'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

So, the search has been called off and it has been declared an accident.

We will probau never know what happened now.

Begs the question, when was the last time a commercial plane went missing and has not been found?

EDIT: the search hasn't been called off...
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Has the search been called off? The BBC 'breaking news' (lol) story said the underwater search was continuing...

This'll be about being able to officially declare everyone dead for insurance/compensation purposes, no?

You're right. I only saw the update on my phone and started wondering when the last plane went missing and was never found.

Hopefully they find it. There are still way too many unanswered questions as to why the plane did what it did. Suicidal pilot decides to fly specific course avoiding radar and then waits until the fuel runs out? Just doesn't cut it for me!
Maybe the pilot was going to write a message in the sky by altering the path of the plane, but after starting the first letter, he realised it was the middle of the night and so the vapour trail would not be seen. ;)
Who cares what newspaper it's from.

You'll learn very quickly that it is a sin to link a story from the DM because all the kiddies are sheep and get their knickers in a twist. Always do your best to link from another source. Hopefully you will be able to laugh when other newspapers catch up with the DM.
Assuming the plane landed completely intact on the ocean, as it sunk the pressure would have broken the structure, so why hasn't debris of some kind floated to the surface, if it has then it'll presumably was ashore or be discovered at some point.
so was his copilot in on it or did he murder him first?

Most likely killed (it's never been heard of for both pilots to commit ariel suicide). According to the Air Crash Investigation episode on MH370 it would have been easy for the captain to order the first officer out of the cockpit for some reason (get him a coffee) then lock the door and disable the cabin pressure, knocking out and killing everyone in the cabin (cabin air masks only last 10 minutes whereas cockpit masks last hours).

The only three feasible explanations: pilot suicide or hijacking, and the chances of hijackers gaining access to and control of the cockpit without either pilot getting a message out (something they have a variety of ways to do subvertly) is next to none.
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