Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Hm might do some g-g-grinding for souls and humanity soon :(

Not looking forwards to it at all :/

Have you reached the Tomb of Giants yet? Or more specifically have you reached the part leading up to Pinwheel/Gravelord Nito? 'Cos the undead babies are awesome for Humanity farming.
Have you reached the Tomb of Giants yet? Or more specifically have you reached the part leading up to Pinwheel/Gravelord Nito? 'Cos the undead babies are awesome for Humanity farming.

Nope, but I might go there, I have a divine broadsword and skeletons hate diving weapons iirc
Nope, but I might go there, I have a divine broadsword and skeletons hate diving weapons iirc

They do indeed :D if you don't have it already, Astoria's Straight Sword is a great weapon for that area. Alternatively (and if it still works), bandit farming in the Dark Forest is brilliant for soul farming early in the game.
Ah too many spoilers here >.<

lol @ TB's apology video, i didn't get to see it, was it that bad?
Have you got the ports open?

EDIT: Also if I remember if your level is to high for the area you are in you won't see signs. Somebody told me this once, unsure if true.

It is. Sadly I can't link the diagram at the moment but there's a chart on the wiki showing the level ranges and New Game +'s that matchup with others. So if you go too high or stay too low you won't see summon signs.
It is. Sadly I can't link the diagram at the moment but there's a chart on the wiki showing the level ranges and New Game +'s that matchup with others. So if you go too high or stay too low you won't see summon signs.

****. :p

Edit: Think I found it:


I'm SL51. ****.
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My gamepad is amazing has it all and great to look at but i keep having to set it up to look like an xbox 360 controller :/
I must say having an official one is much easier, just plug in and it works, easy peasy :D

+1, I also use mine for other games sometimes. After a few beers I prefer to sit back in my seat and just play, beats arms etc on desk with keys/mouse. But only sometimes, I much prefer keys/mouse but the pad does come in handy on those lazy days. Also this pad vs keys/mouse rubbish M$ tell us about is rubbish as well. My son plays L4D2/GoW on his PC with pad only, 8 times out of ten he is in the top 2.
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