COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

If you get it from steam can you select where it down loads to? My c: drive is full and I have a raptor waiting!

Read this, it works and its the only way

Use the mklink /j command like this

Mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2" "D:\Games\call of duty modern warfare 2"

remember the " marks and you need to know the location on the C:drive
What modes are there to play in Black Op's ?
Is there Capture Flag, Rush, Death match etc in Multi Player as I interested in getting Black Op's
Just bought this for the PC, but after reading all the crap people are posting about it I'm considering returning and getting the 360 version. :(
I was quite looking forward to this (only 'quite' after I didn't buy the last game in the series: Modern Warfare2).
I almost wish I hadn't bought this one. The single player seems excessively scripted, linear, and to be honest rather childish and daft. The multiplayer seems interesting but on release really flakey, drops connections, and doesn't remember settings.
I must be getting old 'cos I look at my shelves and remember that old CoD and MoH used to be lots of fun and with (although linear) interesting story lines that involved more than running around slums like the Favela or a bunch of rooftops that I can't remember. The multiplayer maps seemed better thought out with the option that new maps were often appearing to try out - anyone remember the 'West Wall' map for CoD?
I'm determined not to play FPS on the xBox, but for gaming pleasure I have to admit that despite pretending to be a die-hard PC-gamer, for me Red Dead Redemption has been the most fun game of the year for me (and yes I know that RDR is not an FPS, but I'm making a point :D).
I can only hope that the Zombies option provides some more entertainment at the w/e.
i can finally connect to servers the first time now :D

there is still lagg for the first 10 seconds of a game then it's few and far between.. it gets unbearable when someone calls a chopper in :(
I think what I'm going to do is buy the PS3 ver, play that until they sort out the PC, then sell the PS3 ver for almost the same price i paid for it (as you do with these high profile games) then get the PC ver for hopefully a little less than what it is today. PATCHED AND FIXED.

What annoys me is that the PC versions of COD are the same price their console counterparts, yet we can sell the console versions and make some decent money back once we are done.. But with Steam, you just can't do that.. Even on a retail PC ver, if i'm not mistaken.. Plus with no royalties being paid to MS or Sony, why is the PC ver not less expensive?
Is there any method to connect to IP's via console.

I cant for the life of me find the OcUK server on the list.
Let me get this straight... I've purchased the game on DVD, yet I need to DOWNLOAD it through Steam, defeating the point of the disc. What the hell?
Still can't get even the game to install, Steam servers are too busy. I don't ....... care, I am installing from a DVD and I can't .WTF IS THIS B.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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