Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Once you get the hang of not dying to normal enemies the game gets much more enjoyable.

I think it is well worth the time investment, because it becomes one of the best actions RPG's for a very long time when you get a grip on it.

The boss battles are great.
The combat is fluid and enjoyable, without stupid combos and button mashing.
The levelling system is open and allows for great freedom.
Massive open and amazing looking world (with resolution/fps fix).
I could go on.

I was in a similar situation, where I kept dying so much, that I couldn't understand what people were on about, it seemed stupid. But after a few hours it started clicking and by the time I had rung the first bell it ranked in the top 3 RPG's ever for me.
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completed it on ng+ last night, time to make a magic character next time. Can't wait for dark souls 2 now.

For anyone struggling or about to start play, dont be afraid to spend souls upgrading a weapon, it really helps and can be far more useful than gaining an extra level or two. Pick a weapon that scales well with your main stat, and get it to +5 asap. Once i got my weapon to +14, everything was much much easier.

The secon run through was so much faster than the first one, think i had the first bell rang in under an hour, took me about 15 hours in my first playthrough lol
Not at all. You drop 2 or 3 files into the main directory and vola. There's only really one you want to use and that's the proper 1080p res fix.

NG = New game. Once you complete it you start over with tougher enemies and all your gear saved. NG+ is after that and NG++
Not at all. You drop 2 or 3 files into the main directory and vola. There's only really one you want to use and that's the proper 1080p res fix.

NG = New game. Once you complete it you start over with tougher enemies and all your gear saved. NG+ is after that and NG++

Thanks, I thought it might well mean 'new game', but was curious as I keep seeing mentioned. :)
Really?? I havent seen Dark Souls lower than £15 mark for the pc, if that the case definitely holding out.

Yeah it was from Zavvi, and was actually £9.95


I am surprised it is £5 more now!...maybe Zavvi made an error and I fluked a good deal?:p
Thanks to 'abnewton' for pointing out that it's available on Amazon for $14.99 - game code.

I think I'll go for this.

Edit : unfortunately, it says online codes are only available to American customers. Oh well. :)
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