Countdown to competition...



HIGH SNATCH PULLS (3) 80-80-80 Gratifyingly, these went so high in the drive phase that I was actually stopping the bar going up. Obviously too light but I am trying to get my hands used to this again... I hardly have any calluses left! :(

Happy with that. Legs will be sore tomorrow but some nice volume going into them. :)
Warm up to a new hypertrophy routine starting on international chest day. After a week off on holiday... And 60s or less rest. :eek:

BACK SQUAT (3) 60-100-120-130 Groin was tight so decided to give it a rest.
SLDL (10) 100-100-100 I can't feel the backs of my legs.
GOOD MORNING (10) 60-60-60 Core was ruined.
FRONT SQUAT (10) 50-60-60 And now my quads have gone numb... :eek:
BROCEPS (10) 20-25-25 1-0-3 (concentric-pause-eccentric) Ow.

Ho-yeah. Tomorrow is going to suck. So much.

Another month or so of cut and we will see about ramping back up...
DOMS have been savage today - righ tat the top of my adductors an dhamstrings. So I thought it would be a good idea to warm up with some snatch work... :eek: :o

All things aside from the warm-up are done on a 3-0-1 (eccentric-pause-concentric) tempo.

POWER SNATCH -> HI/LOW HANG BAR-40-60-60-60 Fast, although positioning wasn't perfect. Getting used to a new drive pattern, so...
DB BENCH (10) 1'8-25-25-25-25 That is going to be sore tomorrow. Tempo-ing just ruins all the ego. :o
DB INCLINE BENCH (10) 18-16-16 Hnnnnnnnnnng.
DB FLY (10) 4-6-12 Meh. Needs heavier.
OHP (10) 30-30(6) Failed. :(

Ouch. Tomorrow is going to be horrific. The tempo work is brutally painful, particularly with 60 second rest periods. And for a first chest workout in seven months? :( :( :(
Truly horrific DOMS from Monday's session... Tueday had me thinking I had re-injured my shoulders it hurt that much, and yesterday was chest DOMS day. Oh, my goodness... even breathing hurt.

Today's session...

POWER CLEAN -> JERK (5) 60-60-60 So much Crossfit. So much cardio. :o
Bw-BW-BW(8, 2 NEGs)NG CHINS (10) The burn here was unbelievable. Couldn't tempo these...
DIAGONAL PULLDOWN (10) Setting 13/20 Ow. These hurt. A Lot.
BOR (10) 60-60-60
SNATCH POWER SHRUGS (10) 50-50-50 So much lactate...
BROCEPS (10) 6-8-8

This was probably the most excruciating session - Monday was hard because everything just went numb; today it actually hurt. :D
POWER CLEAN -> JERK (5) 60-60-60 So much Crossfit. So much cardio. :o

LOL mate - glad to see you back on the bar again. I too have been suffering some shoulder issues hence all the crossover symmetry work I have been doing. Hope you get through your DOMS ok :)
Hehehe - thanks!

Session wasn't as great as it should have been because of a complete lack of conditioning (haven't done CnJ in months) and murderous chest DOMS - getting proper shoulder extension was one of the more painful things I have done in my life...

Looking forward to next week and hopefully a better weight where I actually need to clean the bar... :o
This week has been totally gross. I haven't had one day where I haven't felt 70 years older. Each set of DOMS has taken around six days to clear...:eek: :cool:

All bar the back squats were done with a minute's rest or less between sets. So unbelievably miserable it is actually funny...

BACK SQUAT (5) 120-120-120Left adductor so still horribly tight: was pulling to the left in the hole!
DEFICIT SPLIT SQUATS (10) 20-20-29 That hurt. A lot.
SLDL (10) 100-100-100 So did these.
GOOD MORNING (10) 60-70-70Core was ruined. Need to find a way to do Nordic curls at home without breaking my nose or any furniture...

Hamstrings are going to be in trouble tomorrow; who knows what is happening to my quads... :o

Weight is down to around 95kg which is expected now that I am doing some proper exercise (water weight) so should start leaning out properly now...
Leg DOMS were silent assassins today - didn't really appreciate how sore my legs were until I tried doing something... like climbing stairs.

POWER SNATCH (5) 62.5-62.5-62.5 Lots of power, but need more technique. I wasn't on the platform today, so no funny full catch business... weight isn't really high enough, either.
DUMBELL BENCH (10) 22.5-25-25
OH DB PRESS (10 14-14-16
OH TRICEP EXTENSION ss.w LAT RAISE (10) All of them.
CANLESTICKS (5) 3 sets. That will be sore tomorrow! :o

Fun session, but sore bits went numb instead of thta excuisite strain associated with MVC... but there we go. Will carry on with hypertrophy for another couple of weeks and see how we go. Still cutting (so not really hypertrophy), so the results wil ldetermine when I start maintaining/excess-ing.
POWERCLEAN + JERK (5) 60-70-70 Urgh.
NG CHINS (10) BW-BW-BW(7 negatives) The negatives really hurt this time! :)
DIAGONAL PULLDOWNS (10) Some setting...
BOR (10) 70-70-70
BROCEPS (10) 10-10-10
Away for the weekend in a hotel with a nice gym... But still waited until I got home! :)

BACK SQUAT (10) 100(3)-120(3)-80-90-90 One minutes rests on squat suck. Big ones.
SLDL (10) 105-105-105

It was late so packed it in.
International chest day. So I started with...

POWER SNATCH -> 4*HANG P. SNATCH 40-70-70 Ooooh... These were sore after squatting yesterday... And doing them without chalk was "exciting." :rolleyes:
DB BENCH (10) 25-27.5-27.5 Tempo hurts me.
INCLINE DB BENCH (10) 16-16-16
PEC FLY (10) 8-12-12
DB SHOULDER PRESS (10) 16-16-16 Last two sets were push press with slooooow negatives. So sore.

Will be sore tomorrow! :)
That was a very Bro day! How do you decide on what you're doing on a day to day basis? As you seem to really mix up the workouts
Yeah... But the weird thing was I did t feel guilty. :D

The routine I am TRYING to stick to is - basically - a bro split of:

- chest, shoulders, tris;
- back and broceps;
- legs.

The trick being 60s rests and 3-0-1 tempo (eccentric-pause-concentric). Maximum size based around hormonal response. Supposedly. Ironic I am slowly cutting, but there we go. :) The DOMS are savage, however...

Yesterday was a quick and dirty session to get some blood into my legs and stiffness out of them (long drives over the weekend)... But that is generally the routine I follow.

Check out that journal I stuck on the FB group as it contains the template routine I am using. :)
Bro your workouts sound like such fun :)

Despite doing a bit of whatever you fancy, do you still maintain conistency around your core lifts/targets (ie Olympic lifting) and enforce weekly progression within them still?
My workouts are always a bit :rolleyes: on a cut, although checking out the pump afterwards makes it worthwhile...

Regarding progression, I am currently finding it hard due to the 60s rest between sets for anything beyond the first two exercises. In other words, the primary lifts are going up slowly (probably will wind up close to 2.5kg/week) but Olympic weightlifting will go back up to my previous maxes in a few weeks (90kg and probably around 110kg for snatch and clean, respectively).

I am currently working on cutting and getting as many reps in as possible so make sur everything works before going back to strength... We shall see l!
Lolz... I seem to have slowed a fair bit (started very slowly due to cutting without really doing much lifting) and am very slowly shrivelling from around 95kg (empty).

I will give this another month or so and see how I go.

As competing has kind of gone out the window, I am now just looking to thin out before getting as big as I can over the winter - hopefully breaking 100kg consistently - before leaning out again in the spring/summer

As always with me, however, we shall see. I have previously found that hypertrophy routines actually get me pretty strong (for certain things), so it will be interesting to see how this all goes... :)
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