Countdown to competition...

SNATCH GRIP DEADLIFT (5) 70-110-140(3) No chalk, so grip went pretty quick at 140kg! :eek:

And onto the main workout - 60 secs rest and slow negatives...

DB BENCH (10) 25-30-30
DB INCLUNE BENCH (10) 16-18-18
OH DB PRESS (10) 16-16-16(8+4PP)
ROPE PUSHDOWN (10) Even moar.

Going to be sore tomorrow! :)
POWER SNATCH -> HANG SNATCH 70-70-70-70 Nice. Motor pattern is coming back. :)
DEADLIFT (5) 150 Got bored... Decided on something else...
HIGH SNATCH PULL (10) 120-120-120 Wow. That is the worst-feeling exercise since front squats for 12-10-10-8-8 reps. I felt ill and my lats and traps were dead.
SUPINATED CHINS (10) 10-9(-1)-(-10)Brackets for negatives. I really struggled with these. Lats said no.
BARBELL ROW (10) 60-70-70 Started off Pendlay, finished at 45-ish degrees. This finished me very in a very dirty way...
BARBELL CURLZ (10) BAR-BAR-BAR IN THE RACK. On the platform. Gains cubed. Yessuh.

That will make playing darts tomorrow a bit harder... :eek:
Yesterday's workout...

Rack platform curls? You just won. At everything

Absolutely. :cool: :D

So yesterday's leg workout...

BACKSQUAT (3) 100-120-130-130-130 Nice and slow eccentric phase makes heavy stuff a lot easier. Could probably have done 5s, but so this isn't about strength... or so I tell myself. :D
DBSS (10 BAR-BAR-BAR I found a way to do these without a bench. And proceeded to violate myself. Today is not good.
SLDL (10) 100-100-100 After the DBSS, these were never going to be easy

Well, that was interesting. Weight was done to 94.8kg, running on relatively empty in the middle of last week, and my quads are getting some definition rightup to the tops which is both interesting and depressing (I thought they were a lot bigger... turns out they were just fat... :D).

Abs are still slowly coming through, but the whole idea was to do this very slowly so I didn't lose too much of anything. I'm leaner than I have been for a long time (waist is back down to somewhere around 32-33" and somewhere around 12-13% BF).

Will carry on trimming until the six pack comes through and can show up on a photo. After that point, I'll reverse the trend and start adding food back in. I'm not suffering at the moment, but also not really doing much else... This 'round' of objectives has shown me tha:

a) Variety is good - sometimes taking a break from primary objectives (weightlifting) isn't a bad thing and can be helpful;
b) Focussed bodybuilding/powerlifting really isn't for me. Admittedly, I'm not where near 'big' or 'strong' so I've not had teh "true" experience of either, but we shall see.

I might carry on this routine through the winter and see how we get on; my weightlifting last week showed I'm not lagging too far behind with it, so getting lean/big - either way - won't be too damaging.

Will take a pic at the start of the new log in a few weeks' time to see how things are going.
Be interested to see a pic mate :)

Find slow eccentric essential for parts of every workout. Sometimes you just need to shift the weight, sometimes you gotta keep that tension going.

Lol'd at legs being fat - terrified I'm gonna end up with twiglet arms as I lose weight :p
Tuesday of Chest...

HANG POWER SNATCH (3)-> HANG SNATCH (2) 60-70-70Eurgh. Cardio. :(
DB BENCH (10) 30-32.5-32.5
DB DECLINE BENCH (10) 16-18-18
TRX PUSH-UP (10) BW Alternative to pullovers, but the TRX clamps shredded my arms.
DB PULLOVER (10) 16-20-20 Such a bro exercise (in my head)...
STANDING DB OHP (10) 18-16-14(8+2PP)
LAT RAISE ss/w PUSHDOWNS (10) all.*
POWER CLEAN (5) 60-80-100(3+2) Figured I would do 100kg after 80kg was meh. Split the last set because I had to switch from 20:10:5:5 plates to 20:20 to keep the noise down.
SNATCH HIGH PULLS (10) 120-100-100 Weight was dropped to get better contraction. So much pump. So much pain.
BOR (10) 60-72.5-72.5
GOOD MORNING (10) 60-60-60
BACK SQUAT (3) 120(2)-132.5-132.5-132.5-132.5 Happy with that.
DBSS (10) BW-22.5-22.5-22.5 Ow.
SLDL (10) 110-110-110
NORDIC CURLZ (10) No way. Got cramp in my feet of all places. Hamstrings were wrecked, anyway...

Well, that was pretty savage... And all to lose weight, not get huge. :(
Training legs when cutting has always been pretty demotivating for me, the mind is willing but the body is not. Good joocey session that tho!
Why lose weight and not get huge? :eek:

Getting (very slowly) shredded to prove a point. Will be dialling things back at some point, however - cutting is just dull, even if the lower weights give me scope to do a lot of technique work.

Training legs when cutting has always been pretty demotivating for me, the mind is willing but the body is not. Good joocey session that tho!

Yeah - there is something sad about hitting a wall a lot sooner than normal. I could drop the weight, but I workout in my shed so nobody can here me scream, anyway. :D

I will be interested to see what this routine does to me on more calories, mind...
Finally managed a photo...


I can't take a back one with a phone...
POWER CLEAN (5) 60-100(2+1)-100(3) Wearing a compression top meant the bar slipped off my shoulders in the second set... Knocked me slightly from there...
SNATCH HIGH PULL(10) 105-105-105
NG CHINS (10) BW-BW(8+2neg)-BW(4+6neg)
BOR (10) 75-75-75
GOOD MORNING (10) 70-70-70
LAT RAISE ss/w STRICT PRESS (10) 7.5/30-8.75/30-8.75/30

Photo was before all that...
Back pic is disgusting, by disgusting I mean sick, by sick I mean bad, by bad I mean awesome. I hate 'modern English'.
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