Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Any Street Fighter/Fighting Game players here?

Watching Arturo Sanchez playing this game on his stream is just hilarious.

What's great is no matter how many times he dies, even by stupid things, he just laughs, shrugs it off or doesn't care. All the ragers can easily learn from that, and plus him being a Dhalsim player, I guess all that patience helps a lot.
I was like that

Then i was like


Get some nuts! :cool:
So guys, any point getting this on the PC? Are the textures better than the console version? I read somewhere it was a DIRECT port, no high res's, dodgy resolution.

If it's even remotely better than console for looks alone, then I will give the devs even more of my money :)

Regardless of me owning the limited edition on the 360 lol.

With the res fix, no slow downs and the extra DLC makes this the best version out on any platform.
I'm getting bad slowdowns, doesn't make it unplayable and being on the pad now it doesn't feel severe at all compared to when your using a keyboard. Rendering @ 1440x900 too, not 1920x1200 and its still running like ****, much worse performance than the 360 for me, but From did take a massive dump on AMD so it's to be expected, need to go Intel asap. :(
LOL how did you lose 3 flasks between sneaking up the stairs and jump attacking. I reckon worst sneak attack ever :)

Finally got the Drake sword form the Dragon, forgot all about it.
I lost the flasks from taking on the Boar and all its little undead allies, didn't think to restock before I went back up. :D

Wait no actually I don't how I lost them. I'm gonna blame smoking for this one :D

Or I maybe fell up the top step. :eek:
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I lost the flasks from taking on the Boar and all its little undead allies, didn't think to restock before I went back up. :D

Wait no actually I don't how I lost them. I'm gonna blame smoking for this one :D

lol you start the fight with 5 and end with 2
Hours ago :p I think I engaged it, got raped, ran away and then sneaked back up to have another pop and killed it. Has anyone noticed when you get the camera really close to objects, such as the player (by walking up really close to a wall and jamming the camera between the player and the wall) it gives a really weird projected look, like the textures of the character/objects are being ran through a grainy old projector?

Here are a few tips for anyone who might benefit from them:

(Warning) 1080p images inside:

Shoot the Undead Dragon for an easy kill, free 3000 souls, a free dragonscale, a free faith scaled sword, a high fire resistance shield and a strong consumable soul. Costs 100-300 wooden arrows (3 souls each) depending on Dex + bow strength.



(Warning) 1080p images inside:

These guys are near the Undead Dragon, they aye easy enough to kill, but they are surprisingly vulnerable to backstabbing and have slow turning speeds. They are found throughout the swamps and shanties of Blighttown.


I am turning this thread into a hints & tips for Dark Souls, check page one for updates, all contributions are welcome!
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Prefer it if the thread stayed as it was and a new thread for hints and tips/guides. Someone will post stuff that some of use don't want to see, ie forget spoiler tags :(

Anyway I tried to play another game tonight since this one came out, not touched anything since. I played for 5 mins, glanced at the box and went back to Dark Souls LOL
Just tried to invade somebodies world, backstabbed them twice and parried them and did absolutely no damage, he just stood there use gestures. There are some very very sad people in this world...
doing the dlc now , was about to finish the game but was told you can't go back to do it later :(

Well you can, once you finish the game you just start over in NG+. Obviously however you do miss an opportunity do something if you finish the game first.
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