*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Regardless of what I think, the game is being pulled from MS and Sony, has been getting panned and all we can hope for is CD Projekt Red to go under and into liquidation. We are better off without such poor developers. This is the same people who did Wither 3, how the mighty have fallen. The masses have spoken and it aint good for Cyberpunk.

I mean you can't even rebind from the F key LOL.

Watchdogs 3 is a far better game and even it was only fairly decent.
Agreed, looking at the pre release stuff, what was promised, cdpr are lieing scum.
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Perhaps if you stopped being such an angry little child and actually read the thread before throwing your toys out of the pram and resorting to pathetic and petty little insults you'd know that I haven't actually 'bought the hype', in fact I haven't even bought the game yet. I've played for around 10 hours around a mate's house on his PC and will most likely be picking it up myself sometime early in the new year.
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Not sure why some people want to flat out defend the games short comings. I'm not going to try and convince you that you didn't enjoy the game so you shouldn't be trying to convince me the problems don't exist just because you didn't see any of them or are happy with limited features seen in games from 20 odd years ago.

This is the thing. People sayinh "ooh you must have stumbled upon higher level enemies" are missing the point. I was on a mission that had me go through this area after act 3 and came across a random encounter that simply had me thinking WTF is wrong here. It was totally immersion breaking and can be easily avoided. If they want harder areas then do what most other RPG/action games do and make it noticable. For exmaple the harder enemies have exoskeletons/power armour/shields, or more cybernetics, so you know these guys are tough. But to have you walk/run for 1 minute in a game world and have the exact same NPC go from an easy target to a bullet sponge is just pure lazy developing. But instead of debating the actual point being made the insults start from the shills. I am happy to troll back with those kinds of idiots.
This game will be awesome in 3 years when they have finally included everything that they promised.

It is clear corporate greed got the better of CDPR. Shoddy release is now being call out for things like only allowing the PC version for reviews. To go from a 9 out of 10 for PC to 4 out of 10 for PS4 is telling. Not to mention the fact Sony have pulled it from their stores. To argue that the only recently last gen consoles were never going to be good enough is pure CDPR shilling. This game began development in 2012 before the Ps4 or XBOX 1 was even released so they were absolutely a target for this game.
It is clear corporate greed got the better of CDPR. Shoddy release is now being call out for things like only allowing the PC version for reviews. To go from a 9 out of 10 for PC to 4 out of 10 for PS4 is telling. Not to mention the fact Sony have pulled it from their stores. To argue that the only recently last gen consoles were never going to be good enough is pure CDPR shilling. This game began development in 2012 before the Ps4 or XBOX 1 was even released so they were absolutely a target for this game.
completely agree. I wouldn't class myself as some sort of expert but I could see this coming, well the bugs and unfinished article. I always planned to pick the game up in a couple of years when I can max it out, all bugs are squashed, the GOT/Gold edition has been released, MODs and all DLC are available.

Ive just learned over the last 25 years of console and PC gaming that AAA titles just need more time to "mature" and that they are increasingly not ready for release when they are released. I know if everyone had that attitude the game developers wouldnt sell to anyone on release but this is just the way i see it.
Strangely if I try a game and I like it a buy it. The problem is when you do this legitimately such as Steam you get stung due to the 2 hour use rule. There is no way anyone could try a game like Cyberpunk in only 2 hours and relaise they have been had. Hell the first hour is mostly cut scenes and linear on rails crud. Honestly, the first gunfight in the organ harvesting appartment had me thinking the gunplay was crap. Even at that point headshots were laughably poor with AI being bullet sponges. It's funny how a bullet to the head is less effective than covering someones mouth for a few seonds.

I bought this based on CDPR's past record and it is clear the corporate greed and arrogance went to their head. They used to take pride in their work, but clearly it's all about lying and shafting their customers with buggy crap that meets few (if any) of the promises. See the list posted earler for proof.
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Ive just learned over the last 25 years of console and PC gaming that AAA titles just need more time to "mature" and that they are increasingly not ready for release when they are released. I know if everyone had that attitude the game developers wouldnt sell to anyone on release but this is just the way i see it.
Steam, Epic, Sony, MS and the other distribution platforms need to take some of the blame. If a game needs a massive Day 1 patch, was it really ready to be published in the first place? I've no idea what it means when a game goes gold anymore :o

Also, more needs to be done to stop the psychos that send developers death threats. CDPR staff were sent death threats after they delayed the game last month and people wanted them cancelled. Now they've released the game with bugs, people are again sending them death threats and want them cancelled. They literally can't win.
He was a normal guy in the street but it does not matter, if you get shot in the face you die. This alone tells you how bad they have balanced this game and you should not be making such poor excuses. This kind of experience kills games dead.

Sadly is normal RPG gameplay mechanics. You can see it in Fallout, for instance, as well. I haven't played or heard about a game (action RPG) that balances this stuff out. Even in other games, generally speaking (in SP), I think only ArmA had a decent balance scheme - no wonder since they're aiming for a sim (sort of) experience, so they're giving some thought on how to make things logical, organic.
As a side note, Deus Ex has the headshots as deadly for NPCs without helmets, but the fire fights are clunky and the NPCs drop like a couple of bullets when you kill them - again, stupid RPG gameplay mechanics.

All RPGs if they're open world (even some "linear" ones that have plenty side missions), if you're actually engaged and do all the stuff, you'll end up too strong towards the end, while it can be annoying at the beginning.

As regards the rebind, i recall HL and Deus ex offered you to rebind 2 keys to a task, like a fourth mouse button, and a keyboard key to do the same thin, no bloody idea why they don't offer it 20 years later......

Laziness. I remember during the The Witcher 2 days when they did not supported Eyefinity "because is an AMD tech" (where still with nVIDIA back in those days I think), but a guy done it in half a day through a mod. There is no excuse to not have key binds support, steering wheel, joystick and other peripherals, plus a wide screen, multi monitor, FIELD OF VIEW and a proper UI in 2020.
Steam, Epic, Sony, MS and the other distribution platforms need to take some of the blame. If a game needs a massive Day 1 patch, was it really ready to be published in the first place? I've no idea what it means when a game goes gold anymore :o

Also, more needs to be done to stop the psychos that send developers death threats. CDPR staff were sent death threats after they delayed the game last month and people wanted them cancelled. Now they've released the game with bugs, people are again sending them death threats and want them cancelled. They literally can't win.

Or just adopt a policy of release "when is done". ;)
Or just adopt a policy of release "when is done". ;)
Unless you're an investor or management, no one will be disagreeing with that.

As much as I loved the game, Cyberpunk being used as a benchmark for games in future isn't a bad thing. I imagine a lot of companies will be looking at this **** storm and reassessing what state they release games in future.
Cohh has now completed it and posted his thoughts. Quite a well balanced view of things really, the TLDR is the developers did what they could but the suits in the company pushed it out the door too soon.

Sadly is normal RPG gameplay mechanics. You can see it in Fallout, for instance, as well. I haven't played or heard about a game (action RPG) that balances this stuff out. Even in other games, generally speaking (in SP), I think only ArmA had a decent balance scheme - no wonder since they're aiming for a sim (sort of) experience, so they're giving some thought on how to make things logical, organic.
As a side note, Deus Ex has the headshots as deadly for NPCs without helmets, but the fire fights are clunky and the NPCs drop like a couple of bullets when you kill them - again, stupid RPG gameplay mechanics.

All RPGs if they're open world (even some "linear" ones that have plenty side missions), if you're actually engaged and do all the stuff, you'll end up too strong towards the end, while it can be annoying at the beginning.

Some do this quite well, or at least gave it some thought. The Mass effect games for example, or even the Witcher 3. You could tell that "these enemies are overpowered for me" just by seeing their armour or shields/weapons or just their size for example. In Cyberpunk the exact same NPC can become overpowered because you met him/her on a different block and that breaks immersion totally. Though like I said you could tell right form the first gunfight that the enemies were bullet sponges taking 8-9 headshots before dropping. I am not talking about difficulty but immersion and the felling of "really, this just feels wrong".
Cohh has now completed it and posted his thoughts. Quite a well balanced view of things really, the TLDR is the developers did what they could but the suits in the company pushed it out the door too soon.

This is all very simplistic and ignores the fact that companies have deadlines. Admittedly a long time ago now but I have worked as a programmer (in an application dev team) and while some companies give you room to work and fix bugs, you do still have deadlines to meet. I have seen some prima-donna programmers stall an entire project and force a missed deadline because they could make their "masterpeice" use less RAM and they practically started from scratch very close to deadline day. Ironically the best programmers are really bad at seeing the big picture because they tend to be nerds or "on the spectrum". So if you leave them to manage their own project it will never get done.

Let's not forget these developers have had since 2012 to get a working game out the door and eight years later they release the buggy mess we have been presented with. This is the same regardless of the service/work you do in any field. You have deadlines to meet and if you keep missing them then the money dries up.

So please don't fall for the line that the poor devs did their best and the corporate types are to blame for any isuses we now see. This is very much a joint collaborative mess up by everyone at CDPR. Nerds given too much artisitc freedom and corporate types had believed them for too long before finally realising "what have we done". Finally the only option was to call time on an unfinished mess and releasing what they had and to compund it all, lying to the customer.
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