COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Let me get this straight... I've purchased the game on DVD, yet I need to DOWNLOAD it through Steam, defeating the point of the disc. What the hell?

Found the fix, but it's ridiculous.

Uninstalled Steam and then used the disc to install Steam + game and update. It took 3 or 4 attempts due to high server load, but it's worked.

Pretty sad that they can't even get something as simple as installing a game right. I really hope this doesn't become a failure like MW2. :(
It is rather buggy theres no need for the poor implementation is there?

I have been playing for about 2.5hrs tonight and its been OK so far.

Do suffer with some lag spikes and other glitches like the server browser but so far its not bad to play I quite enjoy it.

The mp5 is way to strong though basically every other gun sucks so far in comparison its so stupidly well rounded and strong.

For some reason my name wont change from 'Unknown Soldier #' which is very frustrating!

It shows up correctly on the emblem/tag thing but NOT in the +scores screen.


same problem here tang0!
Has anybody tried the hidden game then, and is it even in the PC version (the game when you get up from the chair and type into the computer)?
whoa i just had a quick game and its a lot better

in the end i think it was a back end server problem because i didnt change any settings but now the lag and stutter are almost gone
and its a lot smoother and the server browser is a lot faster as well

its still not perfect but it is a significant improvement and it can only get better

anyone else finding it much better?
Played against a friend somehow, like we were always on opposite teams but it was a laugh on Vent. Game seems to pander to the lets have fun crowd, and thats fine with me. +1 from me.

Also hardcore is a blast.
Just had a 2hr blast on my server, playing hc hq. Had good fun, getting decent k:d ratio's. No lag issues in that session. Getting quite attached to using a pistol as my main weapon :p

Overall, enjoying the whole game.

Oh and whoever said the sp was childish, it feels exactly the same style as mw1, mw2. Guess you played those and hated them too?
I'm one of those blessed with non stop lag and stuttering. Not had a problem with any other game so this is fun stuff.

I even get the stuttering when playing locally against bots.
I'm one of those blessed with non stop lag and stuttering. Not had a problem with any other game so this is fun stuff.

I even get the stuttering when playing locally against bots.

Hope there's a fix soon, every other game I've gone installed runs fine! f1 2010, medal of honour, new vegas, dirt 2, mafia 2, just cause etc etc.
This is promising. Do you reckon they hotfixed it? Anyone notice their cod updating recently or anything? Been playing SP, its awesome fun. So brutal in parts (as in gorey). Love it.
Sometimes i think Activision could just charge £30 for a DLC that gave dedicated servers to MW2 and people would pay it...

Agreed, I wonder why they never bothered?

[TW]Fox;17753115 said:
I would like to join in the Steam bashing.

I went to a shop and bought a proper, actual retail copy of this game. I got home, installed it and went to play.

'The steam servers are too busy to handle your request. Please try again later'.

I'm sorry? I want to play a SINGLE PLAYER game which I have bought PHYSICAL MEDIA for and... I cant?


Even with MW2 you didn't get that issue!

It does however sound like with a few patches and once the steam load calms down this game could be quite epic. Heard that the Zombie mode is awesome.
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