all i was trying to ask was would I notice a large improvement updating the firmwarre on a machine with the drive connected on sata 2 instead of Sata 3? Pretty simple question I would have thought for someone who might be in the know :S
Well since you never said, were we meant to guess your question?
Answer is probably not, but I'd be upgrading it anyway if I were you.
I was able to get the 2 x 64GB M4 Raid up and running in a RAID-0 Array and below are the results. (Stripe Size was 32KB)
RAID "Hooray"RAID setup of the 2 x 64GB M4's.
You need to list what board you're using, it can't be the one in your sig can it, since it won't support SATA 3.
With the overwhelming information in your post, I've come to the conclusion that I have absolutely no idea.
sorry I havent updated it yet.
my MB is the ASRock Extreme 4 Gen 3
Anyone know just how much real world performance (don't really care about benches) i'm losing by being stuck on SATA II? I'm pretty happy with my 128GB Crucial M4 (flashed to 0009 fw) performance, but i'm wondering if I should bring forward my Sandy bridge rebuild.
Anyone know just how much real world performance (don't really care about benches) i'm losing by being stuck on SATA II? I'm pretty happy with my 128GB Crucial M4 (flashed to 0009 fw) performance, but i'm wondering if I should bring forward my Sandy bridge rebuild.
I am unsure what this stigma surrounding updating an SSD firmware is all about
updating the firmware is easy
DL the FW and burn the iso to disc
then ensure your sata mode is IDE in the bios [it should be set to AHCI so you will need to change this]
boot from your cd rom
wait for the utility to tell you that your m4 is detected and needs to be updated
type 'yes' by pressing the Y, E and S keys in that order
then press enter
walk to the oven to check if your pizza is done
then come back and see your drive has finished updating.
restart with CTRL+ALT+DEL
enter bios and change SATA mode back to AHCI
then sit back in your chair and say, "woah, that was pretty easy. I dont know what I was making all that fuss about. It took less than 5 minutes of my time and now my drive is 1/5th faster than it was before."
then sit there with a smug grin on your face knowing that your SSD update was really easy and the people who bought an agility 3 are having massive problems.
unlike yourself.