Less buggy then A2 and SA zeds thats for sure. I mean if you have A3 you might as well give it ago. I am playing both atm, A3 even has dead nation which is pretty good as well.
The zombies in A3 Breaking Point are lethal! If you fire a weapon in a town/city you best make sure you have an escape route or lots of ammo!
Just got killed from nowhere, was in a 4 man, got ambused, killed me, took another unconscious, i respawned..
Now i see a guy full high end gear, m4 the lot, climbing down a ladder, i axe him, hes bleeding out real heavy, and BAM he disappears?
No idea why gametracker keeps losing the server.. Until I get it sorted I wouldn't use gametracker to see if the server is full or not.
Watched two guys climb up an evergreen at the NWAF earlier, and then they were climbing above it somehow in mid air then sniping into the N NWAF tents, very wierd. I shot them from about 50m away and saw the rounds hitting them like dust, no blood. Must have been hackers I guess :/
Game is super boring with an M4 as it has no range, I want to swap it for a moisin and 12x scope!
Your server has gone from my Favorites and when you guys are online it doesn't show up under the friends tab either. Only UK 2-9 shows up?
Watched two guys climb up an evergreen at the NWAF earlier, and then they were climbing above it somehow in mid air then sniping into the N NWAF tents, very wierd. I shot them from about 50m away and saw the rounds hitting them like dust, no blood. Must have been hackers I guess :/
Game is super boring with an M4 as it has no range, I want to swap it for a moisin and 12x scope!
nice to see your normal response
i don't think ive seen one positive post from you in here. same as the arma 3 guys . if you like that better go play it ! same as mod and post in the mod thread. the mods dead now . people wont accept this but it is. its only basically epoch players plying it now and once a decent building system is in SA then the only thing of the mod which they really play epoch for its over completely.
what people cant get is arma 3 mods wont be as big. blah blah rocket controls this now and will limit other stuff so standalone is the best. its simple its his idea his project.
the mod is only more adaptable at the moment because its older. that is it.
standalone is miles better mod graphically its just not got as much content yet.
if you want to talk arma 3 go arma 3 thread , dayz mod go dayz mod thread. let us playing standalone talk about the standalone.
standalone is miles better mod graphically its just not got as much content yet.
I actually did LOL with this: