He has a point, its his house. Sounds more like you get wound up over little things and it just ends up being a massive issue. Maybe if you just avioded confrentation he would actually be more considerate. Do something nice for him?

I see no reason at all for you to hate him.
Hmm you sound a bit liked a spoilt brat to be honest. I don't mean to be nasty saying that but it seems like if you can't get your way then the world is over.
You're probably blowing things out of proportion with your anger as well. I'm pretty sure he's been there one time in your life and if not, there must be a reasonable explanation for it.
You're doing pretty well for yourself from the sounds of things (posts you make etc etc) so you can't be that hard done by really now...?
Jenjey said:
Hmm you sound a bit liked a spoilt brat to be honest. I don't mean to be nasty saying that but it seems like if you can't get your way then the world is over.
You're probably blowing things out of proportion with your anger as well. I'm pretty sure he's been there one time in your life and if not, there must be a reasonable explanation for it.
You're doing pretty well for yourself from the sounds of things (posts you make etc etc) so you can't be that hard done by really now...?

Agreed entirely.

I am nearly 19.

LordSplodge said:
Whilst he may be acting like a bit of a numpty I have to agree with him.

I have a computer chair in the computer room. Two people are allowed to sit on it. Me and the wife. I get cross if my son or his mates sit on it.

I don't sit still. If anybody in the house doesn't like it they can go watch TV in another room. If somebody hurled a remote at me (that could do real damage) and gave me abuse for that they would be in for it.

You have a projector and freeview in your room? You presumably have a good computer as well?

Stop acting 12. Grow up or move out. Their house, their rules I am afraid.

You may not agree with me...

I have a projector and freeview yes which i bought it all.

Everything in my room i bought.

I was in the room, fine no problems, my mum came in, once again no problems, we was both sitting still watching a program in peace, then he came in and does little things like just humming or groaning :mad:

I have had many fist fights with him in the past.

He used to hit me and my 2 brothers when we was younger which i still don't agree with.

He then started to slowly stop hitting us but still did but in a playful manner.

When i was 15 i turned around and play hit him back when he hit me in my back and winded me.

I got up and hit him back and knocked him down, since then the hitting stopped.

He sits there all day and doesn't help my mum one bit and watches her slave away.

He takes 2 hours to go and get the newspapers in the morning (the shop is a 3 minute walk away)

He sits down and read's his papers and then falls asleep.

He then has lunch, then plays poker on the computer until dinner time, then has dinner, then kicks anyone out of the living room, then falls asleep whilst moving his feet.

Aruffell said:
...then he came in and does little things like just humming or groaning :mad:
Aruffell said:
...then falls asleep whilst moving his feet.
Oh gnoes!

Seriously, it sounds like you're blowing all this well out of proportion.
woodsy2k said:
Your what, 18/19 years old right?

you still at school? or working?

if you are working, you might wanna consider making plans to move out. For your benefit i mean. It will make your life easier in that respect, and most likly make your relationship with your dad better.

just a thought...

I'm nearly 19, i'm part time working until they offer me full time.

I can't leave home because i'm the only one who helps my mum with anything who suffers with bad joints and arthiritis and rumitism (sp?)

Regarding the feet issue, it is actually a well documented problem for a lot of people. Similarly, there were studies conducted regarding people who couldn't sleep due to discomfort when they kept their legs/feet still. I can find the reports for you if you wish, but don't give him a hard time about moving his feet.
Aruffell said:
IT's official, i hate, loathe, detest my so called father.

I know a lot of people say things in the heat of the moment, but my father is the biggest **** alive.

I know that people go through life and there are some people that they just don't get on with.

Mine would be my father :mad:

I have freeview in my room and a big projector so i hardly watch TV downstairs.

My mum and him went to the pub for dinner and got in 10 minutes ago.

Since they went out, i thought i might as well watch a bit of teleport replay downstairs, then he walks in and tells me to sit on the seatee instead of the chair (his chair apparantly)

I'm needled at this but he does it all of the time, so i move, then he sits there and starts wriggling his feet around which i detest as it's right in the view of the tv, so i ask him to stop.

I get back "it's my house and i'll do what i want"

I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him.

Last week i wasn't even allowed to put a shelf up in my room because it's not "my" room, but his.

He's never been there as a dad, never went to parents evenings, never showed any interest in me or my 2 brothers lives.

He's drove 1 son away, and me and my other brother both think he's a swedish banker.

I'm sorry for the rant but i just need to vent.



Your not the same guy that went mental because he wasnt allowed a lock, are you?
Pezboy said:
Your not the same guy that went mental because he wasnt allowed a lock, are you?

No that was Andrew someone who had a room in a garage if i recall.

I used to have anger classes because me and him used to have very physical issues as did both of my brothers with him, though i have never had anger issues with anyone else.
I know this might not be what you want to hear but...

When he (and your Mum) are gone, you will miss them.

I've lost both my parents now. We used to argue sometimes, I didn't always get my own way, I was told off for what I thought at the time were petty things.

My parents were not perfect (no parents are perfect), but they tried their best. You honestly do not realise this until you are older, much older.

At your age I KNEW I knew it all. Now I look back and realise I knew nothing!

You are very lucky, from what you say you seem to have a lot more material things than I did then. I don't even have a projector now!

I know it's a cliche but, you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

Give him his space, respect him (although you may disagree with him) and in time he will recipricate.

Trust me.
Aruffell said:
I am nearly 19.

I have a projector and freeview yes which i bought it all.

Everything in my room i bought.

I was in the room, fine no problems, my mum came in, once again no problems, we was both sitting still watching a program in peace, then he came in and does little things like just humming or groaning :mad:

I have had many fist fights with him in the past.

He used to hit me and my 2 brothers when we was younger which i still don't agree with.

He then started to slowly stop hitting us but still did but in a playful manner.

When i was 15 i turned around and play hit him back when he hit me in my back and winded me.

I got up and hit him back and knocked him down, since then the hitting stopped.

He sits there all day and doesn't help my mum one bit and watches her slave away.

He takes 2 hours to go and get the newspapers in the morning (the shop is a 3 minute walk away)

He sits down and read's his papers and then falls asleep.

He then has lunch, then plays poker on the computer until dinner time, then has dinner, then kicks anyone out of the living room, then falls asleep whilst moving his feet.


hehe nearly 19 :p, so you're what 18 5/8? ;)

Some Dads demand a bit of respect in the home they provide for their kids. Start giving it and you might get on better with him, either that or move out, no doubt that will improve your relationship.
Man, I am an understanding guy and sympathised with you until I saw the "knocked him down" bit, thats just sick and sad. All children who hit their parents regardless I hope they live a miserable life.

Whether or not hes the greatest father or his habbits drive your nerves crazy you have no right to judge him or give him crap. Im surprised he hasnt kicked you out of the house.

Its pathetic these days how people treat their parents, some children even age 25 get everything all from their parents but still treat them like dirt. It gets me so angry. After everything parents do for their kids, this is the sort of thanks they only 18 and I never want children heh
Aruffell said:
I am nearly 19.

OK you purchased your own kit. So that's a non issue.

Look I didn't get on with my dad when I lived at home, nor did my brother. I get on fine now I have left home.

Rather than getting more and more wound up about little things do the adult thing and sit down with him and talk it all through. No accusations no shouting just a good old discussion about how things have gotten out of hand.

Does he know how you felt about the hittings? He may be a firm believer in strict discipline and not realise that sometimes it is better to ask rather than tell.

If I saw my dad making no effort to help my mum it would **** me off but I think this can be resolved via dialogue.

Try it...
CChrisca said:
Does he have a job or is he retired?

He is disabled.

He is epileptic although he has 1 fit every couple of months if that.

He uses that as an excuse for EVERYTHING whether it gets him out of paying full price for something.

He also has selective memory, if he owes you money it becomes "what money" but the other way around it is pretty much burnt into his memory.

If i'm not at work i'm normally in my room and i get asked why i'm always in my room, he is the exact reason why.

I help my mum do the shopping every Thursday morning, as soon as we go out we always try to ring the house phone and it's always engaged because he is on the phone to random people moaning about illegal immigrants or the roads or the state of the country (why he doesn't do something about it, i don't know instead of keep bitching)

We then get in after shopping and he's playing poker like every day.

I tell him that we need help, and he just sits there and watches my mum drag the shopping in as i help.


My mum has even said to me that if he doesn't change, she is going to get up and leave, frankly i can't blame her and i'll be right by her side as will my other brother.

I know that some of what i am saying is harsh, but it's true and it's how i feel.
Very nice and true post made by Hussman :)

Only now I've left home (living 200 miles away in uni :() do i realise how amazing my parents are and I'd try my hardest to not have any arguments with them these days - I've lasted 6 months with no arguments at all (I think! hehe)
I used to have pretty nasty fights with them over the most trivial of things. Thank god I've come to my senses. Life is too short to be arguing about stupid things like you're talking about. They are your parents and they are in charge whilst you live in their house. Distance yourself a bit from your dad perhaps. Try for at least a week to not get under his feet or give him anything to nag you about and you'll both feel better for it.
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