Dude you only get 1 father in life my father passed away a few years ago and it's the biggest loss in my life.

Maybe you should give some respect to him show him that your " grown up " throwing a remote at your dad shows your dad that your still in nappies.
I think the dad is out of order but throwing the remote doesnt help :

1 ) your dad is disabled so im guessing he doesnt work? and if you are paying rent then you must be paying quite a percentage of the total costs compared to your dad so you should have some say in YOUR room. and if your mum works its HER house as well so if the mum wants you to stay and your paying rent then your dad is bugged on the 2/3 vote

2 ) people who saying tho back in my day blah blah back before the wheel i would have never have been disrespectful to my father .. the guy who says he got a few broken noses but now gets on better then he ever did while younger ..... well yes seems your not being beat any more im gussing you would.. and your telling me you beat or plan to beat your child? break his or her nose teach them some respect.

3 ) respect works both ways , why respect your dad if he doesnt you , but i would try

4 ) Cueball i really dont see how buying a projector is rubbish? are you from this world? your telling me he should have nothing good in his room as he doesnt NEED it. Heck you dont need a bed lets put some staw on the floor and he can sleep on that at least he will have saved some money to move out ... but due to high house / flat prices he now has to stop uni (persuming he does) to get a full time job. But hey his carear aspecs of his life are ruined working in spar .... :O maybe 1 day he will be mananger wohoo but hey at least he has shown his dad respect by leaving his mum on her helpless self ... i mean how self centred of him to not make his and his mums life worse so his dad can playpoker .
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I'm not going to make judgement on you or your family, but my advice is for you to move out. I know this would mean leaving your mum, but if your dad is as bad as you make out, your mum will soon sort him out when you've left and she has to do things herself.
I fell out with my Dad this evening, over nothing really. Complaining that my music was too loud. I did point out that he should have be having the same conversation with my sister whose younger than me because her music is louder than mine and how it seems she gets away with murder. he didn't like that very much but it's the truth, turned my music down then he complained again so I switched over to my headphones, no big deal really and we are still talking, just I'd done a long shift at work and just wanted to wind down.

I've enver seen eye to eye with ny old man, we always fall out over somethng but we are mates again after it's happened. We all moan about our Dad's and how annoying they are but if we didn't have them around we'd be lost.

It wasn't till I'd left home and then come back again after the split with my ex that relaised just how amazing myparents are, but anyway.

It's sad Aruffell doesn't get on with his old man, like others have said, just avoid him is the best idea I think, avoid confrontation. If he speaks to you you just have to be civil, that will at least ease the tention a bit, oh and don;t go throwing remotes about, it might have made you feel better, but well what did it achieve at the end ??
Heres something I have figured out recently.

Don't ever ever post a thread about Mum/Dad/Daughter/Son/Gf/bf.

Normally your not going to like what you hear.

There funny to read though... sometimes.
Just been round my mates.

Dad often wonders why i'm either out or in my room, because it's to get away from him.

He phoned me whilst i was out, and asked if i had a key, i said no.

He then had a go because i didn't take my key, i didn't know i was going to a mates, i thought i was just going to get a chinese.

I said to leave the door unlocked as he don't go bed until 1am.

He said no blah blah blah and that i should knock.

He is kinda deaf so i have to knock loud which would wake my mum up.

After 5 mins of arguing on the phone, he left the door unlocked, i have just came in and gone straight upstairs :)

Other annoying things is that he goes into the bathroom, brushes his teeth and then closes the door which squeeks like crazy even though he knows that i'm still up, so when i have to go brush my teeth i have to open the squeeky door and wake my mum up who is a light sleeper.

Those who said i'm spoilt and that i bought rubbish and should have saved.

I could easily move out now, i have more than enough money, but as i said i don't want to leave my mum helpless.

I bought a projector yes, so i'm not spoilt.

Only thing in my room that was bought for me was my bed which my mum bought anyway.

I only work part time.

It's taken me 7 months to get this job, and if they offer me full time i'll take it, but they haven't.

I pay rent so i think i'm entitled to some say.

We was meant to be moving to N.Ireland but i stated that i was going to find a place and stay.

My mum cares a lot about her children and said they she wasn't going because we wasn't going as a family.

He then got the arse about it and blamed it all on my mum and said that she changed her mind and that they can never go now.

They can go in 5 years time if they want (which my mum proposed to do).

He got arsey etc.... and has been ever since that incident (a month ago)


EDIT: For people who said "he's your father, show respect" just because some of his sperm made me up doesn't mean he's my dad, he's never been there, and never shown me respect and just because he brought me into this life doesn't mean he should have automatic respect from me.
Jenjey said:
Hmm you sound a bit liked a spoilt brat to be honest.

Carzy said:

He won't let you put a shelf in "your" room? It's his house...

"I have freeview in my room and a big projector so i hardly watch TV downstairs." which you paid for yourself. And? Sounds like a pretty nice arrangement to me.

"I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him."

Seriously...lolz. I would have expected this had you been 16, but you are "nearly 19" (:p) ffs.

Add me on MSN, I can send you some emo music.

That got a serious lol from me.

I can see why your annoyed but throwing a remote at your disabled dad is asking for trouble.
Ok, I won't repeat all the stuff from earlier except:


Stop telling us how hard your life is and go get one ...... see how easy it is to live in the outside world. Your Ma will either be fine or not; you being there will not make any difference.

As you can see, I'm with the "you're a spoilt **** " brigade.

I don't know you and I don't have an axe to grind; I'm going by what's in this thread.

Kind regards.
singist said:
Ok, I won't repeat all the stuff from earlier except:


Stop telling us how hard your life is and go get one ...... see how easy it is to live in the outside world. Your Ma will either be fine or not; you being there will not make any difference.

As you can see, I'm with the "you're a spoilt **** " brigade.

I don't know you and I don't have an axe to grind; I'm going by what's in this thread.

Kind regards.

Can you please elaborate on the spoilt brat bit please?

To me, a spoil brat is a kid who gets everything bought for them by their parents.

If this is the case, i am completely the opposite of this.
Pezboy said:
Your not the same guy that went mental because he wasnt allowed a lock, are you?

Hahaha, no, that was me :p

Aruffell said:
No that was Andrew someone who had a room in a garage if i recall.

Damn, beaten to it.

Andy, I wouldn't bother with these threads mate. You'll just get abused like I did.

I forgot everyone has such wonderful perfect families who never fight or bicker or anything :rolleyes:
Aruffell said:
Other annoying things is that he goes into the bathroom, brushes his teeth and then closes the door which squeeks like crazy even though he knows that i'm still up, so when i have to go brush my teeth i have to open the squeeky door and wake my mum up who is a light sleeper.
fix the door.

I used to have a lot of arguments with my father, then I moved out and our relationships become better. Now I live in UK, didn’t see him for more than 4 years and I miss him a lot. Hopefully I can go to visit my parents and brother this year.
Be cool and try to get on with your father. No matter what it’s worth it.
All the best.
Mate there is nothing wrong with your Dad, he is just being king of his own castle. He may be a bit unfair but things could be worse, you are blowing things out of all proportion :).

I won't go into detail but I have had to hit my dad during one violent streak to stop him from hurting mum. Ever since that day I have had no respect for the lazy %^£$. The man never took any interest in myself and my sister and has never really done anything other than be a leech.
been there done that ,read the book and watched the film and took the video home.. fell out with my dad, used to get taken up the garden and had the belt, regular. absolutly hated my dad. till one day went to work and ny mum rang about an hour later and said he had, had a heart attack and died.(i was sixteen at the time and working as an apprentice 40 miles away).

now the shoe is on the other daughter is 20 and my lad is nearly 18, we have been through all the tantrums, the i hate you , wish you were dead, my house ,my rules scenario. (no i have never hit them but god they have come close.) we even went through a stage where both me and the missus got nothing but F this and F that. but i would like to hope after all the problems as a family we have grown stronger. i now wish that my dad and my mother who passes 20 years ago ,were here to see there grandkids (hell i would gladly take a beating for that).

trust me it will get better for you, just give it time.

anyway rattled on too long, just live each day at a time , and try a remember the good times (and there will be some .somewhere.) :)
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Aruffell said:
IT's official, i hate, loathe, detest my so called father.

I know a lot of people say things in the heat of the moment, but my father is the biggest **** alive.

I know that people go through life and there are some people that they just don't get on with.

Mine would be my father :mad:

I have freeview in my room and a big projector so i hardly watch TV downstairs.

My mum and him went to the pub for dinner and got in 10 minutes ago.

Since they went out, i thought i might as well watch a bit of teleport replay downstairs, then he walks in and tells me to sit on the seatee instead of the chair (his chair apparantly)

I'm needled at this but he does it all of the time, so i move, then he sits there and starts wriggling his feet around which i detest as it's right in the view of the tv, so i ask him to stop.

I get back "it's my house and i'll do what i want"

I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him.

Last week i wasn't even allowed to put a shelf up in my room because it's not "my" room, but his.

He's never been there as a dad, never went to parents evenings, never showed any interest in me or my 2 brothers lives.

He's drove 1 son away, and me and my other brother both think he's a swedish banker.

I'm sorry for the rant but i just need to vent.



Are you on your period?

Chill out, grow up and be thankful you have a father.

Thing you should just do is suck it up and move on. The house isnt your own personaly pleasure palace and no matter how much board you pay your in your parents place and you cant say anything otherwise as its their name on the mortgauge, not yours :P

Btw if id have thrown the remote at my father id have been kicked out and disowned. Thats crossing a line we dont even think of in my house and probably most of the homes across this country. No need for it dude, treat him as youd like to be treated yourself. Gotta take a little to gain a little so to speak
Aruffell said:
Not just because of that.

He does sod all, all day and my mum does everything pretty much.

He read's the newspaper then phones up his dad and moans about immigrants for 3 hours.

He sits there and grunts and groans and when you say something he says it wasn't him.

If you don't do what he say's he says "fine i'll take the internet out then" even though i pay half.

He moans at me because i'm a growing lad and i eat more than him even though i pay for rent and food.

Just does my head in, in general.

If you're watching TV downstairs he thinks he has the right to kick you out of the chair you're sitting in and to just do what he wants.

Dude, if it makes you feel better I had similar problems with my Dad when I was 17-18. It's all part of growing up IMO. You might not realise it, but in his eyes you may be just as unreasonable. You're growing into a bloke and your parents are learning to let go. I'm 20 in a couple of weeks and I get along with my Dad like a mate now.

penski said:
Chill out, grow up and be thankful you have a father.
penski said:
Are you on your period?

Chill out, grow up and be thankful you have a father.


Oh so bloody true!

Your 17-18 your dont liek beoign told what to do n not to do, hes your dad, wrong or right you should do as he says. If it gets so bad for you move out. As the good old Honda advert says, hate something... change something.
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