COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Even the scaremongering WHO have now said it wont result in Lockdowns etc.
Thank Jeebus for that, I was getting sooo terrified about it.
I've had a real hankering for bananas over the last few days and the desire to star in a PG Tips commercial, so was starting to get concerned :eek:
Think I've got it for the 1st time, was going to say amazingly but hardly surprising given barely leave the house :)

Not sure though without testing. But had moderate level fever for 2 days, cold / hot sweats. And some ongoing background level fever, just feeling warm every now and then.

No chest, cough or throat issues surprisingly.

Smell has 100% disappeared, cant even smell aftershave / deodorant direct from the bottle. Taste is a bit messed up but still functioning.
Covid must still be a thing, I got asked at the hospital the other day if I'd been on contact with anyone with covid during the last 14 days.

I doubt most people would have any idea
It is very much still a thing, a care home I visit still has covid questions as part of the sign in process, although didnt help a few weeks back when they had an outbreak and went into lockdown, mass testing and isolating residents who were positive while restricting overall access till all clear.
Not many but some people are still testing due to occupational reasons, etc.

It is pretty difficult these days to know unless someone has either tested or in the full throes of it with all the symptoms including sense of taste or smell loss beyond just congestion.

The survey also found:

  • Almost one in 10 UK residents ( per cent) surveyed only wash their bathroom towels twice a year, equating to over four million people (4,255,056)
  • A third of UK residents (33 per cent) surveyed wash their bathroom towels just once every three months, this equates to over 17 million people (17,552,107)
  • Those surveyed in Leicester and Glasgow are most likely to go the longest without washing their bathroom towels, with over four in 10 (41 per cent) from both cities admitting to only washing their towels every three months at the most
EEWW :mad:
I’m almost tempted to say if that’s one’s hygiene regime then you deserve everything you get.
As usual the comments sum up the headline.

The survey also found:

  • Almost one in 10 UK residents ( per cent) surveyed only wash their bathroom towels twice a year, equating to over four million people (4,255,056)
  • A third of UK residents (33 per cent) surveyed wash their bathroom towels just once every three months, this equates to over 17 million people (17,552,107)
  • Those surveyed in Leicester and Glasgow are most likely to go the longest without washing their bathroom towels, with over four in 10 (41 per cent) from both cities admitting to only washing their towels every three months at the most
EEWW :mad:
I’m almost tempted to say if that’s one’s hygiene regime then you deserve everything you get.
As usual the comments sum up the headline.

That can't be true....surely! 3 months?!
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