Your dad sounds minor in comparison to mine or even my m8s tharther... Wont bother with a long winded sorry tale but hell my own mothers even said I cannot wait till he dies, me and my sis been saying that daily for past 3 years took my mother long enuff to relise that.

I would advise on the easiest plan... your 19 your an adult get a full time job and move out, sadly it means leaving perhaps family behind but we all have to move on sometime....

I would have done that years ago also but London house prices means ill be working till im at least 40/full time
before I can even afford a place of my own!

Operation desperation/Rob a bankmanager/Win Lotto is in the works :p
Aruffell said:
I get back "it's my house and i'll do what i want"

I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him.
Uncalled for and immature.

Aruffell said:
Last week i wasn't even allowed to put a shelf up in my room because it's not "my" room, but his.
He's right. Going by your age I presume you're either at uni/3rd year college/got a job. I doubt you're paying rent (Correct me if I'm wrong-scratch that, I am wrong. That'll teach me to not read all the posts.) so to be totally honest it's not your room to fiddle with. Never been there as a Dad?! Seriously think about what they do for YOU every day. He has had to put up with childish whining for 19 years (I would say about 15 years but by the sounds of you you're still whining)and devote a huge section of his money only to recieve more childish whine.

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If you don't like it then:

1. Get a proper job.
2. Move out.
3. Grow up.

You seem to have a real attitude problem, and seem to be proud of it. The earth doesn't revolve around you, you are not god's gift to this planet.

Pull yourself together :rolleyes:
Cueball said:
Rule #2 in life: repsect is earnt, not given.

Same goes for his dad, yes he may have fed him and kept a roof over his head but right now it seems like he's giving no respect to his son, hitting him certainly doesn't mean that he should get any respect.
Grow up

Whats the problem with society? If I did that to my dad, I would expect to be beaten. Indeed, I had my nose broken several times during my youth. Now I've grown up and moved out, I get on better with my dad than I ever have.

Thats what you need to do, move out.
Firstly, you need to get some more respect for your father and his home, and you won't have these issues. Most families have their own seats in the room they spend the most time in, it's nothing unusual. The only difference is that if, for example, I sat in my dads seat and he came into the room, I would move, rather than kicking up a fuss and starting an argument over it.

It can be difficult for disabled people to get jobs, or to make friends if they are not attending a centre during the day. Of course, it also depends on the type of disability he has, which you don't state. He may only be physically disabled, in which case it can be quite upsetting to place yourself in a social situation with people who are varying levels of retarded.
It is especially difficult for epileptics who are still regularly having fits to have a normal social life, for example going out to pubs. If someone has a fit inside a pub/club, they can be barred from going back there for the safety of themselves and others, and also as legal protection.
Of course, your dad, being significantly older than you will know all of this, and he will know how difficult it has been to make and keep friends.

Do you really have to ask yourself why he exaggerates things? He obviously doesn't get very much attention, so he obviously thrives on what little he gets. He is also probably very angry at his situation, as I very much doubt it is his own choice to be disabled.
Why do you care if he takes 2 hours to buy his newspaper? Have you ever thought that possibly, he enjoys being outside for the short time he has a reason to be?

As far as your mother is concerned, yes, you should want to help, but you should not be using it as an excuse not to move out. If she needs a full time carer, then you should be contacting your local council or social services to arrange one for her.

Your attitude really is exceedingly immature. I'm especially surprised that you can grow up in a home with two disabled people and not see any of the challenges faced by them, but instead argue and whine.
Lmao at this thread

Hate to sound like a "in my day"

But serioulsly if i had thrown a remote at my old man for wiggling HIS
feet in HIS chair in HIS house

He would have took me outside HIS house and beat me until i realised
he can do what HE wants in HIS house

And when i get mine i can be as much of an arse as i want in MY house

Get a grip Aruffell you really are Kevin

He won't let you put a shelf in "your" room? It's his house...

"I have freeview in my room and a big projector so i hardly watch TV downstairs." which you paid for yourself. And? Sounds like a pretty nice arrangement to me.

"I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him."

Seriously...lolz. I would have expected this had you been 16, but you are "nearly 19" (:p) ffs.

Add me on MSN, I can send you some emo music.
This thread really has got me rather annoyed.

I hadn't realised there were so many self righteous know-it-alls on the forum...

Everyone's different. Everyone's family is different. He felt he needed to have a rant - he said as much, and didn't ask or deserve some of the judgemental piffle that's come back.

When advice is asked for I'll give it - and only when I know that facts.
Carzy said:

He won't let you put a shelf in "your" room? It's his house...

"I have freeview in my room and a big projector so i hardly watch TV downstairs." which you paid for yourself. And? Sounds like a pretty nice arrangement to me.

"I then throw the remote at him and hurl lots of abuse at him."

Seriously...lolz. I would have expected this had you been 16, but you are "nearly 19" (:p) ffs.

Add me on MSN, I can send you some emo music.

Black Knight said:
This thread really has got me rather annoyed.

I hadn't realised there were so many self righteous know-it-alls on the forum...

Everyone's different. Everyone's family is different. He felt he needed to have a rant - he said as much, and didn't ask or deserve some of the judgemental piffle that's come back.

When advice is asked for I'll give it - and only when I know that facts.

This part of the forum was going to be called "Judgemental Discussion", but "JD" didn't sound as good as "GD" so it was changed to what we have now.
BrenOS said:
Yup spot on. Spoilt. Brat. Projector in your room? Hard done by?

To be fair, he did say that he'd bought the projector and Freeview himself. To call him spoilt is wrong.

Aruffel, if life at home is so bad then you really need to get out. You're old enough by now (19) to stand on your own 2 feet. As long as you're living at home then you should respect your Dad a bit more. Have you ever thought that your Dad's faults my be the result of complete frustration towards his medical condition and not being able to work?

It seems you're looking for someone to take your anger out on. Petty things like your Dad 'moaning' and 'wriggling his feet' shouldn't get you so wound up. I fell out with my Dad 15 years ago over something completely trivial and havn't spoken to him since. Don't fall into the same trap!
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