COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

just completed the single player, really enjoyed it! didn't have any issues with freezing at all either.. multiplayerr will be attempted tomorrow :)
Is it lagging in SP?

I suspect it's likely CPU lag on the server side, they must have rammed as many as they could on each box to accommodate demand I think. I heard from 1 provider they estimated there would need to be 12-15k (18 slot) servers to cover demand. That's potentially 7+ on each box assuming they had about 2000 sat in racks. I'm. Not even sure who would have that capacity.
arrgghh, can't sleep. Trying to connect but can't get on any servers. Hope they sort this mess out soon. I managed to have a good hour or so playing last night and enjoyed it a lot. Got to be hardcore mode though.
I read somewhere that if you set steam cpu priority to LOW and black ops to HIGH it will reduce some of the so called lag you are getting. Will try it out now and let you know how it goes.
MW2 had massive issues with steam on the day of release, worse than users are experiencing today.

Blackhawk, spoiler warning?

The quote that I was referring too - he couldn't even install the game. On MW2 there definitely steam/lobby connect issues but no massive lag spikes in game / CPU issues LOL. One of the posts above had an i7 at 4ghz with a 5970 and still could not get decent frames.
Quick update: I've noticed a bit of a difference and it does feel like it's more smooth now.

Running the same system as in my sig, at 1680*1050 120hz

Getting between 50-83 fps now but it feels smoother.
Mines been returned for a refund. Go me :p

Having not played a MP COD before I found the Black Ops MP verging on the ridiculous, loads of raging kids with ADHD running around everywhere at 100mph, massive lag spikes , shoddy graphics , sorry just not for me. should have known better from Activision.

Have fun kids :D
think the best thing I can say about it is that its a simple game. run around like a headless chicken on speed and kill people.

Genuinly think its an FPS worth having (not for £40) as it's a change of pace to say BFBC2 and others so offers a bit of variety. It is what it is, COD4 was a similar frantic run around affair. Just it had a far better Art direction on the multiplayer instead Black Ops bright textures/colour/Zero shading.
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Mines been returned for a refund. Go me :p

Having not played a MP COD before I found the Black Ops MP verging on the ridiculous, loads of raging kids with ADHD running around everywhere at 100mph, massive lag spikes , shoddy graphics , sorry just not for me. should have known better from Activision.

Have fun kids :D

Did you even try zombies ? :P
This took ages to install and then update, then finally loaded the game, went into the settings and adjusted them to my taste (High), hit apply and the game locked up, had to CTRL-ATL-DEL to get the taskmanger and kill it...
Reloaded again, check settings and all my settings had saved except 1?
Ran SP, played for 5 minutes tops and the game hung again...... not impressed at all.... the graphics look worse the Medal of Honour, and typical COD, it wont recognise my num 0 key for Crouch??? dumb ass software.
Gonna check my ATI drivers tomight to see if they are at fault, though they fan MoH fine.
is this game now linked to steam even if you buy the disc ?


EDIT: I am having some serious performance issue, I know that I have an old pc now but BC2 runs better than Black Ops.

MW2 run so smooth, it was just perfect so do other games but this is just unplayable even on low settings everything run like crap. WTH is wrong with this game?

I though people were saying this was going to be on MW2 engine or something. It looks like I wasted £30 :(
" It is not to do with PC specs or server configuration there would appear to be a bug in the game that is causing graphical lag spikes to a specific people. The developers have been made aware of this bug and they are looking into it. "

I read this quote from a employe yesterday and TBH, I think it's rubish. Stuttery lag occurs when firing/choppers, etc - server calculations. I think it's also less on less populated servers, maybe when less people are online.

Perhaps one GSP was not a good idea.
Exactly. I'm shocked. As far as I know, all copies of Black Ops have to be running through Steam.

Current Players    Peak Today	 	Game
50,700               77,609	 	Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer
28,419               64,267	 	Call of Duty Black Ops

Where did you get the Xbox Live stats from? My google skills are failing me.
I actually had a few good hours worth of MP gaming yesterday.. Was quite enjoyable and the people on the server weren't bad either (not much whining, just having a good laugh while trying to knife each other and then getting noob tubed! haha) I did get the odd lag spike now and again, but it was still quite playable.

Saying that, im easily pleased! :D

If anyone wants to add me on it, my Steam ID is SenZ.
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