Countdown to competition...

Wide grip chins... The superset was alright but I am not really taxing myself at the moment with the light pressing (was doing 50*10 on Savickas press St Christmas... So long ago): I am still working my shoulder back into a regular regime of abuse. And chins never give me pump for some reason - I just stop getting any sensation in my lats... :(

Pendlay rows are similar.

I don't always try for lat and upper back pump, but when I do I go for snatch grip RDLs. :D

Legs are hurting in the right places, too, so am happy with the squats... :)

And my wife has asked me to trim down, so will be shredding from this point on. :(
Hmm... A 2/300 calorie deficit (approximately) and I put on weight. Although this time it is water retention because I am doing arms and all sorts - not just legs.

HANG POWER SNATCH (3) BAR-40-40 So much faster than derpwerk. So nice... Bizarrely, my shoulder feels better... :confused:
BACK SQUAT (3-3-3-8-8) 150(2)-140-140-80-80 80kg sets felt so hard... :D
POWER CLEAN (5) 60-80

Interesting session - I will move to a truncated 8-6-3 next week and see how we go. Olympic work was so nice, but will see how things pan out over the next few weeks and months. Shoulder still isn't right but we shall see...
POWER SNATCH (3) 40-60 Fast, but a bit too far forward.
BACK SQUAT (8) 130-120-120 Back to cardio, and it killed me. Six reps were good... Last two for each set suuuuuuucked.
SNATCH HIGH PULL (3) 60-90-90-90 Bar got closer as the sets progressed. This is good.
LAT RAISE AND FATGRIPZ GUNSHOW (12 gauge...) So much pain. So much pump.
High rep squats are the devil :D

Yes. Very much so!

SNATCH BALANCE (3) BAR-40 It's working... It's working!
Snatch-> 2*LOW HANG POWER SNATCH 40-60-60 So much power... So little technique! :D :(
BACK SQUAT (8) 125-125-125 In my weird world, the last set was very easy...? :confused:

Squatting started a bit ropey, but finished nicely. Snatch is going to be a long road to recovery: I am conscious of my left side when lifting, which means I am favouring my right, which is not good. Need more proprioception work... :(
So, just do more sets?

I find that - whilst I'm not eating EVERYTHING - 15-25 reps is generally an upper limit to not impact my next training session. For instance, heavy triples are normally problematic betyond 15 reps, but lighter stuff will be ok to 25-30, depending.

I actually did 5*2 on 60kg jump squats to really murder my nervous system, but didn't bother recording them.

I find that once I hit my groove on squats the later sets can strangely become much easier.

Yeah, it's both irritating and awesome at the same time. Particularly at hte moment whilst I'm re-grooving my squat. :o
Cheeky work session...

POWER SNATCH -> 2* LOW HANG POWER SNATCH 40-50-70-70-70 Shoulder seemed quite happy, which is good.
SNATCH HIGH PULL (3) 110-110-110
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I looked into maybe incorporating Snatch Balance as accessory work then read up about how technical it actually is compared to how the movement looks and thought I'll maggot out :P
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