If you go back to the Cardinal Tower bonfire and go back down the hole and head towards the giant fight again but instead of going down the lift keep going back to the outside(ish) area(where two spear hollows attack you) and turn right and there's a door you can open with the Soldier's Key.
There's also another boss in Heide's Tower of Flame if you go left where those three giants were in the big room.
Cheers charppppp
I also have no idea what my character should be right now either lol. I've got 28 str and then a few points elsewhere, no idea why. Wanted to try out the greatsword. Didn't like it. Got a +3 broadsword, pretty fun. Also the bandit axe has a fun moveset.
I just want a chunky sword to throw around. The broadsword is too weak as well, more often than not it breaks between bonfires and it's costing to keep having to repair it.