What's wrong with "lol" and "+1"?
Sometimes +1 is needed!
I've never been one to sit on forums all day and talk nonsensical crap.
I'm sorry if my low post count offends you.
Explain to me what my post count has to do with my honesty and integrity when it comes to buying or selling items on a forum.
It has nothing to do with it, however with a larger post count we can determine a little better how honest you are
I agree that on a forum it is difficult to tell, but past a certain point, post count is meaningless, and I actually think 250 is a pretty reasonable figure. 500 would have been a fair compromise though IMO.
250 is easy, 500 is even easier
In reality someone with a high post count is probably someone young and with few responsibilities, both in the workplace and at home. Either that or they are neglecting other areas of their life in order to post rubbish on an internet forum.
It's fool's logic and pretty insulting really. I have time on my hands due to a flexible job. Whilst you may use that time to clean the house etc, I pay someone else to do that and spend a lot of my time on the forums to help other people
It's fool's logic and pretty insulting really.
I think one post every four days is pretty reasonable actually for someone who doesn't want to dedicate their life to an internet forum.
not really
Whether or not I would use the MM is irrelevant and something that you can't even speculate on because I don't even have the choice at the moment, and it doesn't look like I will have for a long time.
Good idea, been a few suspect posts recently.
Although I have access, and have used MM a fair bit, I would be happy with this move, when I first joined I was shocked at how little I needed to post to gain access, a couple posts whilst the kettle boils here, a GD thread there.
1000 posts requires serious contribution.
+1 is never needed. If you don't have anything to add to the topic or you're not expanding on a point then what use is +1, it's nice that you agree with what's gone before but realistically it's not a particularly useful post. I'll agree that sometimes you discover that someone has said what you would like to and often phrased much more eloquently than you would but why do you need to quote them - if it's such a great post then it should be able to stand alone without a dozen others adding +"a number" to the end of it. To just add "lol" or "+1" often looks a bit like spam to me, occasionally it's not an issue but if it's a regular thing then I'd be looking askance at the user.
On topic hopefully this will help keep instances of members getting scammed to a minimum, there's a lot of effort goes into the MM by the MM team and while it's unfortunate that some members may find their access delayed by these measures they're intended to provide a bit more security and reassurance for users of the MM service.
Will there be any wags who +1 this post?
I'll add my 2pence- Maybe access should be allowed for less than 1000posts if you've been registered longer. I read the forums nearly every day but checked and have an average of only 0.4posts a day. Half of what I read on here includes 'troll', 'fanboy', 'lol[forum name]' or '+1', so i'm not sure that just upping the post count requirement will make the forums 'better'. Would be interesting to review the accounts of all the known scammers- e.g. how many bothered lurking for ages? I'd guess that the scammers get in asap and scam rather than having accounts for a year or more.
having said all that- reasonable security is the key thing for a MM to work so...
Even though I rarely use MM I hope these limits don't keep increasing
As you can see I barely post but have been here for years!
Anyone who gained access under the old criteria of 250 posts and 90 days will not be affected.
Did you not see the part where TC said if you already have the MM you keep it?