After spending about 40 hours in the game learning things I started a new game with a plan this time (made melee char only), some tips I can give you are:
1. When you level up spend all points into Vit and End (I started with getting Str to 16, Dex 14, Vit 40 and then End 40 then spend points as you wish, I continue leveling Vit), try to get 16 Str and 10 Dex before you get the chance to get the Dragon Sword it'll make a large part of the game much easier (search online how to use a bow to shoot the first big dragon's tail off to get it easy mode).
2. Buy a bow and about 200 arrows from the merchant (Undead Merchant in the Undead Burg) then kill him so you can get Uchigatana and level it up slowly to +10 then make it Lighting and level it up, you are going to love this weapon once it's upgraded to lighting, it cuts through everything and has super low requirements, only 14 Str and 14 Dex, it'll last through the whole game (don't forget to level up Dex to 14 when you get a chance so you can use it).
3. Bow is your best friend, using it you can pull 1 mob at a time most of the time from packs.
3. Don't go toward Catacombs when you start the game, I have wasted few hours killing super strong skeletons as I didn't see the stairs that I was supposed to use
4. Using all above you don't have to farm anything, just play the game and you will be almost unkillable once you learn how to block/roll/hit when needed using the tips above. You get so many souls to quickly level up while playing than you ever need. I am almost at the very end of the game now and I am lvl 75 I think with no grinding done whatsoever and I find my second playthough rather easy.
5. Get Divine weapon when going to Catacombs so you can kill skeletons for good. Also Divine weapon + Uchigatana make Nito boss very easy to kill (I found getting helm that gives you light around you was the easiest way to help you in that area).
6. All bosses are not that difficult, if you struggle after few tries use youtube and you will then see how easy it is to kill bosses. If you find Ornstein and Smough boss hard summon phantom to make it rather easy.
7. I think it is very important to pick 2 weapons that you will level up per playthough, you can only get few of some mats per playthough so don't try to level up new weapons all the time, all weapons seem to be dealing very similar damage when fully upgraded so it is a matter of preference which one you pick.
I have to say that I though the game was extremely difficult when playing the first time, now after about 50-60 hours into it I find it rather easy on normal run (N+ etc are not for me).
Good luck