Countdown to competition...

Back and broceps. At home. So some minor changes...

POWER CLEAN (5) 80-90
SUPINATED CHINS (10) BW-BW-BW (-) Supinated ones wrecked my arms with tje last set of negatives. Ow.
SNATCH HIGH PULLS (10) 60-60-60 Very slow negative destroyed my traps and lats... :eek:
BOR (10) 60-70-70 Yes.
FATGRIP]BARBELL CURLZ (10) 30-30-30 Pump was epically painful. Tempo + fatgripz = :cool:

That... was a fun session. A massive, sweaty mess by the end of it. :D
That does look like fun! :3

Did my last some pretty serious harm... They are still sore today. :)

BACK SQUAT (5) 120-130-130(4P) Lumbar dumped out on the 14th rep, and anywhere else I would have bailed... But decided to re-rack it. And that took it out of me.
SPLIT SQUAT (10) 20-40-40 So much pain. 60s rest is just horrible for these... If I had been doing DBSS I wouldn't have made it out the garage...
SLDL (10) 110-110-110 Please make it stop...

So much lactate. So much pump. So much pain. My legs had better be epic by the end of this! :D
Legs still have bad DOMS... What am I doing to myself? :eek:

POWER SNATCH (5) BAR-72.5-72.5 Woof... That was hard!
DB BENCH (10) 30-30-30 Pow. Tempo plus 60s rest included.
DB DECLINE BENCH (10) 16-20-20
DB CHEST FLY (10) 10-10-10
DB OH PRESS (10) 16-18-16(7+3PP) Better than last week but still hard!
PUSH DOWN ss/w LAT RAISE (10) Loads...

Phew - that was fun. :)
Tiny bit of a twinge on the fly work (unsurprising), but otherwise fine.

There is still some residual weakness, too, but that's not unexpected - it's part of the reason I'm doing dumbell work so that any problems are not hidden through using a bar.
POWERCLEAN *4 -> CLEAN 60-80-90 No real drama. Felt good at 80 so went for 90... Might try 100kg next time for the lolz.
SUPINATED CHINS (10) BW- BW-BW Only three negatives. This is progress.
HANG HIGH SNATCH PULL (10) 60-70-70 Slow negatives are such murder...
BOR (10) 70-70-70

Interesting. Getting back to normal workout ranges even with the 60s rests. Might take a break next week for a week of POWAAAAAAAAH and see how we go.
BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-130 Adductor was tight so figured I would stop the heavy stuff...
FRONT SQUAT (10) 80-80-80(8) Last set almost gave me an aneurysm... So much core pressure! :eek:
SLDL (10) 120-120-120 Legs were shaking on the last half of the final set - harder than I thought! Still, nice volume.

Right, my final week of hypertrophy this time around. Next two weeks will be strength/power (basically Olympic lifting and squatting) to try and loosen up my hips and legs as these high-rep sets are stretching me like wire. I suppose I am going to call this a "reload" - the opposite of "deload..."

Still hovering around 12%-ish BF but also still slowly trimming down. Unsurprisingly carrying more blubber than I thought (or wanted to think?) so it is all good. Strength is relatively stable, too, so I am not going to shrivel up, either. The wife has commented more on my physique than ever, now, clearly suggesting she prefers the swimwear model look (lol) over the power lifter so that might be a hint for me. We shall see, however...
SNATCH BALANCE (3) BAR-BAR-40-40 Lumpy. Groin is still tight! :(
HANG POWER SNATCH (3) -> HANG SNATCH (2) 40-40-50-60 I will be needing a lot of these! :o
BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-120-120-60(5)-60(5) Left adductor us very tight and it is stopping me moving correctly... *sigh*

Might restrict this week to a shed load of pulls and resume squatting next week. Either way, the additional technique work will only help! :)
Pfffft. I don't deadlift unless I have to (I.e injury prevents me from doing something more interesting).

So it will be snatch grip pulls and maybe some stiff-leg snatch deadlifts.
HIGH SNATCH PULL (5) 80-90-100 Feels good.
SNATCH GRIP SL DEADLIFT (3) 120-130-130-130 Phwoar. That will hurt tomorrow!

Adductor still not playing, so OH squats were only for warmup...:(
BACK SQUAT (2) 100-120-120-120-120-120-120 Easing back into squatting. Looks a bit like the first stages of RSR because it is: nice, light form work that will build nicely until I go back to hypertrophy.
SNATCH HIGH PULL (5) 100-100-100 Nice.
PENDLEY ROW (5) 100-100-100
OH SQUAT (5) BAR-BAR-50 Groin still very tight... :(
SNATCH BALANCE (3) BAR-BAR-50 Last set was easiest... :confused:
POWER SNATCH -> 2*HANG SNATCH 50-60-70(2) Didn't go too heavy on this as wanted some back left for squatting.
BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-120-120-120-120-120 Groun eased up and the last few sets were easy.

Not very dramatic, but lifted everything wanted to lift. I did arms yesterday (forgot to log, but was broceps, delts and trize) so today was just kicking back. Wednesday will have some moar deadlifting, so...
Ok, so I did some conventional deadlifts this evening. Only because my straps were being used to group weights for lat raises...

BACK SQUAT (2) 80-120-120-120-120-120-120 Easy enough.
POWER SNATCH -> HANG SNATCH 80-80 A bit slow but fine...
DEADLIFT (3) 120-160-170 Easy...
LAT RAISE ss/w OHP (12) 7.5/BAR-7.5/30-7.5/30 OHP was done without lockout and with a slow decent to nose height to keep triceps and delts loaded. Ow.

Nice to know things are still working... Back to hypertrophy next week...
I had to look into what snatch grip deadlift look like..

For someone that doesn't do it you sure cranked out some good numbers for triples.
I had to look into what snatch grip deadlift look like..

For someone that doesn't do it you sure cranked out some good numbers for triples.

Hehe... Thanks. :)

I got to 200kg last year or something and then just couldn't be bothered to push further as I got stuck into weightlifting. Despite all hell gong on with my squatting, when I occasionally check in with deadlifts they do not really seem to get affected. The last time I did deadlifts I managed 160*8... Probably a result of all the pulling I do for snatch and CnJ.
POWER SNATCH -> HANG SNATCH 60-80(1f)-60-70
BACK SQUAT (4) 120-120-120-120-120-120 Hard by the end - last rep of the last set was a bit ropey...

Last weighed in at around 95.5kg clean a few days ago, and definitely leaning out. Back to swolertrophy tomorrow...
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