Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Hello everyone! Ages ago, someone off this forum played coop with me and ran me through the game from Sens Fortress on. I was eternally greatful! We got up to Anor Londo (think that's the name) but due to time I didn't progress from there. I love this game, easily one of my faves. Yet it really annoys me how little I've played!

So, I will do the usual bosses I know, but has anyone got a guide or know of a video that kind of explains a rough outline of things to do? I do NOT want to skip, I prefer spending HOURS in one location rather than minutes running through it. I like exploring every nook and crannie :)

I'm going for 40 endurance as soon as possible. And trying to play with 2H so I learn to roll properly. My weapon of choice is the Uchigatana which I will then upgrade into the Chaos Blade. I really like the move set of these. Like a ninja! Boom. I might remove the shield entirely...

Anyway, I only had a quick play last night, rushing the start getting all the usual treasures. I've left off right up to the point where I kill the 2 gargoyles. Again, will make mince meat, my Uchi is at +4 already. I started as warrior with master key. Once I've done the gargoyles tonight. I will rush and buy soul arrows from matey boy below fireline shrine. Rush through Darkroot Basin (have I got that right?) to kill the butterfly boss thing.

Once I've done that, I will do lower undead berg to kill Capra (my worst boss, HATE him). And maybe push on through the depths. Which oddly, is one of my favorite areas. I've yet to be caught out by the frogs and I know the area pretty well.

Anyway, Going from that, Sens Fortress maybe... Or Blightown. I'm not sure, Sens it seems is easier than blightown.

I just need a guide that kind of says "this is the natural progression you should take, this is what you should and shouldn't do on face value". I don't need indepth walkthroughs, I like to explore.

Any ideas? Also, thoughts on the above weapon of choice? I will go for 40 endurance first. Then increase my vitality to maybe 30? Then after that work on STR/DEX to 40.

I've NEVER dabbled in magic in the game further than playing the pyro class previously with lesser and greater soul arrows to defeat annoying bosses such as the butterfly woman.

EDIT: Only just seen this: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/gough-s-greatbow

I need that, my surname is Gough :D

You can't do Sen's Fortress before Blightown because you need to ring both bells (the one after the defeating the Gargoyles in Undead Parish and the one after defeating Quelaag in Blightown) before the doors to the fortress will open.
You can't do Sen's Fortress before Blightown because you need to ring both bells (the one after the defeating the Gargoyles in Undead Parish and the one after defeating Quelaag in Blightown) before the doors to the fortress will open.

Ah yes, forgot that.

Well, l'm going to follow this walkthrough, not actually follow it, just use it for reference on what to do next.


I slaughtered the gargoyles in seconds using pine resin (electric one) and my +5 uchi. However, strolled along to Capra Demon, unlocked the shortcuts... Got the black thief armour, still not enough endurance to quick roll in it so sticking with the basic warrior armour for now.

Anyway, all good, cleared. Easy peasy. Walk through the door, dead... I forgot how much you get stun locked! I have NO poise for his attacks. So I'm going to try and get havels ring and the wold ring tonight. Which will take a few attempts but it should help me against his stupid stun locks. And his bloody dogs! I tried 4 times, each time I got slaughtered... I forgot how annoying he is :(

I'm trying 2H but I get tapped and I feel so much more vulnerable... I need to get confidence in 2H. But I feel it won't be useful until I can quick roll :(

Oh, and I went for a little wonder as well into the start of the valley of drakes, was down that way as I wanted to kill the knight and also get the shard from the lizard and the shield that speeds stam regen. Using the elevator shortcut at the start of Darkroot Basin/forest what ever it's call... Down by the cliffs near the bonfire. Killed the first one in front of the bridge. Figured whilst I was down there I would snipe the bone dragon up the ways as he killed me when I nabbed stuff from him right at the start of the game. So wanted to show him who is boss.

Anyway, blue dragon mid way along the ridge. No worries, I got this. Alright killed his brother. Swipe swipe swipe. Doing good! A little restricted for space... It's all good. He spins, tail knocks me off... Dead... :(
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Got the Grass shield? its stats say it only speeds up stam regen but i equip it and its like Havels ring in shield form :)

Yea, that's the one down the cliff at the entrance to Darkroot basin/garden right? You have to kill/avoid the knight to get to it. Pretty easy kill actually.

But yea, that combined with the wolf ring and havels ring should give me a very nice boost.

Also, that flip animation you see people do when rolling, what is that and how do I get it?
Dark wood grain ring, you have to join the forest covenant and then kill Shiva's bodyguard when he's at the base of Blighttown. It was an epic ring till they nerfed it, now it only works if you are at 25% equip, id rather medium roll and have poise :D
Have now finished my pc playthrough and the dlc!

The dlc was amazing, felt like playing a souls game for the first time again :) and Gwyn is a pussy compared to the dlc bosses :)

Going to try demon souls tonight :)
Dark wood grain ring, you have to join the forest covenant and then kill Shiva's bodyguard when he's at the base of Blighttown. It was an epic ring till they nerfed it, now it only works if you are at 25% equip, id rather medium roll and have poise :D

Ah really? I need 40 endurance fast.

That sucks :(

As I said, I'm going for a light armour, FAST moving ninja style character. But at the same time, want to be able to block a lot lol.
The dude in gold? I let him go lol. Never too late to kill him though?

If you've not made it to Anor Londo (or possibly rang the second bell, not too sure) yet he'll still be in Firelink Shrine where you can kill him. For an easy fight kick him of the ledge and reload the game and the ring will be on the ground where he was sitting :).
Letting him kill the witch. And then invading his world...
will make him drop his armour (as well as the ring), which is the armour I liked to use along with +15 Man-Serpant Greatsword, plus the armour has nice curse resist. There is a mod on nexus that changes its colour too, if you don't like the gold. It's a tough fight (3v1) too.
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So, I've stumbled upon an area I've never even heard of or seen before. Beat the butterfly woman. Cool, joined the forest hunter covenant and about to kill the ninja for the ring... Went exploring now I'm in a wood where there is a door with a white slither down it. In that wood, are mushroom men (they have not attacked me. At least the small ones haven't). Go around a little further (right from the special door) and there are like cats or what ever. More to the right is a valley. A bridge and then a staircase fr the bridge. I've not been over there as I don't want to die just yet. What's this area I'm in now and where does that bridge connect up to?
You are pretty close to massive drop with a ladder, if you go down it you end up in the lake with the Hydra so unless you've killed it dont go down :D Oh and the door with the light leads you to Sif the wolf.
So I completed this yesterday. Rage quit halfway through the DLC after killing the 1st two bosses though haha. Excellent game, i'll deffo replay in the future but using a guid I think to try and make my character as 'OP' as I possibly can. The ending was terrible though, I hope Dark Souls 2 is more story driven because in this the story felt like the following to me.

Get thrown in a prison cell, escape then get asked to ring two bells. Kill the boss and chose an uneventful ending.
So I completed this yesterday. Rage quit halfway through the DLC after killing the 1st two bosses though haha. Excellent game, i'll deffo replay in the future but using a guid I think to try and make my character as 'OP' as I possibly can. The ending was terrible though, I hope Dark Souls 2 is more story driven because in this the story felt like the following to me.

Get thrown in a prison cell, escape then get asked to ring two bells. Kill the boss and chose an uneventful ending.

Its more than that mate, but its hidden which in my opinion made me more involved overall. Loads of lore and story from reading item descriptions and getting all dialogue out of the npcs. On a basic level the endings dont seem like much but after getting more out of the lore and whats going on in the world, it makes a lot more sense ;)

A second playthrough helps with this for sure so you will benefit from that, the story is there
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