CS:GO Discussion

haha yeah afraid so, bear in mind I had never played a CS before (apart from about 2hrs on source dm) and barely played FPS games on a PC. (actually this is a lie I did play quite a lot of bf3)
But look at me now! carrying your asses!
I'm silver one :D

I last played competitive years ago, played my 10 matches and decided it wasnt for me. I left it long enough to be unranked until yesterday when i decided to play a match. Straight in at silver 1 haha. I played another today. Topped the laderboard, got an ace, still lost the match.

It's all too serious for me, much happier playing arms race lol

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I'm silver one :D

I last played competitive years ago, played my 10 matches and decided it wasnt for me. I left it long enough to be unranked until yesterday when i decided to play a match. Straight in at silver 1 haha. I played another today. Topped the laderboard, got an ace, still lost the match.

It's all too serious for me, much happier playing arms race lol

silver 1 is quite an achievement.
Glitch in the matrix if you get silver 1 unless you play on an xbox controller. Statistically its opposite to global elite, so thats how distinguished in ineptitude you must be. Rumours of them jiggling the ranks but I expect its done by equation not arbitrary arrangement, that is puzzling

long enough to be unranked
You always have an elo score even if no rank shows afaik. New accounts are placed vs silver 4 say, from what I read you must lose 40 games to then place silver 1 after 10 wins

So a film director made some skins :O

Aside from being on toxic and uncommunicative teams from countries that don't even speak English (Seriously, I play with one Brit per month if I'm lucky)

There is no UK in CSGO population terms. There is Russia and USA and lots non english (native) speaking euro populations. My last solo game, everyone spoke perfect english, everyone followed team strats, we had calls etc but that was in usa. Google m7 csgo, use that tool to choose a different server not near russia
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I'm silver one :D

I last played competitive years ago, played my 10 matches and decided it wasnt for me. I left it long enough to be unranked until yesterday when i decided to play a match. Straight in at silver 1 haha. I played another today. Topped the laderboard, got an ace, still lost the match.

It's all too serious for me, much happier playing arms race lol


You have managed to impossible. When I got a smurf a while back I lost 50+ games to 10 wins and got GN1.

When I 1st got a given a rank it was silver 2! lol

Somethings never change eh matey? :D
I dont know about impossible, there were 3 or 4 other silver ones in that match. the rest were unranked.

Statistically its opposite to global elite, so that how distinguished in ineptitude you must be.
:( I've almost got my 1000 arms race / demolition wins. does that count at all?

... it doesn't, does it? :'(

silverserfer said:
You always have an elo score even if no rank shows afaik. New accounts are placed vs silver 4 say, from what I read you must lose 40 games to then place silver 1 after 10 wins
Yeah that's what i assumed. I wasnt silver 1 before i went unranked though, that's for sure. I've certainly not lost 50 matches either. I've not even played 50 matches, from memory it's more like 20 played 12 won. Not sure exactly, dont know how to check.

Now it comes down to whether i can be bothered to advance or not and im not sure i can! i quite like my silver 1 status :p
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You can go on Reddit, set your flair to silver 1. Start a thread, Iam legit Silver 1 AMA (ask me anything) you will be famous, its so rare now lol

Whats your profile link, I should compare stats because I also play arms race a lot. Since they are custom maps, you and I probably have an advantage over anybody else on the thread for best angles etc
At LAN Intel actually ran an arms race tourney, one of the goRGN casters won it, cash prize etc. So it kinda counts :D

The hardest achievement in the game is on Arms race, I never even seen a pro able to get it legit. Which is win with no deaths. So yea mm is proper cs but nothing wrong with enjoying different game modes imo.
To the person asking for good practise, google "cs go retake server eu" thats the best I know of. Not a main game mode either but possibly better then many mm matches
Steel vs arms race

TBH I should have these achievements

Now it comes down to whether i can be bothered to advance or not
The serious answer would be to make another account during steam sales for ranking up, because i really doubt you'd get back there easily. Its useful for playing with brand new players maybe
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i was under the impression silver 1 is harder to get than GE.

It is, I was thinking of getting a 5 pre-made. Buy new accounts, get those 10 wins so our ranks would still be in silver and then just loose games in till we hit silver 1.

I'm silver one :D

This rank is impressive tbh, Global isn't hard to get. To get Silver 1, is like playing on the highest difficulty! :cool:

This is the first time, I see someone with it. I'm not even kidding lol... :)
Cant believe you actually got me beat there, you've got 10x my wins so theres no way you are actually silver level skill lol Im bad on knife so I often lose at that point

Another stats site and will auto collect and track all players you play in MM http://www.vac-ban.com/
For the old bunnyhop comment, I was never much good at it but some people were bonkers and it was unlimited. Very different game back then (for me), I miss playing 3 or 4 different game modes not just defuse every time
cl_Showpos 1 in console for velocity

win with no deaths.... nope, not managed that. I have managed two wins on safehouse without firing a gun.

Says you did btw, since some matches can be bots only I wouldnt include that. In fact I hate bots, they actually cheat imo but whatever. Bit of an honour thing since many just use special maps just to unlock which is not the point of it!
Win an Arms Race match without dying
5 December 2014

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I can do around 6-8 hops tops in CS:GO, I once managed to do around 10-12? In 1.6 I used bhop regularly, on one map I was in top 15. 7 seconds was my time on deathrun skyline...

My nickname from those times was, '+|-'.

Edit Just played some 1.6, I got shrekt, 2 year break is a bit too much. The game is also ruined after the udpate that valve did back in 2012...
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Those who have completed the supreme > GE push, how many games did it take?

I'm mid-boarding most games and have topped a couple, currently on 9 wins in a row solo-queueing. Hopefully not long :D
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