*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Steam, Epic, Sony, MS and the other distribution platforms need to take some of the blame. If a game needs a massive Day 1 patch, was it really ready to be published in the first place? I've no idea what it means when a game goes gold anymore :o

Also, more needs to be done to stop the psychos that send developers death threats. CDPR staff were sent death threats after they delayed the game last month and people wanted them cancelled. Now they've released the game with bugs, people are again sending them death threats and want them cancelled. They literally can't win.
Im not sure its a sign of the times or not but those death threats are not worth the paper they are written on. Raise an eye brow at most, screw it up and throw it in the bin without another thought. Complete madness.
Right guys. Stop with the name calling. It is NEVER OK to insult another member. You are all adults and so should be capable of having a discussion without throwing insults at eachother.
This is all very simplistic and ignores the fact that companies have deadlines. Admitedly a long time ago now but I have worked as a programmer (in an application dev team) and while some companies give you room to work and fix bugs, you do still have deadlines to meet. So when a programmer decides "I could make this more a bit more efficient", it requires a sensible person/leaqder to tell them to be realistic and move on. I have seen some prima-donna programmers stall an entire project and force a missed deadline because they could make their "masterpeice" use less RAM and they practically started from scratch. You need to balance the postives and negative and decide if the result is worth the effort. Or even worse when feature creep starts to set in (look at Star Citizen), or the opposite "scope erosion" (not to be confused with scope crush or descoping), basically overpromise and under deliver (Elite Dangerous).

Let's not forget these developers have had since 2012 to get a working game out the door and eight years later they release the buggy mess we have been presented with. This is the same regardless of the service/work you do in any field. You have deadlines to meet and if you keep missing them then the money dries up.

So please don't fall for the line that the poor devs did their best and the corporate types are to blame for any isuses we now see. This is very much a joint collaborative mess up by everyone at CDPR.

The sad thing is, they're nearly all making the same mistakes. Following each other into the same hole. Bethesda, Bioware... Who else? Horrible buggy games or lots of stuff cut out or missing intentionally. Or advertised something that never lived up to the footage it was stated.

Well, I wouldn't say horrible. It's a shame it has ended up the way some of the games ended up.
Cohh has now completed it and posted his thoughts. Quite a well balanced view of things really, the TLDR is the developers did what they could but the suits in the company pushed it out the door too soon.

Don't watch many streamers but my thoughts on the game mirror his, especially his view about graphical glitches being funny rather than a deal breaker. Will check out some reviews of other games he's played.
Don't watch many streamers but my thoughts on the game mirror his, especially his view about graphical glitches being funny rather than a deal breaker. Will check out some reviews of other games he's played.

I'm glad that his thoughts on the game werent slanted by the fact that he is in the game as an NPC (Garry the Prophet , you meet him quite early on in night city :) )
I'm glad that his thoughts on the game werent slanted by the fact that he is in the game as an NPC (Garry the Prophet , you meet him quite early on in night city :) )
Not sure if I did or not, may have tried and failed, but I wanted to put a bullet in his head nearly as much as that ****ing **** taking monk :mad:
This is all very simplistic and ignores the fact that companies have deadlines. Admittedly a long time ago now but I have worked as a programmer (in an application dev team) and while some companies give you room to work and fix bugs, you do still have deadlines to meet. I have seen some prima-donna programmers stall an entire project and force a missed deadline because they could make their "masterpeice" use less RAM and they practically started from scratch very close to deadline day. Ironically the best programmers are really bad at seeing the big picture because they tend to be nerds or "on the spectrum". So if you leave them to manage their own project it will never get done.

Let's not forget these developers have had since 2012 to get a working game out the door and eight years later they release the buggy mess we have been presented with. This is the same regardless of the service/work you do in any field. You have deadlines to meet and if you keep missing them then the money dries up.

So please don't fall for the line that the poor devs did their best and the corporate types are to blame for any isuses we now see. This is very much a joint collaborative mess up by everyone at CDPR. Nerds given too much artisitc freedom and corporate types had believed them for too long before finally realising "what have we done". Finally the only option was to call time on an unfinished mess and releasing what they had and to compund it all, lying to the customer.

I agree with a lot of this. Fair enough new hardware can come along during a development cycle and you may want to take advantage of it, change things up, make things look better, use that new tech etc. You may have a huge list of all the awesome features and things you want to create and put in the game. But at the end of the day there needs to be a deadline and it needs to be met. (Otherwise people get upset like we have seen...) Plus you definitely don't throw out press releases and videos all the awesome things and features your game is going to have unless you are 100% certain they will be in the finished product.
I'm glad that his thoughts on the game werent slanted by the fact that he is in the game as an NPC (Garry the Prophet , you meet him quite early on in night city :) )

Indeed. I'm sure his opinion on this game is entirely unbiased...didnt he also recieved a huge collectors edition of the game too. They do know how to look after streamers don't they...shame they don't put the same effort in with their actual, paying customers.
Indeed. I'm sure his opinion on this game is entirely unbiased...didnt he also recieved a huge collectors edition of the game too. They do know how to look after streamers don't they...shame they don't put the same effort in with their actual, paying customers.

You mean carefully selected streamers? of those with a large following.
Steam, Epic, Sony, MS and the other distribution platforms need to take some of the blame. If a game needs a massive Day 1 patch, was it really ready to be published in the first place? I've no idea what it means when a game goes gold anymore :o

Also, more needs to be done to stop the psychos that send developers death threats. CDPR staff were sent death threats after they delayed the game last month and people wanted them cancelled. Now they've released the game with bugs, people are again sending them death threats and want them cancelled. They literally can't win.

What’s strange is that it was delayed due to not passing the checks by MS/Sony - somehow it passed the second time? Must have been in an even worse state before the final delay. I’m sure they’ll get it together, but it’s done some serious harm for their rep abs next title.
Indeed. I'm sure his opinion on this game is entirely unbiased...didnt he also recieved a huge collectors edition of the game too. They do know how to look after streamers don't they...shame they don't put the same effort in with their actual, paying customers.

Yeah he is a very large streamer, he often gets collector editions sent to him. Times have changed really, in times past companies would pay thousands for adverts in magazines as a way to promote their product, these days they send streamers a collectors edition to unbox on their stream to achieve that same advertising. Thankfully Cohh has some integrity and has heavily slated games that he hasnt considered good even when they've sent him goodies.
Unless you're an investor or management, no one will be disagreeing with that.

As much as I loved the game, Cyberpunk being used as a benchmark for games in future isn't a bad thing. I imagine a lot of companies will be looking at this **** storm and reassessing what state they release games in future.

Internally you follow your schedule and dead lines, for the public "when it's done". Like this, if you don't hit the internal deadline, you can push it back without losing trust and hype from the public. :)

Some do this quite well, or at least gave it some thought. The Mass effect games for example, or even the Witcher 3. You could tell that "these enemies are overpowered for me" just by seeing their armour or shields/weapons or just their size for example. In Cyberpunk the exact same NPC can become overpowered because you met him/her on a different block and that breaks immersion totally. Though like I said you could tell right form the first gunfight that the enemies were bullet sponges taking 8-9 headshots before dropping. I am not talking about difficulty but immersion and the felling of "really, this just feels wrong".

To be honest, the only moments in which a NPC was dangerous (not talking here about NPCs with the skull over their heads which are much higher level), were the encounters when they had shotguns (and were close), snipers or just caught me some outside of cover. With a good shotgun they can mess you up (even if you're high on armor).

I don't remember much about Mass Effect, but with TW3 it was also bad from many aspects: Geralt is the best sword fighter in that land (so practically no NPC would have a chance to defeat him alone) and also knew all the secrets of the witchers + the knowledge he gather in the first and second game, but in the third, he has again to level up his skills, learn potions and so on. Terrible, terrible game design.
Was quite amusing when I didn't find the recipe for a werewolf potion with Geralt, but Ciri knew it as she said she learn it from the witchers :D.

Also was funny in Cyberpunk
when Johnny at the beginning is a **** in the main story, but if you don't follow it immediately for him to get a bit mellow, he goes from terrorist psycho to pals with V when he's speaking to you in side mission
Another sign that, as Cohh said, the game was pushed for release way too early.
Yeah he is a very large streamer, he often gets collector editions sent to him. Times have changed really, in times past companies would pay thousands for adverts in magazines as a way to promote their product, these days they send streamers a collectors edition to unbox on their stream to achieve that same advertising. Thankfully Cohh has some integrity and has heavily slated games that he hasnt considered good even when they've sent him goodies.

After 66 hrs one thing that is rage inducing is having to sit through 5/10/15+ minute long cut scenes in side stories (Delamain taxis, boxing etc) when, as it's just a side mission, the brief should give you a choice of either be "go to X and do Y" OR watch to long cut-scene to know WHY you're going to X to do Y.

For the main story they're essential but for the side missions etc, not so much!

Oh and I heartily agree with every else who hates the sodding phone going off every 2 seconds with eleventy billion job offers, just chill the hell out phone!
After 66 hrs one thing that is rage inducing is having to sit through 5/10/15+ minute long cut scenes in side stories (Delamain taxis, boxing etc) when, as it's just a side mission, the brief should give you a choice of either be "go to X and do Y" OR watch to long cut-scene to know WHY you're going to X to do Y.

For the main story they're essential but for the side missions etc, not so much!

Oh and I heartily agree with every else who hates the sodding phone going off every 2 seconds with eleventy billion job offers, just chill the hell out phone!
Its annoying as hell that some narrative can be skipped by pressing C, yet other cannot.

The phone constantly going off is the reason i've stopped playing it for now. Every time it rings I tried to drive off a bridge on a motorbike just to shut the person up
Its annoying as hell that some narrative can be skipped by pressing C, yet other cannot.

The phone constantly going off is the reason i've stopped playing it for now. Every time it rings I tried to drive off a bridge on a motorbike just to shut the person up

Reminds me of that 1990 film Crazy People. :D
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