Video quality on my N1 is awful, it's going back.
What was awful about it out of interest?
Mine is still boxed up while I'm testing the Mini 0903. How does it compare to a raw feed from the youtube video i posted above?
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Video quality on my N1 is awful, it's going back.
My god, that N1 thing is ugly and intrusive!
Video quality on my N1 is awful, it's going back.
Could well be.. Although at 'only' 1080p you can't expect too much detail, especially as the light fades..I can't see numberplates unless I am right on top of the car, I think either the focusing is off or something has shifted inside the lens.
It just seems that the right hand side seems a lot softer than on the left, see below. The window seems fairly sharp but the signs are a blurry mess.
Straight out the box, shame as it seemed a decent cam but all the various bits on my screen make placement difficult. A cylinder shaped one will work out better for me in the centre of the screen under the cowling for the GPS antenna.
Very soft at the edges, and I'm getting a lot of reflections from the dash so something with a CPL is needed too.
Uploaded straight to Youtube from Premiere Elements, I know this isn't the best setup but I don't have quality problems with the SJCAM I have.
RAW file played on VLC isn't much better.
It's a circular polariser, you should rotate it to get the effect right for your uses!
Needs a CPL but looks good. I've ordered a 0806 with CPL from eBay, will test this weekend. Hopefully I'll get a working one.