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Crysis 3 performance

3 Sep 2010
Must be windows 8. Seems too much of a difference though.

I suppose there's a chance his triple channel RAM is helping. Have you checked your pci-e slot is running at 16x?

Nvidia cant write proper driver for windows 8.
have had issues since windows 8 released.
31 Dec 2008
can actually play maxed out with aa disabled (barely notice any jaggies anyway!) all very high settings at 1080p, at around 30-40 fps, and feels smooth enough, i put tesselation down to 16x in ccc as 6950 cant handle any higher really. however have to turn objects to high otherwise phycho has this weird texture glitch! basicly a spikey texture sticking out of his body and its real large!

edit ah can actually play with fxaa enabled, so yeah only thing preventing me from maxing this game out is that dodgy texture! seems near 40 fps constant, game uses very near 2 gigs of vram though, and uses all 4 cores of my cpu about 50% excluding hyperthreading. seems well optimised for radeon cards.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
This game definitely tests wether you GPU clock is stable i ran the new 3D Mark and Uniengine benchmarks fine on my 24/7 clock of 1172/1563 clock at 1187mv and also play BF3 no problem.
But when it came to this game after about half an hour it froze and gave the AMD display recovery message! Had to up the voltage one notch, but this is the best looking game i have seen.

Not had much time to do anything lately but thought I'd fire it up and give it a 'quick' go as I had an hour to spare.

Watched the intro pressed X to to take control of the game after it loaded up to be greeted with 'dxgi error device removed', using 13.2 beta5+6, stock clocks(stock voltage and added voltage) on the 7950 same issue despite the C3 beta playing fine, not happy.:(

Googled it, found out it's a known issue(since the alpha), bigger Nvidia problem in comparison, but it's definitely not an Nvidia exclusive problem despite what a lot of people are posting online.

I will try 13.1's(performance tanking) when I get time and report back.

That's one of my greatest bugbears of PC gaming, not happened in a long long time, but it would be nice to just fire a game up and play it without hassles instead of using your free hour to troll about online looking for a solution:(
3 Jun 2012
Im getting 33-40Fps in most places at 2560x1600 with SMAAx2 and Settings on Veryhigh / shadows and water on high

Not bad, i do see dips into the high 20's but i dont mind as this game looks the BOMB
29 Dec 2012
been playing this using radeon pro on my 7950 and using adaptive v sync with no AA at 1920x 1080 with everything high except post processing I am getting a locked FPS of 50 which is pretty good only dropping on very intensive parts but it seems to play smooth enough for me on the 360 controller :D
16 Mar 2012
Not had much time to do anything lately but thought I'd fire it up and give it a 'quick' go as I had an hour to spare.

Watched the intro pressed X to to take control of the game after it loaded up to be greeted with 'dxgi error device removed', using 13.2 beta5+6, stock clocks(stock voltage and added voltage) on the 7950 same issue despite the C3 beta playing fine, not happy.:(

Googled it, found out it's a known issue(since the alpha), bigger Nvidia problem in comparison, but it's definitely not an Nvidia exclusive problem despite what a lot of people are posting online.

I will try 13.1's(performance tanking) when I get time and report back.

That's one of my greatest bugbears of PC gaming, not happened in a long long time, but it would be nice to just fire a game up and play it without hassles instead of using your free hour to troll about online looking for a solution:(
Wasn't the Beta just MP? If it was single player will always be more resource hungry in games as they usualy dumb down slightly for MP graphics.
16 Mar 2012
been playing this using radeon pro on my 7950 and using adaptive v sync with no AA at 1920x 1080 with everything high except post processing I am getting a locked FPS of 50 which is pretty good only dropping on very intensive parts but it seems to play smooth enough for me on the 360 controller :D

I find games can feel smoother with an xbox controller as your not moving as fast as you would with a mouse, fine for single player but a no no for MP;)
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Wasn't the Beta just MP? If it was single player will always be more resource hungry in games as they usualy dumb down slightly for MP graphics.

Yes, beta was just MP, but the underlying code is the same, they may have changed the final build and broke something somewhere.

Shame as I was really looking forward to the SP, I only ran about checking performance in MP as MP gaming isn't my cup of tea(BF3 aside) and was delighted at the massive boost beta5 brought with it, which I fear will be gone on official 13.1(if the dxgi error isn't still an issue).
18 Apr 2012
South Wales
Game runs pretty good for me. Everything on very high, aa disabled. I do get dips into the 30s but still feels fine.

Biggest problem i have is the same issue i have with crysis 2 using windows 8, the fps will not go above 64. Don't know why. Again must be an issue with windows 8 and nvidia drivers.

Imo is looks a lot better than c2. With maldo's textures on c2 they look around the same. The beginning of c3 is absolutely stunning with all the rain. Was blown away!
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4 Sep 2011
Game runs pretty good for me. Everything on very high, aa disabled. I do get dips into the 30s but still feels fine.

Biggest problem i have is the same issue i have with crysis 2 using windows 8, the fps will not go above 64. Don't know why. Again must be an issue with windows 8 and nvidia drivers.

You got the frame limiter on in Afterburner/rivatuner or Nvidia inspector.
26 Jan 2005
Wow, this game looks amazeballs on the projector. The high level of detail in the textures is incredible, the water effects are so realistic and the quality of the shadows is superb. Best looking game ever, bar none. Kind of reminds me of the tech demos of the original Crysis! :p

It's running well (mostly 45-50fps) on very high on my 7970, that's what the game set it to, except for the odd slow down which is a little distracting. Does anyone recommend some settings that can be reduced a little, without impacting on the visuals too much? A Crysis 3 benchmark would be good, I'm sure one will appear. :D
16 May 2007
Game looks great, but I've got a weird feeling mouse lag, feels like the gun is swinging through water which makes it hard to aim. FPS seems to be ok, although it sometimes dips a bit, getting this lead weight gun feeling all the time regardless of FPS.

I've tried the i_mouse_accel 0; i_mouse_smooth 0; i_mouse_accel_max 0 fix without any luck.
26 Jan 2005
The bit where I remember getting the worst fps drop was;

just after getting in from the rain there is a big room with dudes in radiation suits working at terminals next to two big energy sources. It was when looking at these two reactors that fps dropped to ~25

I'm keen to keep playing on very high but if I can find what was causing that slow down I'll drop that down a notch.
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