excel regardless of tactics in your game play, that or just don't use the said server.
I really dont like dirt diving but its no different to hopping round like a loony, i dont voice my opinions about i because there is jack i can do about, nor really want to do about it, if i had to dictate rules and or for the same matter couldn't play with a certain restriction im obviously not playing well enough!
My point is there rules are retarded fair enough. But stick your stupid rules in the name of your server. NO Jumping isnt hard. Stops me wasting my time joining your crappy server.

Eg today I found 3 decent severs that had in the title. No rules. Not difficult.
to be fair theres limited space for titles so no clays no jumpin no diving may be a bit of an issue to have along with, say, clan name, mixed mode and HC aswell.

im not sure what powers the mod tools give or if they are available in ranked match's but if they are then a filter would be nice but i doubt it.

id still say the best route would be to practice not using the technique, look at it as a weak point in your game style, im not saying stop doing it, its not my place to try and say what people should and shouldn't do just be proficient enough to be able to not.
just me though and how id approach the issue as i cant see a solution anytime soon and i enjoy playing the game too much to stop.
I think its quite satisfying being top of the map while everyone is jumping around like loonys and rolling in the dirt like dogs in the garden trying desperatel to get an advantage.

Had an absoliute cracker the other night, playing Domination on a clan server and had secured all 3 positions, the majority of the clan were on the opposite side, I defended 2 positions simaltaniously and got my chopper gunner to be kicked at about 55 to 7, after rejoining and asking what they were playing at I was told that I wasn't playing the objectives and that the server admin was God and if I didn't like it I could leave. I still can't figure out what what your objective is once you have all the positions secure, give up I think!
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I played the nuke town 24/7 git kicked within 10 minutes for "blatant wall hacking"

Spraying an m60 at retards and obvious camping locations is banable now.
Its funny in a sad way, i can understand they have rules, they like a certain style of play but how do they justify to them selfs kicking people because they just cant out play them, i thought that was half the challenge and what made the game fun?
nearly finished all presteges :p

had some monster scores. gutted a game didnt save yesterday got a epic tomahawk that i could never repeat :(
lol something ive never bothered with is the tomahawk, use it fine and get kills when ive had the odd game of sticks and stones but its not something i find efficient.
fully auto pistol though is another matter:p also gave up on prestiging too, makes no odds what badge i have as long as im winning hehe:cool:
Its funny in a sad way, i can understand they have rules, they like a certain style of play but how do they justify to them selfs kicking people because they just cant out play them, i thought that was half the challenge and what made the game fun?

That's the bad side of dedicated servers :(
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