for the first time in YEARS I will be buying a cod game, I personally cant wait for this, I just hope its close to the old call of duty 3 before the modern warfare series, that was the best cod imo with the big maps, tanks,jeeps and bikes :)
No matter what the PC version will be a ghost town. Less than 4k people was playing the last call of duty on steam and less than 1k was playing the cod4 remastered version.

Cod is a console game now, the pc player base just isn't there anymore.
If this turns out decent I hope am proven wrong but I sure will not be buying this couple weeks after release.

CoD has had a bigger player base on console for several years now. AW was pretty dead on PC within a fortnight and a big part of that is due to hacking. I played on tons of lobbies with overt hackers that were even boasting about it - "report me, nothing will happen and if it does I will just get another key". Not much did happen.

The steam forums were full of threads on the problem and very little was done. Steam pretty much ignored it. I decided then to pretty much walk away from PC online gaming. I play all online FPS on console now (other than tribes). I suck balls using a pad, but at least the huge majority of players are honest. You get the odd XIM user but they soon get sussed and leave. If I am going to use hard earned to buy a game I am not going to have it ruined by hacking which is at epidemic levels in the CoD franchise.

The other key issue is CoD has not offered a decent online experience in terms of server quality in a long time. The internet is awash with complaints about the flakey hit reg, P2P servers, limited number of dedi's and the overal netcode. I have played Ghosts, AW and BLOPS3 and it is the same story.

Even console players are leaving the franchise in droves because there simply isn't an excuse for it, particularly when you consider how well other games perform online. The franchise is sucking money out of players and giving very little back in return. I simply wont buy another CoD game until the issue is resolved and there are confirmed dedis for the majority of lobbies and P2P connections are removed (or if they are kept they are reduced to <10% and the game needs to tell you that you are in a P2P lobby prior to connecting so you can choose to leave). Or just add a server browser that you can filter dedi / p2p. Simples :)
Dedicated Servers and this game will be fine. CoD 4 is still active today due to dedicated servers and hackers are booted very quickly.

This... for COD to get a fan base back on PC it needs servers with some sort of anti cheat running with it. Would be great to go back to the days of mod support with custom maps and 128/256 player servers but i doubt that will ever happen again.
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