Cruicial M4 0009 Firmware Update

So i'm stuck, the M4 i have installed works great and i have no problems. But it's on 0002 and my Bios only have options for ACHI or RAID. Is there a work around?

PS - i get 7.4 on mine as well.

My motherboard has the ide mode, but I did not change it from ahci to ide and the update from 0002 to 0009 worked in ahci mode, booted from a cd-rw

I have the intel Sata 3 and I get a max speed of 545mb/s read in atto and about 190mb/s in writes.

Windows index of 7.9
My Read speed seems a bit slow compared to others.

Brand new drive, fresh W7 install, X58 Mobo with Marvel controller. I haven't changed any drivers, do I need to?

Ouch didnt notice it had a marvell controller :( (the pci-e card that is)

I upgraded my motherboard, CPU and Ram to the Asus P8Z68-V PRO Z68 Socket 1155, Core i7 2600k and 8gb ram. Had a buyer for my old system. I had the asus u3s6 card before in an x16 slot. I only got about 425mb/s max read speed.

Now with the intel sata 3 I get 545mb/s read.

But I have to say both were very fast, I did not notice much different in the speed apps load from the SSD.

So I would say if you can sell you old system parts then get the intel Sata 3 or if you are upgrading from a very old system then get intel.

But if you already have a good spec system say core 2 dual/quad or similar with only sata 2 then get the asus card it gives you two usb3 ports and two non raid sata 3 ports. This will give you much faster speeds then the sata 2 ports.

Not worth spending so much just to get 100mb/s extra on max read speeds as most of the time you will not be reading apps over 400mb will you?
Therefore 400mb/s max read is more then enough.
I was thinking of getting this HDD, but is it worth it with my mobo?

Asus M4A79XTD EVO:

SB750 Chipset
1 xUltraDMA 133/100/66 for up to 2 PATA devices
6 xSATA 3 Gb/s ports Support RAID 0,1,5,10,JBOD
Marvell 88SE6121 SATA controller
1 xInternal SATA 3Gb/s port(black)
1 xExternal SATA 3Gb/s port (SATA on-the-go)

Don't you need a 6GB/s SATA port? I'm surprised the mobo doesn't tbh :(
I've got two 64Gb M4's. One in my desktop/server and one in my laptop. Both are only Sata-II.
They are vastly faster than the mechanical HDD's that were in them before.

I've just upgraded the firmware to 0009 and although it's not a real world benchmark the Windows score for the HDD on the laptop jumped from 5.9 up to 7.7!
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