Dark Souls 2 - Thread

Lost my 'flare' from last night, tried to do the area I got to last night, the ship wreck area and I have died 3 times lol. Annoying. Not concentrating.
Struggling with the interface and inventory lol. Can't swap items around, and can't work out how to equip other items.

Also can you lock target on the pc? Can't work that out either. Other than that..
Lock target is push right stick in from memory. Swap weapons press select and it is the first option on the top tool bar, then just select a slot and a weapon, easy as that. In game use the arrows left/right on the d-pad to select what you have chosen.
- excellent port

I wouldn't call it that. It still needs modding to get it right. The mouse look is terrible. And the keyboard controls are too convoluted. The "pc" controls (shift left click to talk for example) have just been tacked on too. I mean who's idea was it to put the talk button as a modifier of the attack button? One misclick and I will be attacking NPCs instead of speaking to them.:rolleyes:
I think you need to make that image 1280x1024 or put spoiler tags around it btw. Forum rules I think about pics that size, think they need to be in the HD picture thread if they go over that size.
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Yay got the game working for me, looks like it was a refresh rate problem, my monitor is a iiyama ProLite GB2773HS and had to use strobelight (by ToastyX) to install a 60Hz refresh rate because the monitor was only showing 120Hz (strobed) and 121 Hz causing the game to crash on start up.

Right, see you in a week!
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30 minutes after trying this I realised it was just as crap as the 1st one. Welcome to 2005, very dated and crap graphics and I'm not even remotely a graphics whore but some effort would have been nice. Same old boring gameplay with unintuitive controls.

A forward jumping attack for example is push forward and heavy attack at the same time, but more often than not he will walk forward a bit, do a standard attack at empty space, only to be one shot hit by the enemy.

Or the amazingly easy to do jump controls. Push forward on the left stick, hold B to run, then tap the left stick. So intuitive and works 1st time every time. :rolleyes:

It's not difficult because the combat is hard, it's difficult because you get punished for bad control layout.

Same thing over and over, and over, and over. It's Groundhog day without the funny bits. At least I didn't pay money for this crud before I tested it.
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