i would take the android anyday. more intuitive to use.
While watching a windowed video in MPC the other day all I wanted to do was open Notepad, Word, and the Calculator... Was a complete and utter pain in the arse...
Oh but the W8 fans will say: "But look at all these fantastic apps and you can snap FOUR apps on your screen! "
Were you using a tablet? If not, why are you making things difficult for yourself and not using the desktop versions of these applications? Honest question.
Shame on you MS for giving in to the moaners that can't cope with change, especially as you made so much effort to bring these changes in gradually through Vista and 7. It's not your fault they ignored them and continued to use windows in the old fashioned 'menu' way. Win8 is excellent, fluid, fast and a step forward which I applaud you for. What a shame you've been hen pecked into making a step backwards.
They are all desktop applications. I didn't even know there's an App for Word. Thank god they haven't turned Microsoft Office solely into a Metro App.
cant disable/hide stupid start button which isn't really a start button, sad days. Probably wont even be enough demand for someone to release a third party plugin to hide it.
still not a biggy.
roll on Build so we can have a play.
Oh dear god :/ I actually prefer the Windows 8 way now & now I'm being forced to have a button put back on the taskbar when there is no need for one.
Awesome thanks whiners!
It's not that bad, they aren't returning the menu. It's just a button that will do exactly the same as the bottom left hot corner.
A small niggle as you can't disable it, but ultimately nothing in that regard has changed.
The Start button isn't there to placate the "moaners", it's there to make the UI more discoverable and intuitive for your average user.
And the hot corner advocates are in danger of being hoisted by their own petard if they carry on down this road of complaining about the new button as an affront to progress. Because that's just as banal as some of the complaints against metro.
They should have just done a proper tutorial for it to be fair. it really isn't hard.
They should have just done a proper tutorial for it to be fair. it really isn't hard.
Neither is googling.
It's a small change, but it bugs me somewhat that they've changed it at all or been maoned into doing so. They should have been stronger in their convictions IMO.
I'm still flabergasted p) at how so called 'techy' people can't see the benefit of hitting the win key and starting to type to find what you want in an instant, pinning things you use the most, or the other half dozen ways there are of finding what you want quickly. Why on earth you'd want to troll through menu after menu after menu to find an app is beyond me, although I suppose these forums are full to bursting with people that love to troll anyway.