Dark Soul's: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)

Pardon? Merely saying your points seem to be caused by you not playing the game enough or well, or misunderstandings...

Edit: No need to start insulting me in a serious way, and if you're playing the game go play it, hopefully you'll get better finally.
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That's exactly what I've been arguing all along, you seem to have this idea stuck in your head that because I don't like it I must be bad, the two are mutually exclusive.

I love DCS:A10-C and I completely rock at it, but I don't like P-51, because I don't find it fun, not because I'm bad at it.
I loved UO, Anarchy Online and WoW once upon a time, I was really good at those too, now I find it a complete bore-fest, not because I'm bad but because I've grown as a gamer.

Same with this, DS seem to have taken me backwards in time, but in a bad way, that's not for you to argue or care about, just accept I don't like it and stop telling me it's my fault or that I'm bad because of it.
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The thing I was confused by was your claims that screamed "i've not got far", which you seemed to be taking out on the game and the mechanics.
*Everything from Thread*

I don't think you realise something here, I don't care about your opinions on the game, you are entitled to them. We have polar opinions and I was giving you a hard time and some banter for a laugh, your reaction is pretty standard for this forum tbh and I'm bored now. I'm glad you haven't given up yet and I look forward to hearing your full opinion when you've experienced the game properly. Such a shame I had to be redcarded (2/3 now) though, for absolutely nothing, innit.

P.S: If you find being jokingly called a fanny as offensive and consider it a 'cleverly disguised insult' or whatever, the last thing you should do is attack multiple people and go on about how they have bad logic, they are defending a game they love, the term 'glass houses' applies pretty perfeclty here. WoW is complete trash, am I in the thread telling them how lame they are for shelling out £30 per expansion that they can't even play without subscriptions, etc.?

Dark Souls has it's merits, which are all very well deserved (unlike most games these days) and I personally cannot see how you can dislike it without dislike the entire action RPG genre, it's a stellar example of what they should be like. You critsized the inventory system but never even began to say why, you claim it's all stuck in coridors yet anyone who has played the game will tell you different and also claimed it's a grind. The game is far from a grind unless you die, or like me have OCD and have to fully upgrade every piece of gear when it isn't at all neccesary. Like I said, if it's a grind tell us why you think it is, but you won't...

Because it's a grind to you because you die and have to fight through it all again...
Absolutely loving this game.

Haven't played an RPG quite this unforgiving in a very long time, and it's what's making the game for me, after initially being somewhat concerned about what's been written.

Modding it up with DSfix took a whole 5 seconds of reading after a google search, and another whole 5 seconds to put the relevant file in the relevant place.

As to what's been said about the apparent grind, i'm not sure i understand. One of the points that i've enjoyed the most is that if you die, you're going to pay for it (by having to run back, and possibly loose your humanity and souls). Like so few games these days, i've actually sat back and thought for a good minute or so about what i'm doing wrong and how to improve.

Now, back to Smough and Ornstein, the *******s.
You in a nutshell.

P.S: If you find being jokingly called a fanny as offensive

I don't care about insults in that they offend me (they don't)

There's way, way too much you write that's been clearly explained and written already and you're confused as to why you're getting infractions?

Maybe, just a thought here but maybe stop for a second and look inside and see that it could be you not paying proper attention to the facts at hand and have lashed out in a manner that doesn't look like you're joking .
You didn't even use proper forum ettiquette and use a smiley, or say you're joking or having a laugh beforehand.

My only tip is think before you speak or type in this case and put yourself in your respondees shoes, I can't tell every and all emotion through text when it's not explained.
Again, before you reply go make sure it hasn't already been covered before you make yourself look even worse when I can make simple quotes like the above to show you haven't been paying any attention and use the most easiest go to response.

I've already asked they suspend me for a week because I know I can't stop myself responding :p
I dunno, maybe they're enjoying this...maybe you'll join me.
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You in a nutshell.

There's way, way too much you write that's been clearly explained and written already and you're confused as to why you're getting infractions?

Maybe, just a thought here but maybe stop for a second and look inside and see that it could be you not paying proper attention to the facts at hand and have lashed out in a manner that doesn't look like you're joking .
You didn't even use proper forum ettiquette and use a smiley, or say you're joking or having a laugh beforehand.

My only tip is think before you speak or type in this case and put yourself in your respondees shoes, I can't tell every and all emotion through text when it's not explained.
Again, before you reply go make sure it hasn't already been covered before you make yourself look even worse when I can make simple quotes like the above to show you haven't been paying any attention and use the most easiest go to response.

I've already asked they suspend me for a week because I know I can't stop myself responding :p
I dunno, maybe they're enjoying this...maybe you'll join me.

Just give it a rest, would you? Nobody cares.


Not exactly. The retail version is unlocked using GFWL DRM with the key provided. You can then play the game.
The same key can also be used to add it to your Steam library. In addition it also requires GFWL activation. (Like Batman)

So if you 'add it to steam' your copy will require Steam AND a GFWL unlock. Since it's the same key for both services you can go ahead and send retail keys to friends to activate on Steam.
Started another run, this time wearing heavy armor (no spells at all), using zweihander as soon as possible and without using dragon sword. Even though the weapon is very slow it is fun to play using it.

I think the best way to enjoy the game once you complete the game is to do another run with specific weapon/armor in mind.
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave have given me tooth-ache from grinding my teeth. :(

I also opened a Chest at the drop-down staircase room and it said 'Take Item' and there was a shiny in it but I couldn't take anything, not sure if it was bugged or not, reloaded and the Chest was open but empty, I'm hoping it was not a needed Key, any ideas on what it was?

I also managed to get a mimic to drop their head gear which is apparently quite a rare drop and a bit weird looking, shame it's so heavy and doesn't stack with the ring.

I'm really wishing now I hadn't cheesed Havel off the cliff when I was low level as I could really do with his ring now, can't fast-flip with the weapons I want to use :(
Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave have given me tooth-ache from grinding my teeth. :(

I also opened a Chest at the drop-down staircase room and it said 'Take Item' and there was a shiny in it but I couldn't take anything, not sure if it was bugged or not, reloaded and the Chest was open but empty, I'm hoping it was not a needed Key, any ideas on what it was?

I also managed to get a mimic to drop their head gear which is apparently quite a rare drop and a bit weird looking, shame it's so heavy and doesn't stack with the ring.

I'm really wishing now I hadn't cheesed Havel off the cliff when I was low level as I could really do with his ring now, can't fast-flip with the weapons I want to use :(

Not entirely sure which chest you mean, is it in the room with the Mimic or the room next to it?

As for NPCs who fall off cliffs, quit and reload and the item they drop will be on the ground near where they fell off :).
Doofer, i think when you kill anything be pushing of the cliff you need to quit game then load again and the item should be in location where the mob was to start with.
The reload game thing doesn't work on Havel sadly, I tried it where he dropped and also went to his spawn point, looked online and found out how important the ring was and also how Havel is the only mob that the reload thing doesn't work on...

The Chest that seemed to bug out was the one in the room where the staircase drops down into, there's a single Crystal Knight in there and the Chest, when I opened the Chest I clicked the 'A' button to pick up the item but the character did the 'Out of arrows' or 'No Talisman equipped' shrug animation every time I tried to pick it up, I'm just hoping it's not the Fire Keeper Soul cage key...

EDIT The thing I couldn't pick up from the Chest was 20 Prism Stones, couldn't pick them up as I keep 99 in inventory for messing around with invasions. Never encountered the Chest/inventory full thing before.

Also, I forgot to mention before, I had a Darkwraith invasion while I was farming Titanite and we couldn't find each other for ages and somehow they turned friendly (white) and we couldn't attack each other, is that on a timer or did they enable it somehow?
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Still on my first playthrough but Havel's ring makes such a big difference. Managed to knobble him fairly early on using parry/riposte on every attack. Hilarious (and terrifying!).
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The reload game thing doesn't work on Havel sadly, I tried it where he dropped and also went to his spawn point, looked online and found out how important the ring was and also how Havel is the only mob that the reload thing doesn't work on...

Also, I forgot to mention before, I had a Darkwraith invasion while I was farming Titanite and we couldn't find each other for ages and somehow they turned friendly (white) and we couldn't attack each other, is that on a timer or did they enable it somehow?

How the hell did you even lure Havel outside? He'd un-aggro if I tried to get him out either of the doors.

I've invaded as a blue phantom before when I was supposed to invade as a red phantom and I've heard other stories about summoning an invader or invading as a white phantom. It's just a glitch apparently.
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