Corsair RBG Owners Club

16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
I'm so close to making the purchase of the Corsair K70 RGB and M65 RGB.... Just slightly put off by some of the bad reports on this site.

Yes, there are a few complaints here and there, but that's something that you'd expect on the forums. This is the perfect place to vent out if you're having a bad hair day ;) In comparison to the amount of people who are very satisfied (zero problem) with the K70/M65, the # of people who have complaints is in a very small percentage.

Also torn between Red or Brown switches possbibly Brown as I do very little gaming and loads of typing and photo editing

Yup, sounds like Brown would be the way to go.
17 Jan 2007
Anyone know why my K95 RGB refuses to obey the num lock setting in the BIOS?

I use Windows 10 pin code and I have to manually turn on Num lock each time I switch the PC on?
2 Nov 2009
This is the perfect place to vent out if you're having a bad hair day ;)

.... Or if your hair is OK, but your product is faulty, and/or didn't perform as stated for several months after purchase, despite the manufacturer saying that there would be an update soon. ;)

Yup, sounds like Brown would be the way to go.
Brown keys are usually the best choice for "all round" use. I prefered them to red keys, as I use my keyboard for typing rather than gaming.

The fact is the the K** RGB keyboards have a very nice design, are generally well built, and seem to be fairly reliable. Like any product, there will be a few that fail. One issue that put off a few people is that it took over six months after these keyboards were put on sale for Corsair to enable the claimed 16.8 million colour range (we only had 512 colours up until the firmware was updated a couple of months ago). There is now a full 16.8 million colour range available, but if you animate some of the keys, there is often a noticeable flicker on all the illuminated keys while the amimation is taking place. This may, or may not bother some users, but it is worth pointing out. There is an option to revert back to 512 colour mode which doesn't suffer from the flicker, but the colour transistions are not as fluid.

I don't think there is any way for this flicker to be solved by any future software/firmware update, as it seems to be a hardware limitation in the current RGB keyboards. Although it hasn't been confirmed, I suspect there could be a hardware revision at some point that will provide fast and fluid 16.8m colour animation (without flicker) as claimed in the product description.

As long as you are aware of the flicker issue, and are happy to accept it, then you are likely to be very pleased with a K70 RGB keyboard.
9 Jul 2014
North East
Yes, there are a few complaints here and there, but that's something that you'd expect on the forums. This is the perfect place to vent out if you're having a bad hair day ;) In comparison to the amount of people who are very satisfied (zero problem) with the K70/M65, the # of people who have complaints is in a very small percentage.

Yup, sounds like Brown would be the way to go.

Thanks for your help

.... Or if your hair is OK, but your product is faulty, and/or didn't perform as stated for several months after purchase, despite the manufacturer saying that there would be an update soon. ;)

Brown keys are usually the best choice for "all round" use. I prefered them to red keys, as I use my keyboard for typing rather than gaming.

The fact is the the K** RGB keyboards have a very nice design, are generally well built, and seem to be fairly reliable. Like any product, there will be a few that fail. One issue that put off a few people is that it took over six months after these keyboards were put on sale for Corsair to enable the claimed 16.8 million colour range (we only had 512 colours up until the firmware was updated a couple of months ago). There is now a full 16.8 million colour range available, but if you animate some of the keys, there is often a noticeable flicker on all the illuminated keys while the amimation is taking place. This may, or may not bother some users, but it is worth pointing out. There is an option to revert back to 512 colour mode which doesn't suffer from the flicker, but the colour transistions are not as fluid.

I don't think there is any way for this flicker to be solved by any future software/firmware update, as it seems to be a hardware limitation in the current RGB keyboards. Although it hasn't been confirmed, I suspect there could be a hardware revision at some point that will provide fast and fluid 16.8m colour animation (without flicker) as claimed in the product description.

As long as you are aware of the flicker issue, and are happy to accept it, then you are likely to be very pleased with a K70 RGB keyboard.

Thanks for that it shouldn't affect me as I really only want the keys to be blue with the white gaming keys so very little animation will be going on

thanks any way
16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
The fact is the the K** RGB keyboards have a very nice design, are generally well built, and seem to be fairly reliable. Like any product, there will be a few that fail. One issue that put off a few people is that it took over six months after these keyboards were put on sale for Corsair to enable the claimed 16.8 million colour range (we only had 512 colours up until the firmware was updated a couple of months ago). There is now a full 16.8 million colour range available, but if you animate some of the keys, there is often a noticeable flicker on all the illuminated keys while the amimation is taking place. This may, or may not bother some users, but it is worth pointing out. There is an option to revert back to 512 colour mode which doesn't suffer from the flicker, but the colour transistions are not as fluid.

I don't think there is any way for this flicker to be solved by any future software/firmware update, as it seems to be a hardware limitation in the current RGB keyboards. Although it hasn't been confirmed, I suspect there could be a hardware revision at some point that will provide fast and fluid 16.8m colour animation (without flicker) as claimed in the product description.

As long as you are aware of the flicker issue, and are happy to accept it, then you are likely to be very pleased with a K70 RGB keyboard.

I must say man, I agree with this post point by point. This is a fair assessment of the current situation and factually correct :)
9 Jul 2014
North East
Well I done Ito ordered what I wanted should be here tomorrow

Just hope it isn'tfrom a dodgy batch

I'll be looking for some help sorting some colours out please thank you
16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
Well I done Ito ordered what I wanted should be here tomorrow

Just hope it isn'tfrom a dodgy batch

I'll be looking for some help sorting some colours out please thank you

You won't be disappointed :)

We've actually never had dodgy batch since RGB was launched, not that I am aware of. I am sure the one you're getting will be fine.

The fun of RGB profile starts here,
9 Jul 2014
North East
You won't be disappointed :)

We've actually never had dodgy batch since RGB was launched, not that I am aware of. I am sure the one you're getting will be fine.

The fun of RGB profile starts here,

Thanks for the link ill check it out.

Firstly ill be looking for something simple like blue keys with a fade away after each key press then another for when I'm playing cod to only light up the keys I'm using

Im sure ill get there in the end
26 Jan 2004
If i was to change 1 thing about the k70 rgb it would be to allow 1 profile to be stored on the kb itself...totally independent of CUE.

I dont think the K70 has profile onboard memory storage, if it does than thats something that the programmers of the software should add, i dont understand why it wouldn't have that as standard.

come on corsair get with the program lol
9 Jul 2014
North East
eeeeeeeeee I have my K70 and M65

Really happy with them so far I haven't went all out with crazy colours I've just changed the keys to sold blue but sometime soon id like an all blue one for normal work but then when I game starts id like all the keys off apart from the ones I use.
16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
If i was to change 1 thing about the k70 rgb it would be to allow 1 profile to be stored on the kb itself...totally independent of CUE.

I dont think the K70 has profile onboard memory storage, if it does than thats something that the programmers of the software should add, i dont understand why it wouldn't have that as standard.

come on corsair get with the program lol

Thanks for the feedback guys! I really appreciate it. I'll definitely put this forward to our Dev team for them to consider for our future products :)
2 Nov 2009
I dont think the K70 has profile onboard memory storage, if it does than thats something that the programmers of the software should add, i dont understand why it wouldn't have that as standard.

come on corsair get with the program lol

The K70 RGB does have onboard memory to store a set of static colours. What it can't do is animate the key lighting independently of CU£.

This isn't a memory or firmware limitation, it is a limitation of the hardware. The keyboard's processor is fully occupied (in fact a bit too occupied when there is 16.8m colour animation taking place !) with controlling the LED drivers from the incoming USB data stream. It would require another onboard CPU and more memory, and much more advanced firmware to enable "CUE free" animation to take place.
9 Jul 2014
North East
This might sound stupid but is there some way I can change the default colours when the computers switching on??

I've changed the colours to but but when I start up or shut down the colours go back to the red with white gaming keys until the computers fully loaded
2 Nov 2009
But if CUE was disabled to free up the processor then it wouldn't be burdened having to monitor the data stream.

This is my understanding of roughly how these keyboards work......

The processor in the keyboard has to continually "update" the LEDs. It struggles to do just that (hence the flicker when LEDs are changing colour). The CUE is sending commands via USB to the keyboard, and the processor in the keyboard "simply" takes the colour requests from CUE and sends data to the LED drivers to display the appropriate colour for each key. This has to be done continuously, and is not as simple as it may seem. The processor is only just fast enough to carry out this task. Without CUE sending the commands, the processor would not only be sending data to the drivers, but also interpreting the user's profile that would be stored in memory on the keyboard itself. The current hardware is simply not powerful enough to do this.
2 Nov 2009
This might sound stupid but is there some way I can change the default colours when the computers switching on??

I've changed the colours to but but when I start up or shut down the colours go back to the red with white gaming keys until the computers fully loaded

There is an option in CUE to upload your (static) colours to the keyboard's memory. This means that shortly after powering up your computer, your chosen colours will appear, even if CUE isn't installed or running on your machine.
16 May 2013
Corsair HQ
This might sound stupid but is there some way I can change the default colours when the computers switching on??

I've changed the colours to but but when I start up or shut down the colours go back to the red with white gaming keys until the computers fully loaded

You can save the profile to the Keyboards's memory. Note that it will only work for static color.

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