COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Grrrr.. Ive been arsing around for the last 1.5hrs trying to get this to install. At first i didnt realise that it was pulling the whole game off the internet, until i saw that i was downloading at 1.5MB/s, and the progress bar was barely moving. ive tried uninstalling, deleting local content, running the installer from the Run prompt as recommended above, trying to install when not connected to the net etc etc... finally it is now installing from disc.. Grrrrrrrr once again :mad:
Going to have a look at some of those tips, cheers.

Runs awful for me, spec in sig, win7 ultimate, all drivers upto date etc.

Even when it's showing 90fps it's still stuttering and pausing for a split secound, really annoying.
im having real issues with single player to the point its almost unplayable, its just horribly laggy and i dont have setting that high either.

also getting the little freezes also, cant say im too impressed right now!
im having real issues with single player to the point its almost unplayable, its just horribly laggy and i dont have setting that high either.

also getting the little freezes also, cant say im too impressed right now!

Still getting it on my system too, runs terrible - tried the edits on the previous page for seta r_multiGpu and cpu but made no difference :\

All other games run flawlessly on here, MW2 runs a solid constand 60FPS and is smooth as anything, the FPS are all over the place on this and even when it's at 60FPS it's still freezing :\

I have it set to 4xAA 16AF and all on highest but even turning down the settings doesn't help much.
Still getting it on my system too, runs terrible - tried the edits on the previous page for seta r_multiGpu and cpu but made no difference :\

All other games run flawlessly on here, MW2 runs a solid constand 60FPS and is smooth as anything, the FPS are all over the place on this and even when it's at 60FPS it's still freezing :\

I have it set to 4xAA 16AF and all on highest but even turning down the settings doesn't help much.

i have pretty much the same setup as you apart from a 8600 and a 4870x2 and ive tried setting it from highest setting to lowest and doesnt make much difference.

only thing i havent played with is the aspect ratio so might try setting that down.

or wait for them to sort it!
Purchased COD: Black Ops and found bugs or realised its Shocking, Horrible, Incomplete or Terrible ?

Best tip I can give is........

Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features

Locate COD: Black Ops/Uninstall


Enjoy the best there is at the moment :D

* I am not a BFBC2 fan boy who hasn't played CODBO (notice how it looks like it could be saying Cod Body Odour). I had it on pre-order and have been (trying to) play(ing) all day.
Purchased COD: Black Ops and found bugs or realised its Shocking, Horrible, Incomplete or Terrible ?

Best tip I can give is........

Start/Control Panel/Programs and Features

Locate COD: Black Ops/Uninstall


Enjoy the best there is at the moment :D

* I am not a BFBC2 fan boy who hasn't played CODBO (notice how it looks like it could be saying Cod Body Odour). I had it on pre-order and have been (trying to) play(ing) all day.

fixed :D
ITS so **** i am LOLing so much ive actually been cryign with laughter on ventrillo its just so FAIL itsbrilliant i cant belive this so crap
Multiplayer is laggy but atleast it works, single player on the other hand I just get random crashes either during cutscenes or when dieing and reloading the PC just freezes CTRL+ALT+DEL or ALT+F4 will not work I have to restart my PC to recover. I've updated my drivers etc but to no avail. Every other game I have installed is fine so not putting it down to a stability issue.

Anyone else having these issues?

Btw my pc spec is as follows:-

i7 930
2x 5870 1GB
i don't know what's more shocking

the degeneration of the CoD games since vCod/CoD2

or the retardation of the CoD community itself since vCoD/CoD2
Bought it on DVD it arrived today.

Trying to install from disc and it seems to wan to install from Steam???

Why when I have the disc.

I can see it trying to download content but then it keeps saying it's too busy try later.

Why when I have the disc here????
Still waiting for Tesco to deliver this xD They claim it was sent on Friday, tbh though after playing it after work at a mates house I may just leave it sealed and sell it on for the money I paid for it.
I did find one bug in the SP campaign, in the Vietnam level, I completed the objectives and then it said 'follow' another character. I went to where he was and he just stood there, I waited a couple of minutes and he didn't move a muscle :D Looks like another Treyarch bug to me (their World at War had a bug like that in the subway level. Several patches later and it still isn't fixed.). I jumped on a grenade and redid it since the last checkpoint, and this time it worked.
Another observation on the MP, didn't they say the killstreaks would be made a bit less powerful to make it more balanced? Well I got a gunship in a care package and got about ten frags in no time, it doesn't seem any more balanced than MW2 in that regard.
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