Dark Souls 2 - Thread

I think it's mainly a case of a shoddy M&K port that is turning a lot of people off. This is built for controller, plain and simple.

But yea, expecting easy mode mainstream combat is not what Dark Souls offers. The combat is incredibly in depth (at least the first was, not sure about the 2nd so far) that it is insane. But it can be overlooked very easily.
I would not even attempt a mouse/keyboard for this. Soon as it starts and it says "Press Start Button" or something like that it just tells you it need's a pad like the first one. Feels nice with a pad though I enjoy playing it like that.
You do know you do not need an empty space after each line right? Makes my eyes bleed when I see that, I must not feed the troll must resist.

You do know that attacking the person rather than the argument is called ad-hominem? I find it a great compliment when people attack me rather than my argument, it usually means they know I am right. So thanks for agreeing with my arguments, I suppose. I have read plenty of posts from various forums claiming the controls are poor. I have tried with a pad and with keyb/mouse combo and it is unintuitive either way. It is inexcusable that jump is not on it's own separate key and instead requires a key/button/movement combo.

No doubt the apologists will be along to tell me I just can't handle it because the combat is too hard for me.
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I would not even attempt a mouse/keyboard for this. Soon as it starts and it says "Press Start Button" or something like that it just tells you it need's a pad like the first one. Feels nice with a pad though I enjoy playing it like that.

Yeah, I'm a masochist, I play it with Kb+M :D

Also here is my pure, virgin character: before the pain.
30 minutes after trying this I realised it was just as crap as the 1st one. Welcome to 2005, very dated and crap graphics and I'm not even remotely a graphics whore but some effort would have been nice. Same old boring gameplay with unintuitive controls.

A forward jumping attack for example is push forward and heavy attack at the same time, but more often than not he will walk forward a bit, do a standard attack at empty space, only to be one shot hit by the enemy.

Or the amazingly easy to do jump controls. Push forward on the left stick, hold B to run, then tap the left stick. So intuitive and works 1st time every time. :rolleyes:

It's not difficult because the combat is hard, it's difficult because you get punished for bad control layout.

Same thing over and over, and over, and over. It's Groundhog day without the funny bits. At least I didn't pay money for this crud before I tested it.

Each to his own

I played on ps3 and had no issues with controls but i didnt with the other souls games either. I imagine the control mapping is the same as the console versions? Will be buying this in the week for second play of what has become my top rpg, can witcher 3 top it!? We will see

Edit, the default jump sucked so i changed it back to how it was in DS1 with a quick change in the options from l3 to 'o' or B on a 360 pad, much better
... keyb/mouse combo and it is unintuitive either way. It is inexcusable that jump is not on it's own separate key and instead requires a key/button/movement combo.....

The controls ARE poor. I agree. Specially as I'm playing with Kb+M (said that so much now I feel like a broken record). But they don't put me off playing it, I enjoy it.
Man why didn't I preorder so I could get the DLC :(

Anyone know anywhere still selling cd key with preorder DLC?

whats the dlc? is it the early weapons from the black armour thing? IMO if thats the case, go in without that. i never redeemed the code for mine on ps3 as i felt it would ruin the Souls experiance having op weapons at the start, but it may just be me!
You do know that attacking the person rather than the argument is called ad-hominem? I find it a great compliment when people attack me rather than my argument, it usually means they know I am right. So thanks for agreeing with my arguments, I suppose. I have read plenty of posts from various forums claiming the controls are poor. I have tried with a pad and with keyb/mouse combo and it is unintuitive either way. It is inexcusable that jump is not on it's own separate key and instead requires a key/button/movement combo.

No doubt the apologists will be along to tell me I just can't handle it because the combat is too hard for me.

It's your opinion and it's 99.9% irrelevant to people who don't have a problem with the controls and combat.
Your PC can't run it? Please don't think I'm being rude, as I genuinely mean no offense by this. But surely it can't be that bad? What are your specs? On low settings, it should be playable at 30fps as they got it working on the consoles which is how many years old now?

Can you not play at 720p?

I'm annoyed now, at the part where you have to lure those ambushing prats out just after the tower where you bump into Lucatile again.

Summoned a couple of people to do the boss after clearing those guys. Was going well. But then I got caught off hand and died :( Will try again later.

Thoughts so far are that it's much more structured than DS1. It's fairly narrow compared... You really only have 1 option most of the time and you're following that path. So it's simply go through area, kill boss, next. It's not as good as DS1 I fear :(
So, I did the giant, and the one on the platform where you raise the rings around him. After that dude, I've done to the tower linked on from that area and down to where the ship wreck area is.

What other boss is in the wood area?

If you go back to the Cardinal Tower bonfire and go back down the hole and head towards the giant fight again but instead of going down the lift keep going back to the outside(ish) area(where two spear hollows attack you) and turn right and there's a door you can open with the Soldier's Key.

There's also another boss in Heide's Tower of Flame if you go left where those three giants were in the big room.
I can't believe was up until 4am on this, I haven't done that in a very long time! I just killed the first boss too ^^
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