Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Just load up the res fix mod, plug a game pad in and it's great. Probably even better then the console versions due to the true 1080p res and pure grunt of the pc pushing through the blighttown slowdown.

Anyone know where I'm supposed to go now. I've got to Anor londo and one path is blocked by a yellow light saying I shall not pass and the other way is a dead end, down the cork-screw lift.

You need to make the big elevated roadway between the entry place and the Cathedral complete.

* I'm having a nightmare with THE two archers there (a known pain in the azz a bit later on). I'm having to go back down Sif's Fortress and try to find other items / options / ideas in other areas now as I can't get past them. The damn keyboard, mouse and indeed the changing of my view in this game don't help one little bit. It's turning a challenge into frustration more often than not now, now things are getting tougher.
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Loving every second of this game, it is taking over my life atm though lol.

Same here, have been playing until 5 or 6am for the last few nights, time just melts away with this game. Will have to de-cobweb the PS3 and get hold of Demon's Souls I think, if it's anywhere near as good as Dark Souls it's got to be worth playing too.
Gahh these people who are hacking their stats are really getting on my nerves now, the arena are seems to be full of them, I'm constantly getting direct hits that don't even stagger people and do very little damage, despite my weapon showing around 660 damage, then they pick me off in a few shots with ease.

Just a quick example of what I'm on about, this is taken from the leaderboard of the duels section:


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DSfix 0.8

I hope all the Optimus users enjoy this one! It required quite a bit of effort. Changes:

  • DSfix is now a Direct Input wrapper instead of a d3d9.dll wrapper. This was done to fix the Optimus issue, and it should also allow people to use other additional D3D wrappers for postprocessing effects (FXAA, SMAA, etc)
  • There is a new setting “dinput8dllWrapper” which allows you to use additional DirectInput wrappers on top of DSfix should you so desire. I don’t think many people will need this, but it’s there for those who do!
  • The way logging was handled when disabled has been improved, so you could see slightly improved performance in CPU limited situations with “logLevel 0″ (the default)
had three people invade me so far all have failed :p , last night had one guy yesterday just before last boss/s in londo when I had npc summoned and another player summoned so 3vs1 lol :D
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