As I understand it, the forthcoming ones are a more reasonable price and better value, plus will hoepfully benefit from the Nforce5 chipset (although there will be others available?). Also, they will be full compatible with the Conroe providing current AMD users a proper upgrade path when they do not have an old Pentium chip available to get the BIOS flashed to make the boards compatible. I think there are some comaptible ones availble at present but this is how I understand the situation at present and for AMD users like myself, the AM2 upgrade option of new mobo and ram and CPU are not worth it when Intel's Conroe has beaten AMD hands down for the next 18month to 2 years. If you are going for a new platform, Conroe compatible is it. Sadly, the motherboard manafacturers failed to get compatible stable and reasonable price boards out in time for Conroe's launch. It seems the current crop of comaptible boards all have issues in someway in terms of overclocking or feature set that users here are not happy with.