Noo I think it looks good! What I meant was, this scene won me over in the pre-release footage, giving off the impression it was the next gen city and best AI we'd ever seen. Little did we know we were getting NPCs walking into walls.
Also, that's my screenshot haha don't rub in the fact I can't run raytracing m8
I rewatched that scene now in that E3 40 minute demo and you can see NPCs walking through each other, on display right there
But Boris says they "enhanced their crowd and community system to create most believable city in a game to date", which...yeah, bit over-optimistic. They boosted the NPC density, and sure it might have been somewhat improved from Witcher 3 even, but otherwise the pedestrian AI routines were way too simple at launch (and while lot better now, still not state of the art).
It's kinda funny how many issues I can see in that demo, from NPC collision problems, NPC pop-in, screenspace shadows disappearing..
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