Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

To add more assumption, is that you don't know (well you can figure it out) what class I play nor know what items I have at the time and think I don't know you can use more weapons, what I'm saying is the best tactic for now is to just block -everything- and then strike. It works every single time, without fail, I've yet to get that far to do otherwise, pay particular and special attention to the fact I've only played for a few hours over the last 3 days.

I'm not going to comment on anything else, but this shows just how little you've played the game. There are plenty of enemies who require more thought than simply blocking and hitting. Some enemies hit so hard they break your guard. Some enemies have grab attacks that can't be blocked. Some do magic/fire/electricity damage that will still hurt you irrespective of your shield being up. Even if you play a heavily armoured knight, you need more moves than simply blocking and attacking.
Although I played it on the PC numerous times I originally played on the Xbox when it first came out and its funny how, even if you've played Demons souls the impression you get coming into the game fresh is that grinding is key which perhaps shades his perception if he didn't get far.

Eventually you sort of just realise losing souls doesn't matter a whole lot but looking back I do remember as a new player it felt like banking and leveling each soul was key.

Ultimately not everyone can like every game. Luckily nearly every friend I badgered into playing the game came out the end agreeing its a true gem in this generation but inevitably at least one friend just didn't gel with it. Different stokes for different folks etc.

For anyone still on the fence at this point I assure you - stick with it because that early sense of frustration and bemusement only adds to the feeling of accomplishment once you best the game!
I can't even respond to Omaeka, a post with cleverly placed insults and reasoning which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever on this world or the next.
Apparently, asking a question about someone is putting words in their mouth? How can anyone take him seriously, honestly, how? You can't reasonably expect normal conversation to happen with someone like that.

I cam here about my view on the game and apparently I'm the first person to ever not like it(the mechanics), ahaha what absurdity is this? "First person to not dislike the game cause they can't do it then, you're the first person to actually think the gameplay mechanics are bad, nice." Is he clairvoyant? Does he ..ah screw it, I give up, honest.

I'm not going to comment on anything else, but this shows just how little you've played the game. There are plenty of enemies who require more thought than simply blocking and hitting. Some enemies hit so hard they break your guard. Some enemies have grab attacks that can't be blocked. Some do magic/fire/electricity damage that will still hurt you irrespective of your shield being up. Even if you play a heavily armoured knight, you need more moves than simply blocking and attacking.


You mean, me writing that "I've yet to get that far to do otherwise, pay particular and special attention to the fact I've only played for a few hours over the last 3 days" shows you that I've only played a little part of the game?

Sometimes I wonder if some people on the forum actually read everything people write, not only have I already said what you assumed but also mentioned I've yet to go far enough to use other abilities.
I'm not immune to doing the same, but it was so clearly, unambiguously laid out in a single paragraph!

I mean, I've been playing games for well over 20 years you think I don't realise that? My point is very well explained earlier, I'm trying to say that I've spent so long not being able to do anything else.

What friends keep saying is "Keep at it, keep exploring, level up and you'll eventually get there". What I keep saying is "The pace at which this happens isn't my cup of tea and I just don't like the game..but ok I will keep trying!."
We both understand, I don't get into some massive debate or argument about listening to the words that come out of my mouth or how wrong I am about not liking something. But it happens on forums.

How ofen do you get people who don't like games here continue to try playing purely to see if they will eventually? Not many.

But, these are the kinds of friend who've mostly, not all... shyed away from these types of dungeon crawlers and such.

Anyway to run this in fullscreen while using res fix?
Tried F8? That's what it was for me by default in dsfix.
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You're not entirely alone, Chris. As far as I'm concerned, you're entitled to your opinion. I like the game a lot, however, as someone that doesn't tend to like respawning enemies in games, I'm finding it a bit of a chore, even though I have been progressing reasonably well. So, for now at least, I'm putting it on the back burner. :)
I would just like a to make a quick comment regarding this:

I don't think I'll bother discussing when you can't even see how grindy it is :p

I'm not entirely sure where you are coming from here, you say you've only played a few hours of the game yet you say it is "very grindy". Now I'm not really sure how you can say this with any actual experience as in the first few hours of the game the only grinding anyone can do is by their own volition, there is no reason to grind to make progress or achieve anything in game beyond the top tier upgrades for weapons, the materials for which you mostly get as static item pick ups anyway.

What I can only assume is that you have a slightly odd view of what "grinding" is, maybe you consider the fact you have to fight enemies again after you die as grinding. I and probably most others do not consider this grinding, I consider it a consequence for failure, one of DSs many. Grinding is the act of repeating content for a purpose other than story progression, i.e repeating the same section multiple times for items/souls so as to enhance your character.

Now don't get me wrong you CAN grind in DS, you can grind until your blue in the face however unlike MANY other games of the same kind, in DS there is absolutely no reason to do it beyond that which the player finds for themselves.

Now please don't take this as me judging your opinion, you are entitled and welcome to it, this is just my opinion on your comments.
Unless I'm getting it wrong though it's just when you use bonfires all normal mobs respawn yes? So.. that's what I mean, in that as I'm exploring and (so far, not finding many bonfires yet) and running out of Estus flasks exploring places which I've been told are too high for me, meaning I need to go back and try another path.

There are... a LOT of paths and a lot of "can I kill these? Yes, Can I kill those... maybe with some decent dodging and manuevering? Can I *SPLAT* Nope" and I see it, that's what brings people in, there's no "This is where you can go, this is how hard something is", it's literal do it and see. That's kinda fun, to a point.

But it's a personal gripe of mine when games respawn and repopulated the entire map/level/world when it's not an mmo, within good reason as well. They're not even difficult, they're just time wasters! :P
I will reiterate that grinding doesn't necessarily mean it's for reason, for purpose, an end to a means it can simply mean repetitous but unavoidable (you say it's avoidable so maybe it is) content.

Unless I'm missing something in regards to that specific mechanic, can I buy estus flasks easily or would they cost a lot? I'm not using any cheat sheets or guides.
So far I've been using the bonfires to refill, level up and whatever else you use them for which in turn, raises everything, everywhere back from the deeeeaad.
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Unless I'm getting it wrong though it's just when you use bonfires all normal mobs respawn yes? So.. that's what I mean, in that as I'm exploring and (so far, not finding many bonfires yet) and running out of Estus flasks exploring places which I've been told are too high for me, meaning I need to go back and try another path.

There are... a LOT of paths and a lot of "can I kill these? Yes, Can I kill those... maybe with some decent dodging and manuevering? Can I *SPLAT* Nope" and I see it, that's what brings people in, there's no "This is where you can go, this is how hard something is", it's literal do it and see. That's kinda fun, to a point.

I can see your point here, in that there is very little in the way of guidance early on in the game. You do sometimes have to try certain areas out before realising you're not ready for it yet. However, the clues are there, if you're willing to find them. I'm assuming you've escaped the Undead Asylum and have reached Firelink Shrine? If so, the first chap you come across, sat by the bonfire (Crestfallen is his name) has clues for you. If you exhaust his dialogue, he'll basically tell you that you need to go up the stairs to the Undead Burg as your first port of call. Your goal there is to ring the first Bell.

But it's a personal gripe of mine when games respawn and repopulated the entire map/level/world when it's not an mmo, within good reason as well. They're not even difficult, they're just time wasters! :P
I will reiterate that grinding doesn't necessarily mean it's for reason, for purpose, an end to a means it can simply mean repetitous but unavoidable (you say it's avoidable so maybe it is) content.

Therein lies a key to the game. The choice to repopulate the world is entirely up to you. Do you choose to rest at the bonfire and reset everyone, or do you believe you can make it further into the game and perhaps reach the next bonfire? That choice really does rest with you.

However, despite the open world nature of the game, I feel the path through the game is fairly linear. What I mean by that is that when you reach a bonfire, the route to the next one won't take you through any mobs you've already beaten. That means that you can easily rest at each bonfire, and then only have to deal with any enemies who may be close by, before moving on. You then don't feel like you're fighting the same enemies time and again, as you're always pressing forward.

One thing you've also probably not done yet is open up some shortcuts, which you will do as you progress. They make moving around the world so much easier.

Unless I'm missing something in regards to that specific mechanic, can I buy estus flasks easily or would they cost a lot? I'm not using any cheat sheets or guides.
So far I've been using the bonfires to refill, level up and whatever else you use them for which in turn, raises everything, everywhere back from the deeeeaad.

You can't "buy" more Estus flasks, but if you're in Human form, you can 'Kindle' each bonfire, which will then give you 10 Estus flasks whenever you rest there, as opposed to the normal 5. Later in the game you'll get the ability to Kindle each bonfire higher, up to a total of 20 Estus Flasks. You can also upgrade your flasks, so they heal you more each time.

You say you're not using any cheat sheets or guides, but this is one game I think most people could do with a little help with. If you're struggling and don't want to use a guide, just post here where you're up to, and people can give you some specific help and tips on where to go next.
I initially also had some issues with the apparent unfairness of the respawning of enemies. This was mainly because after I got to the shrine I didn't know where to go, so went down to the nearby graveyard and came upon those skellingtons. After a couple of hours I realised this was probably not the way to go, and subsequently I also found out it was actually impossible to fully kill the things with the weapons I had so far anyway. During this time though, I thought, Christ, don't think much of this respawning lark. Of course I was used to the normal RPG mechanic of never losing your XP and/or resorting to quickloads.

However, as I'm sure everyone else who has gone on to enjoy the game, it didn't take long to get used to the idea that you need to decide on a soul threshold you are willing to carry around with you until feel the need to "bank" it at a bonfire. Also, you need to try to avoid being careless through frustration in trying to get back to your soul stash, as this is probably the one thing that will tip a borderline quitter to this game, over the edge and fully quit. If you start to feel like that, that's when the respawning enemies will really come to the fore of your mind when thinking the game is rubbish. As others have said it is a case of getting used to the idea that you can and will lose large amounts of stored souls for time to time.

I think using souls as the games currency for items, rather than collecting and selling loot, is advantageous. It means that if you find an area too hard to traverse you can always either level up and spend your remaing souls on useful items, assuming you have been able to get your stash back, and re-attempt the area with a low soul count, doing suicude runs etc, until you get used to the area.
I can't even respond to Omaeka, a post with cleverly placed insults and reasoning which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever on this world or the next.
Apparently, asking a question about someone is putting words in their mouth? How can anyone take him seriously, honestly, how? You can't reasonably expect normal conversation to happen with someone like that.

I cam here about my view on the game and apparently I'm the first person to ever not like it(the mechanics), ahaha what absurdity is this? "First person to not dislike the game cause they can't do it then, you're the first person to actually think the gameplay mechanics are bad, nice." Is he clairvoyant? Does he ..ah screw it, I give up, honest.

Cleverly placed insults? That was banter, harmless banter, pure and simple, but cheers for abusing OcUK's ridiculously PG13 moderating system and getting me an infraction. There are twice as many insults in what you just posted than everything I've posted in this thread, and you give up? Hilarious mate, I was just thinking the same, doubt I'm the first either.

Funny how somebody in the past has gone completely off topic on here and straight up wrote an entire post comprised of nothing but personal insults directed towards me, so I report them instead of defending myself (cause I'm always the one that gets done for it, never them) and nothing happens, infact a moderator replies to the topic normally right underneath them LMAO but when I joke around with somebody who has the sense of humour of a rock what do I get? Red card. Sporadic moderating at it's best. I aint the first to think that either, that's nothing against Burnsy, but the things some people get away with compared to others is downright pathetic.

People need loosening up, being so serious and uptight can't be good for their health.
I don't care about insults in that they offend me (they don't), I care that you need to use them in your argument or discussion with me instead of clever points.

Also, you really have to take a look at your presumptious nature because I've mentioned it many times in how you assume things too much. Case in point, I didn't report you but you assumed I did, mods can attest to that it was someone else. I just came in here to say that, I know I said I wouldn't respond anymore but since it's not regarding darksouls and about me, I just had to explain I didn't report you.
I rarely post in this thread, but I have a question burning on my mind.

Why would someone else feel the need to report a post?

Unless of course they are incredibly self-righteous and full of their own self-importance. Craving the need to dictate their moral standing on everyone else. I have no time for people like that. Especially if the post in question wasn't directed at them. And if it is take it on the chin like a man. Not running to teacher, or crying like a child about the nasty virtual man saying nasty virtual names.

I would love the person who did report to post an explanation why. Just so I can call them a self-righteous **** directly.

With that back to Dark Souls.
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The problem is you think grinding requires you to get something out of it, I never said that or even implied it.

I disagree about this game being a grind. Either that or you have a completely different understanding of what grinding entails.

Play Lineage 2. That is the epitome of grinding, not Dark Souls.
The game would be incredibly **** if enemies didn't respawn.


Basically the conclusion is that it's not the game's fault, it's you complaining about it upon faults of your own rather than the game? That's what we all thought. Please now leave the thread if you're not playing it again. Thank you.
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I am playing it again, I said I'm not giving up yet.
Also, I don't know what fault you're talking about. (Protip, someone not liking something is not a fault)

PS, Feel free to hit me up on trust if you really want to get into how devestatingly uninformed you are since it's such a big deal you feel the need to do it on a public forum because I'm tired of having to dredge up this nonsense here and derailing a discussion on Dark Souls to defend my very clearly written posts to two individuals who seem to have major logical fallacies.

I'd happily take a one week break from here to STOP me posting a response because by then I'd have lost interested, but it's too juicey to resist when everything can be back up by simply copy and pasting previous posts.
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