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Crysis 3 performance

24 May 2011
Running in SLI is an issue at the moment I think. My SLI usage drops 50% in odd situations creating a slideshow on occasion. Very odd. It's ruining my enjoyment of the game, so i'll wait until a fix if Crytek can be arsed.
6 May 2012
Wow, this game looks amazeballs on the projector. The high level of detail in the textures is incredible, the water effects are so realistic and the quality of the shadows is superb. Best looking game ever, bar none. Kind of reminds me of the tech demos of the original Crysis! :p

It's running well (mostly 45-50fps) on very high on my 7970, that's what the game set it to, except for the odd slow down which is a little distracting. Does anyone recommend some settings that can be reduced a little, without impacting on the visuals too much? A Crysis 3 benchmark would be good, I'm sure one will appear. :D

Totally agree with this, can't remember playing a game that is this good to look at .(IMO) :)

A bench would be good

The bit where I remember getting the worst fps drop was;

just after getting in from the rain there is a big room with dudes in radiation suits working at terminals next to two big energy sources. It was when looking at these two reactors that fps dropped to ~25

I'm keen to keep playing on very high but if I can find what was causing that slow down I'll drop that down a notch.

I've noticed similar slowdowns with my crossfire 7970,
one card shuts off completely every now and again.

This is the only game I've noticed it on :confused:

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16 Mar 2012
The bit where I remember getting the worst fps drop was;

just after getting in from the rain there is a big room with dudes in radiation suits working at terminals next to two big energy sources. It was when looking at these two reactors that fps dropped to ~25

I'm keen to keep playing on very high but if I can find what was causing that slow down I'll drop that down a notch.

Yeah I noticed this on my 7970 stand on the spot turn away from the reactors over 100fps, turn and look at the reactors 30fps and under!
2 Jan 2012
^^ It's not a 'port' it's a multiformat game. Heavily optimised for PC, Crytek focused on PC specifics this time around. It's pretty much the same engine etc as Crysis 2 with some nice extra effects and has raised the performance bar. The 680 just isn't that powerful. try a pair of Titan's or lower the settings..

PC developers must think they can't win. Design a game that doesn't require much graphical grunt and PC gamers cry. Design a game that will melt people's rigs and PC gamers still cry lol.

I run everything on high with shadows and water on medium @ 1440P 2 x SMAA and 16 x AA (Single GTX 670 4GB). It looks stunning. Will up the settings more when Titan arrives :p.
24 May 2011
^^ It's not a 'port' it's a multiformat game. Heavily optimised for PC, Crytek focused on PC specifics this time around. It's pretty much the same engine etc as Crysis 2 with some nice extra effects and has raised the performance bar. The 680 just isn't that powerful. try a pair of Titan's or lower the settings..

PC developers must think they can't win. Design a game that doesn't require much graphical grunt and PC gamers cry. Design a game that will melt people's rigs and PC gamers still cry lol.

I run everything on high with shadows and water on medium @ 1440P 2 x SMAA and 16 x AA (Single GTX 670 4GB). It looks stunning. Will up the settings more when Titan arrives :p.

Sorry to come off rude, but you are talking out of your rear end! The guy above the post you quoted clearly stated he is running THREE 680's and STILL get's severe drops. If this game is running on cryengine3 - like Crysis 2 - then I would expect similar levels of performance. Not sure about anyone else but with high res texture pack and dx11 I can max out that game. So why is Crysis 3 so hard to run? Yes, it looks better, does it look better enough to run 3x680's to the ground. Hell no. This equates to poor drivers or poor optimisation.
21 Feb 2012
Blackpool. UK
I am getting quite into Crysis 3 now so have been tweaking to see how best to run it going forward and it seems that for my setup, MSAAx8 is broken as it drops me to 1FPS!

However, with everything maxed and the AA set to FXAA I now get very acceptable gameplay, super smooth, but lower than expected FPS.

My Rig.
  • 3770k @ 4.6ghz
  • 3x 7970s at 1200/1650
  • 5760 x 1080 @120hz Eyefinity
I average over 40 FPS, usually nearer to 50. (MXAA kills it to low 40s)

I set the game to the same point, as you enter new york, just before you take out that comms tower, stood in the moving grass and nice rocks.
I tested both 2x and 3x GPU's and the results were IDENTICAL FPS - except that 2x GPU ran smoother. A little more fluid.
I grabbed two images to illustrate as I monitor all hardware + FRAPS on my G19 with updates at 1hz.
3x GPU's

2X GPU's

So my advice for now:
  • Trifire is pointless
  • I personally suggest you run with FXAA as it seems to give a good 5fps advantage and I personally cant see any visual difference at all..
16 May 2007
I've noticed an improvement if I turn on FXAA and adaptive sync using Nvidia Inspector, getting a fairly steady 45 fps with everything on V high and AA turned off in the game.

Mouse lag seems to be much reduced too.

Should run even better when my two Titans arrive too :D
Last edited:
26 Jan 2005
I am getting quite into Crysis 3 now so have been tweaking to see how best to run it going forward and it seems that for my setup, MSAAx8 is broken as it drops me to 1FPS!

However, with everything maxed and the AA set to FXAA I now get very acceptable gameplay, super smooth, but lower than expected FPS.

My Rig.
  • 3770k @ 4.6ghz
  • 3x 7970s at 1200/1650
  • 5760 x 1080 @120hz Eyefinity
I average over 40 FPS, usually nearer to 50. (MXAA kills it to low 40s)

I set the game to the same point, as you enter new york, just before you take out that comms tower, stood in the moving grass and nice rocks.
I tested both 2x and 3x GPU's and the results were IDENTICAL FPS - except that 2x GPU ran smoother. A little more fluid.
I grabbed two images to illustrate as I monitor all hardware + FRAPS on my G19 with updates at 1hz.
3x GPU's

2X GPU's

So my advice for now:
  • Trifire is pointless
  • I personally suggest you run with FXAA as it seems to give a good 5fps advantage and I personally cant see any visual difference at all..

Looks like it's CPU bound then bud.
18 Oct 2002
The game is not CPU bound on the x79, kicking the clock rate from 3.2 to 4.2 to 5ghz does little.

7970Trifire is broken and i don't think it is the driver as Crysis 2 did this also.

The 3rd GPU affects performance negatively with Beta 6. Dropping down to 2 cards pushes out around 70fps with FXAA.
4 Sep 2011
I've not exactly tracked the fps on the game but it is running well and I must say it is pretty beautiful...

True that. Say what you will about optimization, this is prob's the best looking game I have played. People get very upset when they have spent £1000's on gear and then cant blow a game away but I welcome it. We would all be complaining if it was easily ran and shouting console port. I can see the effects that are making my xfire 7970s chug and I don't mind as it looks amazing @1400p. The effects on the water alone have me walking backwards then forwards through puddles just to watch the ripples! :D
18 Oct 2002
I don't think "blowing it away" is the problem, we would just like it to use the 3rd (and 4th) GPUs.

If this engine is supposed to be the best, then why cannot it scale correctly... ho-hum.

The Birmingham boys (codemasters) need to get on a plane to Kiev and get it working for them, they seem to have this sort of functionality working from the get-go.

The actual Crysis 3 gameplay is excellent though, the bow completley changes the gameplay dynamics....
6 Apr 2006
Will see how this runs later on my 3570k and 7970 @ 1440p, i've had another 7970 and XSPC cooler with Bridge in my basket for ages now and i think this game will be the one to make me purchase it!
4 Sep 2011
I don't think "blowing it away" is the problem, we would just like it to use the 3rd (and 4th) GPUs.

If this engine is supposed to be the best, then why cannot it scale correctly... ho-hum.

The Birmingham boys (codemasters) need to get on a plane to Kiev and get it working for them, they seem to have this sort of functionality working from the get-go.

The actual Crysis 3 gameplay is excellent though, the bow completley changes the gameplay dynamics....

Sorry bud, I wasn't referring to the 3 GPU boys when I said that just some people are ****ed they cant max it and blame optimization.
29 Dec 2012
I cannot personally see any diffirence between high and very high when you are playing as normal. If you stop and pay very close attention you can see but how often do you just stand looking at stuff in games ?

Again for me radeon pro has been the best thing for this game. I am using dynamic v sync on my 7950 and its capping it at 51 fps it seems really smooth with only the slow down so far at the points other people have stated. I am happy with the way it looks and runs tbh.
27 Apr 2012
This game is amazing. It's absolutely beautiful when playing at max, though it does stress my system. I haven't played MP yet going to wait until I finish the story.

Though I've noticed my gpu usage is dipping into 60's at times, is this drivers or what? My card should be running 99% constantly with this game! Also I can't go past 60fps, no matter what - even with Vsync off, how do I do that?

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