Right, case turned up around 17:30 this evening. Arrived well packed and exactly what I was expecting so no surprises there, thanks "PinkFloyd" who I got the case from. Now pics will follow later, but I've already taken the thing apart as far as I can without resorting to drilling out rivets, that comes later. Anyway, I've started measuring up and its already obvious that I'm gonna have to make a good few compromises here. Like, if I fit a Corsair H55, there is no way in month of Sundays I'm going to be able to fit another 120mm fan above it, there literally isn't the space available due to the height of the case, in fact I reckon I'd be lucky to fit an 80mm jobbie instead. Thats just one issue. Another is do I move the psu or not? If I do place it at the bottom I effectively lose an exhaust fan ('cos like I said, I can't fit another above the 120mm for the H55) so circumstances dictate I leave where it is. But, if I fit an H55 for the cpu, I don't/shouldn't need another exhaust fan 'cos theres one on that radiator also.
I'll be starting new thread here for anyone thats interested.