I agree, but this thing contains water and a 90 day warranty isn't very long!

Yeah, obviously if you don't feel comfortable with it don't buy it. I was intending on purchasing a closed loop cooler for a build in the future and intended to paint the radiator. This would void the warranty so its an ideal situation for me really.
Seriously tempted by the h100 for the next case.

I have a h80 in my box at the moment, but it suffers from the noisy pump (rattling) which plagued a significant percentage of these. I'm wondering how many of these factory refurbs are returned/QA-failed units which have had the pump replaced because of the rattling issue - which could actually mean these would be a very good buy!
Just ordered the H80 the H100 may just be overkill for me..

Thats what i thought but it's only £3 more ffs you would be crazy not to buy the H100.

Just got the H100 can't wait, best deal I have seen on OC ever :D

Edit: Just saw the 6 week delivery time, Disappointed, But can't decide if i should cancel or not.
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These are insanely priced! I'm so tempted to order a h80 or two as i'm sure at some point someone will want me to put a half decent half budget rig together for them.
i've order the 100 case will need modding but hey ho, don't understand why people feel the need to post negativity here though, if you don't want it don't buy it, simples
No chance at all that you couldnt air lift the H100's off of the ship?

(i.e. Will it 100% take as long as 5-6 weeks or was that a conservative estimate?)

In my experience it's an accurate estimate. At work it takes 4-5 weeks for our custom laptop orders from Lenovo in China to arrive via sea and get through customs. They save enough a unit to make ordering in advance on those timescales worthwhile.

Air freighting them in would make the offer much less appealing. ;)
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Damn. :p

Well thanks for the input MagicBoy.

Means my build log thread will come in three stages. One with a Kuhler 620 fitted, then one with the H100 fitted after it arrives, then another one after I have everything for my custom loop... Which is fine but I was hoping to skip step one haha :D
For anyone fretting about reliability. I personally own a H60 and H70, and have built 6 PC's for less tech savvy friends running the H50/60/70/80.

I can honestly say I've had 0 leakage with any Corsair all in one system.

Great deal guys!
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