COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

First case outside Africa.

Hopefully, cases don't rise and outside of Africa the exposure is minimal and it goes away for all.

Do not want this causing another pandemic. This is scarier than COVID. :(
Luckily its close contact only (so far)

Why "scarier than Covid" ?
Have you seen the state of some of the people infected? It'd scare the heck out of me its not called a pox virus for nothing.

According to the NHS, the risk of catching it is low and if you do catch it the symptoms usually clear within a few weeks. The few cases detected so far have been mainly confined to the male gay community. Can't find any reports of death from it so far.

That was the older variant the newer one is more contagious but still only close contact i.e. skin contact or breathing close to an infected person. Currently fatality rate is 4 in 100 cases. See the BBC report above.
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You have pretty much answered why its not as "scary" as Covid yourself - unless you plan some "up close and personal contact" then so what if it causes lumps etc. The chances of catching it appear remote.
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The chances of catching it appear remote.
Yes, but it won't stop the "addicted to fear porn" crew getting all excited about something else to concern themselves with and getting all worked up into a froth and demanding everyone else share their demented views on whatever nonsense is doing the rounds at any given time.
Some of the comments on forums/Twitter etc etc about Mpox are just mental beyond belief.
If these nutters want to lock themselves away from society and shield from a non threat, then great, have at it, but don't insist the rest of us to tow the line for your inability/laziness to get on with life and earn a crust.
Hell, we're all going to die at some point, so make the most of ones time here rather than making oneself ill through stressing about something that is very very unlikely to kill you.
A good month. Weird sensation feelings through the body and mind. Not nice at all.
I wonder if there is a correlation between testing positive for longer and developing long covid.

I was testing positive for almost three weeks (a feint line end of week 4 just after result timeframe) and still struggling with long covid fatigue almost two years later.
I wonder if there is a correlation between testing positive for longer and developing long covid.

I was testing positive for almost three weeks (a feint line end of week 4 just after result timeframe) and still struggling with long covid fatigue almost two years later.
Does it affect your nervous system too. I find like always tired brain body detached. Not nice at the moment
Does it affect your nervous system too. I find like always tired brain body detached. Not nice at the moment
Long covid does different things for different people.

For me, I feel mentally wiped out a lot of the time, social interaction in person or on phone for much more than ~30mins kills me. Ned lots of sleep, especially after a day when I've done more exercise in terms of duration and/or intensity, getting up before 1000 is real strugle. Physically, carrying a 10l bucket of water is a big effort these days for my fish tanks and often needs both hands, cyling continuously for more than ~40mins is a huge challenge.

I used to be a postie before taking ill health retirement, one of the fastest walkers in the depot, plus cycling typically 10+ hours a week including all out efforts up hills on regular 2-4 hour rides.
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If people obey a lockdown over something with a 3% fatality rate (in Africa) and which is totally avoidable by not touching the infected’s sores or swapping bodily fluids, they deserve a everything they get.

If people are stupid enough to cause a situation where lockdowns are a consideration over a disease relatively easily manageable with some common sense and actual personal responsibility they deserve everything they get.
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