Mines arrived today and fitted no problems and no leaks. As yet :)

getting 17 degrees idle so pritty frosty going to let it run during the match and then i`ll see what i can so with a overclock
Maybe it's 90 days via the retailer only but 1 year with Corsair.

Another few things it could be is different territories will be offered 1 year but we only get 90 days or they are just old boxes being reused without the stickers being replaced.
Surely these actually have a 6 year warranty, due to the retailer being liable for 6 years under the sale of goods act? If the item breaks in the first 6 months, it's up to the retailer to prove the item wasn't faulty at the time of purchase. Therefore, these have at least 6 months. It makes no difference that these are refurbished. One enters into a contract when you buy something, whether new or used.
Surely these actually have a 6 year warranty, due to the retailer being liable for 6 years under the sale of goods act? If the item breaks in the first 6 months, it's up to the retailer to prove the item wasn't faulty at the time of purchase. Therefore, these have at least 6 months. It makes no difference that these are refurbished. One enters into a contract when you buy something, whether new or used.

Where did you get the 6 years from?
I picked up the H60, great deal - wasn't working too great for me at first but swapped my fans for some old corsair ones I had lying around and perfection!

So peeps who got there H100 already what are your temps like and over all thoughts?
mines been shipped but not here yet
I fitted my H60 and the temps were down about 5-6 degrees.
Now got a Corsair 600t case and I'd say they're down about 10 degrees overall on my old lian li case.
Very happy :)
Got my H100 yesterday and fitted it to my Antec 900 case. I had to remove the the 2 HD caddies from the bottom and now have the H100 in a push/pull config. My temps have dropped dramatically from around 48 to 33 on idle and on full load at 4ghz i7 950 @ 1.25v around 60 when before it was nearer 80.

So the best £40 I have ever spent :)
Had a bit of trouble getting the H100 into my CM690II at first because the mofset hs gets in the way on the MSI Z87-GD65. Sorted that by fitting the fans in the roof space, glad I never ordered extra fans for push/pull cos they just won't fit on this case/mobo combo.

Temps have dropped nicely, running a 4770k at stock with the retail hs/fan it'd idle around mid 50's c - with the H100 on its lowest setting @4.2Ghz (just pushed the OC Genie button for now) it idles around 30c and was hitting high 50's low 60's after a couple of hours on Rift.
I was wondering the same especially with my recent motherboard change. Guess my H100 won't arrive until tomorrow as it's being sent to my work address.

My CM690 II came with the 140mm fan pre-installed in the roof space. Planning on putting the 120mm fans in there with the rad in the top of the case. Unsure if I'll set them to intake or exhaust yet.
Got my H100 fitted and my I7 920 is idling 10 degrees cooler than my old air cooler with an overclock to 3.8Ghz sitting in my warm living room at 42 degrees instead of 52 (not sure on model of air cooler I had on it). My system is now silent and cooler than it ever was. I could probably get the temps down more but I am going for quietness rather than coolness so I have turned down my case fans with my fan controller now I have the H100 installed.
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