*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

I think they removed it in one of the patches :(

I never found it (not completed the game) but was curious and googled it and then went to the location in question. But all I was getting was a tire iron and some pants, reloaded 6 times or so and was same things, only change was that it was green or blue items. Was it a tire iron for you as well ??

That is if it is in this location as the video showing, placed in spoiler incase others not aware of it. But it is from a year ago and it has been a couple patches since then so maybe it has been removed.

I played it through 1.5 times with RT on. 3rd time I had it off and it was way more enjoyable not having the dips and unpredictable performance. Only thing I noticed was the water have crap/no reflections.

Play without them on imo.

Any way, after about 200 hours across my GOG and Steam installs of this game I am done until an expansion comes along. So long Night City.
Re-installed this at the weekend and modded the hell out of it, seems to be becoming the new Skyrim in terms of modding, so much stuff out there that can totally transform the game.
I switched on ray tracing and my FPS halved and I saw absolutely no difference in visuals!

Then you should buy new glasses, or get LASIK (really recommend it, from experience)

No RT, no bounce lighting


RT, proper light actually illuminating the space

Then you should buy new glasses, or get LASIK (really recommend it, from experience)

No RT, no bounce lighting


RT, proper light actually illuminating the space

That's a really interesting example, because the building across the street looks to me to have better illumination in the non-RT shot - especially the road straight ahead. Although, like you say, the foreground is better with RT. I suppose it also depends on what you think the "proper" illumination should actually be.

But Mr. Nexus says we shouldn't use Cyberpunk as an example of RT any more.

Can't say it makes much difference to the game overall - the story and gameplay is the same either way. The former, in my opinion, being the better part of the game as I didn't find the gameplay particularly original. Still was an entertaining game to play all the same.
Then you should buy new glasses, or get LASIK (really recommend it, from experience)

No RT, no bounce lighting


RT, proper light actually illuminating the space


Lovely example that.

Some of my screenshot comparisons:













Problem with screenshots, you don't get to see/understand why some areas are darker and some are really bright i.e. you can't see just how big the buildings are and how much light from the sun is blocked by all the over arching buildings not to mention where abouts the sun is.

But remember, you can achieve same effect by just upping your brightness :cry:
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Why does the top one look so much better?

Because AMD cards cannot compete with Nvidia cards on RT. The day AMD have better RT performance you will see the bottom one looking better :p

In all seriousness I know what you mean. One is designed to look a certain way by the artist/designer, the other is a more real representation of what it would look like I guess :)
The raytracing appears to hamfistedly override the original lighting design.

Sure you can appreciate that the light is bouncing about but it's looking like a dumb toggle there. Which it is.

You need to go to that one room with the weird girl and the candles to find a place where work was put in to showcase RT specifically.
Because AMD cards cannot compete with Nvidia cards on RT. The day AMD have better RT performance you will see the bottom one looking better :p

In all seriousness I know what you mean. One is designed to look a certain way by the artist/designer, the other is a more real representation of what it would look like I guess :)

You know it, another quote bookmarked..... ;) :D :p

Second point, wouldn't even say it was an artist design thing/intention with raster tbh, more likely, they just didn't want to spend the time getting it close to how they were wanting it to really "look", remember, ray tracing tools give the artists even more control than what they have with raster so they can do and achieve far more than what they can with raster methods, if they really wanted, they could even adjust the ray tracing to look like the raster screenshot to an extent.

I wish I could find the post I read on reddit a while back which was by a game artist/designer where he basically stated that for some people, the fake/raster version will appeal to some over the RT version because they have been almost conditioned as to how games should look with fake lighting and anything else will look worse/wrong/unusual, bit like with ENB redux/sweetfx mods, where some prefer blown out contrast/brightness even though it is 100% "wrong", essentially people don't know how real lighting, shadows, reflections etc. should really look :p Bit like those who always say "oh RT = mirror like puddles", when reality is, a lot of puddles do actually look like mirrors :cry:

First image looks completely wrong in every way possible, could list loads of things but would be wasted on here especially when for people who haven't even played the game so don't understand the scale of the game world buildings etc.
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Why the u turn though?
I think (and I'm going from memory here, to be fair it might not even have been Nexus), it's because it's still a halfway house and there are now better examples of what RT can achieve when applied more fully.

I still think, in my subjective, non-artist, opinion that the RT screenshot doesn't show the opposite road quite right - the sun is clearly full on the opposite building so there should be more illumination even in the tunnel. I suppose you could argue that in real life, standing there, looking to a bright building like that might mean the tunnel underneath would appear to be darker because your pupils might be slightly closed, but I'm unconvinced. But that's the problem when you start to assess artistic impression - it's largely subjective.

Those two screenshots do reinforce my opinion that the RT, at least as on display in Cyberpunk is an evolution not a revolution. I enjoyed the game, but not because of the RT or indeed in spite of the RT.
Any way, after about 200 hours across my GOG and Steam installs of this game I am done until an expansion comes along. So long Night City.

If you're after more content there's a Mod which makes all of the "you only find this if you search every corner of the game" interactions available to 'play' by making all 200 events into new Fixer Missions. These are all simple NYPD-Scanner style "clear the area, find the dead person and read the shard" type missions which take a minute each but with 200 to find it adds up in-game time quite quickly, plus the shards tell some good stories and the rewards are good too at 5k credits per mission and lots of equipment.

The mod is called "Missing Persons - Fixer's Hidden Gems" and is available at NexusMods here - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5058 - but it does require you to mod the game, if you're happy doing that.
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"wrong" lighting in a video game :cry:

Films with literally years to do the processing nevertheless pack in enormous distortion of light and shadow despite what reality has to say about it.

Such is the lack of obligations when designing the look of fantasy.
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